API - Auth
## Contents
- [Notes](#notes)
- [Common error codes](#errcode)
- [Roles](#roles)
- [Service APIs](#service)
- [`GET /version` Get service version](#get_version)
- [Auth APIs](#auth)
- [`GET /auth/api/v1/auth/tokeninfo` Get token information](#get_auth_tokeninfo)
- [`POST /auth/api/v1/auth/logout` Log-out the user](#post_auth_logout)
- [User information APIs](#user)
- [`GET /auth/api/v1/user` Get user information](#get_user)
- [`PATCH /auth/api/v1/user` Update user information](#patch_user)
- [User administration APIs](#admin)
- [`POST /auth/api/v1/user` Create user](#post_admin_user)
- [`GET /auth/api/v1/user/count` User count](#get_admin_user_count)
- [`GET /auth/api/v1/user/list` User list](#get_admin_user_list)
- [`GET /auth/api/v1/user/{userId}` Get user information](#get_admin_user)
- [`PATCH /auth/api/v1/user/{userId}` Update user information](#patch_admin_user)
- [`DELETE /auth/api/v1/user/{userId}` Delete user](#delete_admin_user)
- [Client administration APIs](#client)
- [`POST /auth/api/v1/client` Create client](#post_client)
- [`GET /auth/api/v1/client/count` Client count](#get_client_count)
- [`GET /auth/api/v1/client/list` Client list](#get_client_list)
- [`GET /auth/api/v1/client/{clientId}` Get client information](#get_client)
- [`PATCH /auth/api/v1/client/{clientId}` Update client information](#patch_client)
- [`DELETE /auth/api/v1/client/{clientId}` Delete client](#delete_client)
- [`DELETE /auth/api/v1/client/user/{userId}` Delete user clients](#delete_client_user)
## Notes
All API requests (except `GET /version`) must have a **Authorization** header with a **Bearer** token.
- **Example**
GET /auth/api/v1/user HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost
Authorization: Bearer 766f29fa8691c81b749c0f316a7af4b7d303e45bf4000fe5829365d37caec2a4
All APIs may respond one of the following status codes:
- **200 OK**: The request is success with body.
- **204 No Content**: The request is success without body.
- **400 Bad Request**: The API request has something wrong.
- **401 Unauthorized**: The access token is invalid or expired.
- **403 Forbidden**: The user does not have the permission to operate APIs.
- **404 Not Found**: The resource (in path) does not exist.
- **500 Internal Server Error**: The server is crash or get an unknown error. You should respond to the system administrators to solve the problem.
- **503 Service Unavailable**: The server has something wrong. Please try again later.
All error responses have the following parameters in JSON format string:
- *string* `code`: The error code.
- *string* `message`: (**optional**) The error message.
- **Example**
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 70
ETag: W/"43-Npr+dy47IJFtraEIw6D8mYLw7Ws"
Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2022 07:46:09 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
{"code":"err_auth","message":"Invalid token: access token is invalid"}
## Common error codes
The following are common error codes. The API specific error codes are listed in each API response documents.
- **401** `err_auth`: Authorization code error. Please refresh a new token.
- **503** `err_db`: Database operation error. Please try again later.
- **503** `err_intmsg`: Inter-service communication error. Please try again later.
- **404** `err_not_found`: The request resource (normally in path) not found.
- **400** `err_param`: Request input format error. Please check request parameters.
- **403** `err_perm`: Permission fail. This usually means that API requests with an invalid user role.
- **503** `err_rsc`: Resource allocation error. Please try again later.
- **500** `err_unknown`: Unknown error. This usually means that the server causes bugs or unexpected errors.
## Roles
This system supports the following roles:
- `admin`: The system administrator.
- `dev`: The 3rd party developer.
- `manager`: The system manager who can manage users' information.
- `service`: The web service.
**Normal user** means users without any roles.
# Service APIs
## Get service version
Get service name and version information.
GET /version?
- *string* `q`: (**optional**) To query the specific information **in plain text**. You can use:
- `name`: To query the service name.
- `version`: To query current version.
#### Response
- **200 OK**: Version information. Parameters are:
- *object* `data`:
- *string* `name`: The service name.
- *string* `version`: Current version.
- **Example**
"data": {
"name": "sylvia-iot-auth",
"version": "1.0.0"
- **Example** when `q=name`:
- **Example** when `q=version`:
# Auth APIs
These APIs can be used by all users.
## Get token information
Get token information.
GET /auth/api/v1/auth/tokeninfo
#### Response
- **200 OK**: Token information. Parameters are:
- *object* `data`:
- *string* `userId`: User ID.
- *string* `account`: User account.
- *string* `name`: User display name.
- *object* `roles`: Roles with `{role}:true/false` format.
- *string* `clientId`: Associated client ID.
- *string[]* `scopes`: Allowed scopes.
- **400, 401, 500, 503**: See [Notes](#notes).
## Log-out the user
Log-out all the user's sessions with the access token.
POST /auth/api/v1/auth/logout
#### Response
- **204, 400, 401, 500, 503**: See [Notes](#notes).
# User information APIs
These APIs can be used by all users.
## Get user information
Get user self information.
GET /auth/api/v1/user
#### Response
- **200 OK**: User information. Parameters are:
- *object* `data`:
- *string* `account`: User account.
- *string* `createdAt`: Creation time in RFC 3339 format.
- *string* `modifiedAt`: Creation time in RFC 3339 format.
- *string | null* `verifiedAt`: Verification time in RFC 3339 format.
- *object* `roles`: (**present for special roles**) Roles.
- *string* `name`: Display name.
- *object* `info`: Other information.
- **Example**
"data": {
"account": "michael-johnson@example.com",
"createdAt": "2022-01-01T02:23:47.053Z",
"modifiedAt": "2022-01-02T05:17:27.129Z",
"validated": "2022-01-01T02:26:52.210Z",
"name": "Michael",
"info": {
"firstName": "Michael",
"lastName": "Johnson",
"phoneNumber": "0987654321"
- **400, 401, 500, 503**: See [Notes](#notes).
## Update user information
Update user self information.
PATCH /auth/api/v1/user
#### Additional HTTP Headers
Content-Type: application/json
#### Parameters
- *object* `data`:
- *string* `password`: (**optional**) User password.
- *string* `name`: (**optional**) The display name.
- *object* `info`: (**optional**) Other information.
- **Note**: You must give at least one parameter.
- **Example**
"data": {
"name": "Michael",
"info": {
"firstName": "Michael",
"lastName": "Johnson",
"address": "123, abc road, def city",
"phoneNumber": "123456"
#### Response
- **204 No Content**
- **400, 401, 500, 503**: See [Notes](#notes).
# User administration APIs
These APIs can be used by system administrators only, for managers except:
- `GET /auth/api/v1/user/count`
- `GET /auth/api/v1/user/list`
- `GET /auth/api/v1/user/{userId}`
- `PATCH /auth/api/v1/user/{userId}`: (limited)
## Create user
Create a user.
POST /auth/api/v1/user
#### Additional HTTP Headers
Content-Type: application/json
#### Parameters
- *object* `data`:
- *string* `account`: User account. Must be **email address** format or the pattern `[A-Za-z0-9]{1}[A-Za-z0-9-_]*`. The account will be transformed to lowercase.
- *string* `password`: Password.
- *string* `name`: (**optional**) Display name.
- *object* `info`: (**optional**) Other information.
- *string* `expiredAt`: (**optional**) Set the expiration time in RFC 3339 format. Without this value means this user is never expired and is verified immediately.
- **Example**
"data": {
"account": "michael-johnson@example.com",
"password": "p@ssw0rD",
"name": "Michael",
"info": {
"firstName": "Michael",
"lastName": "Johnson",
"phoneNumber": "0987654321"
"expiredAt": "2022-01-02T02:23:47.053Z"
#### Response
- **200 OK**: The user ID. Parameters are:
- *object* `data`:
- *string* `userId`: The ID of the created user.
- **Example**
"data": {
"userId": "1641003827053-c2e84RJO"
- **400 Bad Request**: the special error codes are:
- `err_auth_user_exist`: The account has been used.
- **401, 403, 500, 503**: See [Notes](#notes).
## User count
Get user list count.
GET /auth/api/v1/user/count?
- *string* `account`: (**optional**) To search the specified account. This is case insensitive and excludes **contains**.
- *string* `contains`: (**optional**) To search accounts which contain the specified word. This is case insensitive.
#### Response
- **200 OK**: User list count. Parameters are:
- *object* `data`:
- *number* `count`: User list count.
- **Example**
"data": {
"count": 2
- **400, 401, 403, 500, 503**: See [Notes](#notes).
## User list
Get user list.
GET /auth/api/v1/user/list?
- *string* `account`: (**optional**) To search the specified account. This is case insensitive and excludes **contains**.
- *string* `contains`: (**optional**) To search accounts which contain the specified word. This is case insensitive.
- *string* `fields`: (**optional**) To display more data fields with comma separated format. **expired**, **disabled** can be used. For example, `fields=expired,disabled`.
- *number* `offset`: (**optional**) Data offset. Default is **0**.
- *number* `limit`: (**optional**) Number of items to list. **0** to list all data. Default is **100**.
- *string* `sort`: (**optional**) To sort the result. Format is `key:[asc|desc]`. The key can be **account**, **created**, **modified**, **verified**, **name**. Default is **account:asc**.
- *string* `format`: (**optional**) Response body format. Default is array in the **data** field.
- **array**: The response body is JSON array, not an object.
#### Response
- **200 OK**: An array that contains all users' information. Parameters are:
- *object[]* `data`:
- *string* `userId`: User ID.
- *string* `account`: User account.
- *string* `createdAt`: Creation time in RFC 3339 format.
- *string* `modifiedAt`: Modification time in RFC 3339 format.
- *string | null* `verifiedAt`: Verification time in RFC 3339 format.
- *string | null* `expiredAt`: (**optional**) Expiration time in RFC 3339 format.
- *string | null* `disabledAt`: (**optional**) Disabled time in RFC 3339 format.
- *object* `roles`: Roles.
- *string* `name`: Display name.
- *object* `info`: Other information.
- **Example**
"data": [
"userId": "1640921188987-x51FTVPD",
"account": "admin@example.com",
"createdAt": "2021-12-31T03:26:28.987Z",
"modifiedAt": "2021-12-31T03:26:28.987Z",
"verifiedAt": "2021-12-31T03:26:28.987Z",
"expiredAt": null,
"disabledAt": null,
"roles": {
"admin": true
"name": "System administrator",
"info": {
"phoneNumber": "1234567890"
"userId": "1641003827053-c2e84RJO",
"account": "michael-johnson@example.com",
"created": "2022-01-01T02:23:47.053Z",
"modifiedAt": "2022-01-02T05:17:27.129Z",
"validated": "2022-01-01T02:26:52.210Z",
"expiredAt": null,
"disabledAt": null,
"roles": {},
"name": "Michael",
"info": {
"firstName": "Michael",
"lastName": "Johnson",
"phoneNumber": "0987654321"
- **Example (format=`array`)**
"userId": "1640921188987-x51FTVPD",
"account": "admin@example.com",
"createdAt": "2021-12-31T03:26:28.987Z",
"modifiedAt": "2021-12-31T03:26:28.987Z",
"verifiedAt": "2021-12-31T03:26:28.987Z",
"expiredAt": null,
"disabledAt": null,
"roles": {
"admin": true
"name": "System administrator",
"info": {
"phoneNumber": "1234567890"
- **400, 401, 403, 500, 503**: See [Notes](#notes).
## Get user information
Get the specified user information.
GET /auth/api/v1/user/{userId}
- *string* `userId`: The specified user ID to get user information.
#### Response
- **200 OK**:
- *object* `data`: An object that contains the user information. See [User administration APIs - User list](#get_admin_user_list).
- **400, 401, 403, 500, 503**: See [Notes](#notes).
- **404 Not Found**: The specified user does not exist.
## Update user information
Update the specified user information.
PATCH /auth/api/v1/user/{userId}
- *string* `userId`: The specified user ID to update user information.
#### Additional HTTP Headers
Content-Type: application/json
#### Parameters
- *object* `data`: (**optional**)
- *string* `verifiedAt`: (**optional for admin**) The validation date time in RFC 3339 format. The **expiredAt** field will be set to **null**.
- *object* `roles`: (**optional**) Roles. The content must be booleans. Only administrators can set to roles **admin** and **service**.
- *string* `password`: (**optional for admin**) User password.
- *string* `name`: (**optional for admin**) The display name.
- *object* `info`: (**optional for admin**) Other information. You must provide full of fields, or all fields will be replaced with the new value.
- *bool* `disable`: (**optional**) **true** to disable the user and **false** to enable the user. The permissions are:
- **admin**: (all)
- **manager**: service, user
- **Note**: You must give at least one parameter.
- **Example**
"data": {
"roles": {
"developer": true
"info": {
"firstName": "Michael",
"lastName": "Johnson",
"address": "123, abc road, def city",
"phoneNumber": "123456"
"disable": false
#### Response
- **204 No Content**
- **400, 401, 403, 500, 503**: See [Notes](#notes).
- **404 Not Found**: The specified user does not exist.
## Delete user
Delete a user. One cannot delete himself/herself.
DELETE /auth/api/v1/user/{userId}
- *string* `userId`: The specified user ID to delete.
#### Response
- **204 No Content**
- **401, 403, 500, 503**: See [Notes](#notes).
# Client administration APIs
These APIs can be used by system administrators and developers only, except:
- `DELETE /auth/api/v1/client/user/{userId}`: for administrators.
## Create client
Create a client.
POST /auth/api/v1/client
#### Additional HTTP Headers
Content-Type: application/json
#### Parameters
- *object* `data`:
- *string[]* `redirectUris`: Allowed redirect URIs.
- *string[]* `scopes`: Allowed scopes in `[a-z0-9]+([\.]{1}[a-z0-9])*` format.
- *string* `userId`: (**optional for administrators**) Assign to the specified user.
- *string* `name`: Client name.
- *string* `image`: (**optional**) The URI of the client icon.
- *boolean* `credentials`: (**optional**) Create the client with secret. Default is **false**.
#### Response
- **200 OK**: The client ID. Parameters are:
- *object* `data`:
- *string* `clientId`: The ID of the created client.
- **Example**
"data": {
"clientId": "1641040728318-zyAnDK9I"
- **400 Bad Request**: the special error codes are:
- `err_auth_user_not_exist`: The user ID does not exist.
- **401, 403, 500, 503**: See [Notes](#notes).
## Client count
Get client list count.
GET /auth/api/v1/client/count?
- *string* `user`: (**optional for administrators**) The specified user ID.
#### Response
- **200 OK**: Client list count. Parameters are:
- *object* `data`:
- *number* `count`: Client list count.
- **Example**
"data": {
"count": 2
- **400, 401, 403, 500, 503**: See [Notes](#notes).
## Client list
Get client list.
GET /auth/api/v1/client/list?
- *string* `user`: (**optional for administrators**) The specified user ID.
- *number* `offset`: (**optional**) Data offset. Default is **0**.
- *number* `limit`: (**optional**) Number of items to list. **0** to list all data. Default is **100**.
- *string* `sort`: (**optional**) To sort the result. Format is `key:[asc|desc]`. The key can be **created**, **modified**, **name**. Default is **name:asc**.
- *string* `format`: (**optional**) Response body format. Default is array in the **data** field.
- **array**: The response body is JSON array, not an object.
- **Note**: Administrators can get all clients and developers can only get their own clients.
#### Response
- **200 OK**: An empty array or an array that contains all clients' information. Parameters are:
- *object* `data`:
- *string* `clientId`: Client ID.
- *string* `createdAt`: Creation time in RFC 3339 format.
- *string* `modifiedAt`: Modification time in RFC 3339 format.
- *string | null* `clientSecret`: Client secret. **null** means that this is a public client.
- *string[]* `redirectUris`: Allowed redirect URIs.
- *string[]* `scopes`: Allowed scopes.
- *string* `userId`: (**optional for administrators**) User ID that is associated with the client.
- *string* `name`: Client name.
- *string | null* `image`: The URI of the client icon.
- **Example**
"data": [
"clientId": "1641040728318-zyAnDK9I",
"createdAt": "2022-01-01T12:38:48.318Z",
"modifiedAt": "2022-01-01T12:38:48.318Z",
"clientSecret": "G3LCtKsJvB3nrkA4CnIH3IUVF+BKMHXHTXbzgNF6REU",
"redirectUris": [ "https://localhost/oauth2/desktop" ],
"scopes": [ "user.rw", "client.rw" ],
"name": "OAuth2 App",
"image": "https://localhost/oauth2/app.png"
"clientId": "1641042262366-1HTBqdPg",
"createdAt": "2022-01-01T13:04:22.366Z",
"modifiedAt": "2022-01-02T07:52:38.129Z",
"redirectUris": [ "https://exmaple.com/oauth2/redirect/uri" ],
"scopes": [ "user.rw", "client.rw" ],
"name": "OAuth2 Web",
"image": "https://example.com/oauth2/web.png"
- **Example (format=`array`)**
"clientId": "1641040728318-zyAnDK9I",
"createdAt": "2022-01-01T12:38:48.318Z",
"modifiedAt": "2022-01-01T12:38:48.318Z",
"clientSecret": "G3LCtKsJvB3nrkA4CnIH3IUVF+BKMHXHTXbzgNF6REU",
"redirectUris": [ "https://localhost/oauth2/desktop" ],
"scopes": [ "user.rw", "client.rw" ],
"name": "OAuth2 App",
"image": "https://localhost/oauth2/app.png"
- **400, 401, 403, 500, 503**: See [Notes](#notes).
## Get client information
Get the specified client information.
GET /auth/api/v1/client/{clientId}
- *string* `clientId`: The specified client ID to get client information.
#### Response
- **200 OK**:
- *object* `data`: An object that contains the client information. See [Client administration APIs - Client list](#get_client_list).
- **400, 401, 403, 500, 503**: See [Notes](#notes).
- **404 Not Found**: The specified client does not exist.
## Update client information
Update the specified client information.
PATCH /auth/api/v1/client/{clientId}
- *string* `clientId`: The specified client ID to update client information.
#### Additional HTTP Headers
Content-Type: application/json
#### Parameters
- *object* `data`: (**optional**)
- *string[]* `redirectUris`: (**optional**) Allowed redirect URIs.
- *string[]* `scopes`: (**optional**) Allowed scopes in `[a-z0-9]+([\.]{1}[a-z0-9])*` format.
- *string* `name`: (**optional**) Client name.
- *string | null* `image`: (**optional**) The URI of the client icon.
- *boolean* `regenSecret`: (**optional**) Re-generate secret of the private client. Default is **false**.
- **Note**: You must give at least one parameter.
- **Example**
"data": {
"name": "New client name"
#### Response
- **204 No Content**
- **400, 401, 403, 500, 503**: See [Notes](#notes).
- **404 Not Found**: The specified client does not exist.
## Delete client
Delete a client. One client cannot delete itself.
DELETE /auth/api/v1/client/{clientId}
- *string* `clientId`: The specified client ID to delete.
#### Response
- **204 No Content**
- **400, 401, 403, 500, 503**: See [Notes](#notes).
## Delete user clients
Delete all clients of the specified user.
DELETE /auth/api/v1/client/user/{userId}
- *string* `userId`: The specified user ID.
#### Response
- **204 No Content**
- **400, 401, 403, 500, 503**: See [Notes](#notes).