use std::{collections::HashMap, net::SocketAddr, time::Duration}; use axum::{ http::{header, HeaderValue, Method, StatusCode}, Router, }; use axum_test::{TestRequest, TestServer}; use chrono::{DateTime, TimeZone, Utc}; use laboratory::expect; use serde::Deserialize; use serde_json::{Map, Value}; use tokio::{net::TcpListener, runtime::Runtime, time}; use sylvia_iot_auth::{ libs::config as sylvia_iot_auth_config, models::{ self as sylvia_iot_auth_models, access_token::AccessToken, client::Client, user::User, Model, }, routes as sylvia_iot_auth_routes, }; use sylvia_iot_broker::{ libs::config as sylvia_iot_broker_config, models::{ self as sylvia_iot_broker_models, application::Application, device::Device, device_route::DeviceRoute, dldata_buffer::DlDataBuffer, network::Network, network_route::NetworkRoute, unit::Unit, }, routes as sylvia_iot_broker_routes, }; use sylvia_iot_corelib::{ constants::{DbEngine, MqEngine}, role::Role, server_config::Config as ServerConfig, strings, }; use sylvia_iot_coremgr::{ libs::{ config::{self, Config, Rumqttd as RumqttdOpts}, mq::{emqx::ManagementOpts as EmqxOpts, rabbitmq::ManagementOpts as RabbitMqOpts, rumqttd}, }, routes, }; use crate::{libs::mq::emqx, TestState, WAIT_COUNT, WAIT_TICK}; #[derive(Deserialize)] pub struct ApiError { pub code: String, } #[derive(Deserialize)] struct GetCountRes { data: CountData, } #[derive(Deserialize)] struct CountData { count: usize, } #[derive(Deserialize)] struct GetListRes { data: Vec, } #[derive(Deserialize)] struct Data {} pub const TOKEN_MANAGER: &'static str = "TOKEN_MANAGER"; pub const TOKEN_OWNER: &'static str = "TOKEN_OWNER"; pub const TOKEN_MEMBER: &'static str = "TOKEN_MEMBER"; pub fn create_user(name: &str, time: DateTime, roles: HashMap) -> User { User { user_id: name.to_string(), account: name.to_string(), created_at: time, modified_at: time, verified_at: Some(time), expired_at: None, disabled_at: None, roles, password: strings::password_hash(name, name), salt: name.to_string(), name: name.to_string(), info: Map::::new(), } } pub fn create_client(name: &str, user_id: &str, secret: Option) -> Client { let now = Utc::now(); Client { client_id: name.to_string(), created_at: now, modified_at: now, client_secret: secret, redirect_uris: vec![crate::TEST_REDIRECT_URI.to_string()], scopes: vec![], user_id: user_id.to_string(), name: name.to_string(), image_url: None, } } pub fn create_token(token: &str, user_id: &str, client_id: &str) -> AccessToken { let expires_at = Utc.timestamp_nanos((Utc::now().timestamp() + 3600) * 1_000_000_000); AccessToken { access_token: token.to_string(), refresh_token: None, expires_at, scope: None, client_id: client_id.to_string(), redirect_uri: "http://localhost".to_string(), user_id: user_id.to_string(), } } pub fn create_unit(name: &str, owner_id: &str) -> Unit { let now = Utc::now(); Unit { unit_id: name.to_string(), code: name.to_string(), created_at: now, modified_at: now, owner_id: owner_id.to_string(), member_ids: vec![owner_id.to_string()], name: name.to_string(), info: Map::::new(), } } pub fn create_application(name: &str, host: &str, unit_id: &str) -> Application { let now = Utc::now(); Application { application_id: name.to_string(), code: name.to_string(), unit_id: unit_id.to_string(), unit_code: unit_id.to_string(), created_at: now, modified_at: now, host_uri: host.to_string(), name: name.to_string(), info: Map::::new(), } } /// Empty unit_id means public network. pub fn create_network(name: &str, host: &str, unit_id: &str) -> Network { let now = Utc::now(); Network { network_id: name.to_string(), code: name.to_string(), unit_id: match unit_id.len() { 0 => None, _ => Some(unit_id.to_string()), }, unit_code: match unit_id.len() { 0 => None, _ => Some(unit_id.to_string()), }, created_at: now, modified_at: now, host_uri: host.to_string(), name: name.to_string(), info: Map::::new(), } } pub fn create_device(unit: &str, network: &str, addr: &str, is_public: bool) -> Device { let now = Utc::now(); Device { device_id: addr.to_string(), unit_id: unit.to_string(), unit_code: match is_public { false => None, true => Some(unit.to_string()), }, network_id: network.to_string(), network_code: network.to_string(), network_addr: addr.to_string(), created_at: now, modified_at: now, profile: "".to_string(), name: addr.to_string(), info: Map::::new(), } } pub fn create_device_route( id: &str, unit: &str, application: &str, network: &str, addr: &str, ) -> DeviceRoute { let now = Utc::now(); DeviceRoute { route_id: id.to_string(), unit_id: unit.to_string(), unit_code: unit.to_string(), application_id: application.to_string(), application_code: application.to_string(), network_id: network.to_string(), network_code: network.to_string(), device_id: addr.to_string(), network_addr: addr.to_string(), profile: "".to_string(), created_at: now, modified_at: now, } } pub fn create_network_route( id: &str, unit: &str, application: &str, network: &str, ) -> NetworkRoute { let now = Utc::now(); NetworkRoute { route_id: id.to_string(), unit_id: unit.to_string(), unit_code: unit.to_string(), application_id: application.to_string(), application_code: application.to_string(), network_id: network.to_string(), network_code: network.to_string(), created_at: now, } } pub fn create_dldata_buffer( id: &str, unit: &str, application: &str, network: &str, addr: &str, ) -> DlDataBuffer { let now = Utc::now(); let ts_nanos = match now.timestamp_nanos_opt() { None => i64::MAX, Some(ts) => ts, }; DlDataBuffer { data_id: id.to_string(), unit_id: unit.to_string(), unit_code: unit.to_string(), application_id: application.to_string(), application_code: application.to_string(), network_id: network.to_string(), network_addr: addr.to_string(), device_id: addr.to_string(), created_at: now, expired_at: Utc.timestamp_nanos(ts_nanos + 3_600_000_000_000), } } pub fn create_users_tokens(state: &TestState) -> () { let runtime = state.runtime.as_ref().unwrap(); let auth_db = state.auth_db.as_ref().unwrap(); let now = Utc::now(); let mut roles = HashMap::::new(); roles.insert(Role::ADMIN.to_string(), true); // for client APIs roles.insert(Role::MANAGER.to_string(), true); let user = create_user("manager", now, roles); if let Err(e) = runtime.block_on(async { auth_db.user().add(&user).await }) { panic!("create manager error: {}", e); } let user = create_user("owner", now, HashMap::::new()); if let Err(e) = runtime.block_on(async { auth_db.user().add(&user).await }) { panic!("create owner error: {}", e); } let user = create_user("member", now, HashMap::::new()); if let Err(e) = runtime.block_on(async { auth_db.user().add(&user).await }) { panic!("create member error: {}", e); } let client = create_client("client", "manager", None); if let Err(e) = runtime.block_on(async { auth_db.client().add(&client).await }) { panic!("create client error: {}", e); } let token = create_token(TOKEN_MANAGER, "manager", "client"); if let Err(e) = runtime.block_on(async { auth_db.access_token().add(&token).await }) { panic!("create manager token error: {}", e); } let token = create_token(TOKEN_OWNER, "owner", "client"); if let Err(e) = runtime.block_on(async { auth_db.access_token().add(&token).await }) { panic!("create owner token error: {}", e); } let token = create_token(TOKEN_MEMBER, "member", "client"); if let Err(e) = runtime.block_on(async { auth_db.access_token().add(&token).await }) { panic!("create member token error: {}", e); } } pub fn new_state( mqtt_engine: Option<&'static str>, data_channel_host: Option<&'static str>, ) -> TestState { let runtime = match Runtime::new() { Err(e) => panic!("create runtime error: {}", e), Ok(runtime) => runtime, }; if mqtt_engine.is_none() { return TestState { runtime: Some(runtime), ..Default::default() }; } let (api_key, api_secret) = match runtime.block_on(async { let _ = emqx::after_del_api_key().await; emqx::before_add_api_key().await }) { Err(e) => panic!("create API key error: {}", e), Ok(result) => (result.0, result.1), }; let conf = Config { auth: Some(config::DEF_AUTH.to_string()), broker: Some(crate::TEST_BROKER_BASE.to_string()), mq: Some(config::Mq { engine: Some(config::Engine { amqp: Some(MqEngine::RABBITMQ.to_string()), mqtt: Some(mqtt_engine.unwrap().to_string()), }), rabbitmq: Some(config::RabbitMq { username: Some(crate::TEST_RABBITMQ_USER.to_string()), password: Some(crate::TEST_RABBITMQ_PASS.to_string()), ..Default::default() }), emqx: Some(config::Emqx { api_key: Some(api_key.clone()), api_secret: Some(api_secret.clone()), ..Default::default() }), rumqttd: Some(config::Rumqttd { mqtt_port: Some(crate::TEST_RUMQTTD_MQTT_PORT), mqtts_port: Some(crate::TEST_RUMQTTD_MQTTS_PORT), console_port: Some(crate::TEST_RUMQTTD_CONSOLE_PORT), }), }), mq_channels: match data_channel_host { None => None, Some(host) => Some(config::MqChannels { data: Some(config::CoremgrData { url: Some(host.to_string()), ..Default::default() }), ..Default::default() }), }, }; let state = match runtime.block_on(async { routes::new_state("/coremgr", &conf).await }) { Err(e) => panic!("create route state error: {}", e), Ok(state) => state, }; let auth_state = match runtime.block_on(async { let mut path = std::env::temp_dir(); path.push(sylvia_iot_auth_config::DEF_SQLITE_PATH); let conf = sylvia_iot_auth_config::Config { db: Some(sylvia_iot_auth_config::Db { engine: Some(DbEngine::SQLITE.to_string()), sqlite: Some(sylvia_iot_auth_config::Sqlite { path: Some(path.to_str().unwrap().to_string()), }), ..Default::default() }), ..Default::default() }; sylvia_iot_auth_routes::new_state("/auth", &conf).await }) { Err(e) => panic!("create auth state error: {}", e), Ok(state) => state, }; let broker_state = match runtime.block_on(async { let mut path = std::env::temp_dir(); path.push(sylvia_iot_broker_config::DEF_SQLITE_PATH); let conf = sylvia_iot_broker_config::Config { db: Some(sylvia_iot_broker_config::Db { engine: Some(DbEngine::SQLITE.to_string()), sqlite: Some(sylvia_iot_broker_config::Sqlite { path: Some(path.to_str().unwrap().to_string()), }), ..Default::default() }), ..Default::default() }; sylvia_iot_broker_routes::new_state("/broker", &conf).await }) { Err(e) => panic!("create broker state error: {}", e), Ok(state) => state, }; let auth_broker_svc = runtime.spawn(async move { let app = Router::new() .merge(sylvia_iot_auth_routes::new_service(&auth_state)) .merge(sylvia_iot_broker_routes::new_service(&broker_state)); let listener = match TcpListener::bind("").await { Err(e) => panic!("bind auth/broker server error: {}", e), Ok(listener) => listener, }; axum::serve( listener, app.into_make_service_with_connect_info::(), ) .await .unwrap() }); if let Err(e) = runtime.block_on(async { for _ in 0..WAIT_COUNT { if reqwest::get("http://localhost:1080").await.is_ok() { return Ok(()); } time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(WAIT_TICK)).await; } Err("timeout") }) { panic!("create auth/broker server error: {}", e); } let auth_uri = Some(format!("{}/api/v1/auth/tokeninfo", config::DEF_AUTH)); let auth_db = match runtime.block_on(async { let mut path = std::env::temp_dir(); path.push(sylvia_iot_auth_config::DEF_SQLITE_PATH); sylvia_iot_auth_models::SqliteModel::new(&sylvia_iot_auth_models::SqliteOptions { path: path.to_str().unwrap().to_string(), }) .await }) { Err(e) => panic!("create auth DB model error: {}", e), Ok(model) => Some(model), }; let broker_db = match runtime.block_on(async { let mut path = std::env::temp_dir(); path.push(sylvia_iot_broker_config::DEF_SQLITE_PATH); sylvia_iot_broker_models::SqliteModel::new(&sylvia_iot_broker_models::SqliteOptions { path: path.to_str().unwrap().to_string(), }) .await }) { Err(e) => panic!("create broker DB model error: {}", e), Ok(model) => Some(model), }; let rabbitmq_opts = RabbitMqOpts { username: crate::TEST_RABBITMQ_USER.to_string(), password: crate::TEST_RABBITMQ_PASS.to_string(), ttl: None, length: None, }; let emqx_opts = EmqxOpts { api_key, api_secret, }; let rumqttd_opts = RumqttdOpts { mqtt_port: Some(crate::TEST_RUMQTTD_MQTT_PORT), mqtts_port: Some(crate::TEST_RUMQTTD_MQTTS_PORT), console_port: Some(crate::TEST_RUMQTTD_CONSOLE_PORT), }; let rumqttd_handles = match mqtt_engine { Some(MqEngine::RUMQTTD) => Some(rumqttd::start_rumqttd( &ServerConfig::default(), &rumqttd_opts, )), _ => None, }; TestState { runtime: Some(runtime), auth_db, broker_db, auth_broker_svc: Some(auth_broker_svc), auth_uri, routes_state: Some(state), client: Some(reqwest::Client::new()), mq_opts: Some((rabbitmq_opts, emqx_opts, rumqttd_opts)), rumqttd_handles, ..Default::default() } } /// A utility function for [`test_invalid_param`]. pub fn new_test_server(state: &routes::State) -> Result { let app = Router::new().merge(routes::new_service(&state)); match TestServer::new(app) { Err(e) => Err(format!("new server error: {}", e)), Ok(server) => Ok(server), } } pub fn test_invalid_token( runtime: &Runtime, state: &routes::State, method: Method, uri: &str, ) -> Result<(), String> { let server = new_test_server(state)?; let req = server.method(method, uri).add_header( header::AUTHORIZATION, HeaderValue::from_str("Bearer token").unwrap(), ); let resp = runtime.block_on(async { req.await }); expect(resp.status_code()).to_equal(StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED) } pub fn test_invalid_param( runtime: &Runtime, req: TestRequest, expect_code: &str, ) -> Result<(), String> { let resp = runtime.block_on(async { req.await }); match expect_code { "err_not_found" => expect(resp.status_code()).to_equal(StatusCode::NOT_FOUND)?, _ => expect(resp.status_code()).to_equal(StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST)?, } match serde_json::from_str::(resp.text().as_str()) { Err(e) => Err(format!("response error format error: {}", e)), Ok(err) => match err.code.as_str() == expect_code { false => Err(format!( "error code {} not equal to {}", err.code, expect_code )), true => Ok(()), }, } } pub fn test_count( runtime: &Runtime, state: &routes::State, uri: &str, query: &[(&str, &str)], token: &str, count: usize, ) -> Result<(), String> { let server = new_test_server(state)?; let req = server .method(Method::GET, uri) .add_query_params(query) .add_header( header::AUTHORIZATION, HeaderValue::from_str(format!("Bearer {}", token).as_str()).unwrap(), ); let resp = runtime.block_on(async { req.await }); expect(resp.status_code()).to_equal(StatusCode::OK)?; let body = resp.text(); match uri.contains("/list") { false => match serde_json::from_str::(body.as_str()) { Err(e) => Err(format!("count format error: {}", e)), Ok(res) => expect(count).equals(, }, true => match serde_json::from_str::(body.as_str()) { Err(e) => Err(format!("list format error: {}", e)), Ok(res) => expect(count).equals(, }, } } pub fn test_list( runtime: &Runtime, state: &routes::State, uri: &str, token: &str, fields: &str, ) -> Result<(), String> { let server = new_test_server(state)?; let req = server.get(uri).add_header( header::AUTHORIZATION, HeaderValue::from_str(format!("Bearer {}", token).as_str()).unwrap(), ); let resp = runtime.block_on(async { req.await }); expect(resp.status_code()).to_equal(StatusCode::OK)?; let list = match serde_json::from_str::(resp.text().as_str()) { Err(e) => return Err(format!("list format error: {}", e)), Ok(list) =>, }; expect(list.len() == 100).to_equal(true)?; let req = server.get(uri).add_query_param("limit", 0).add_header( header::AUTHORIZATION, HeaderValue::from_str(format!("Bearer {}", token).as_str()).unwrap(), ); let resp = runtime.block_on(async { req.await }); expect(resp.status_code()).to_equal(StatusCode::OK)?; let list = match serde_json::from_str::(resp.text().as_str()) { Err(e) => return Err(format!("list format error: {}", e)), Ok(list) =>, }; expect(list.len() > 100).to_equal(true)?; let req = server .get(uri) .add_query_param("limit", 0) .add_query_param("format", "array") .add_header( header::AUTHORIZATION, HeaderValue::from_str(format!("Bearer {}", token).as_str()).unwrap(), ); let resp = runtime.block_on(async { req.await }); expect(resp.status_code()).to_equal(StatusCode::OK)?; let list = match serde_json::from_str::>(resp.text().as_str()) { Err(e) => return Err(format!("list format error: {}", e)), Ok(list) => list, }; expect(list.len() > 100).to_equal(true)?; let req = server .get(uri) .add_query_param("limit", 0) .add_query_param("format", "csv") .add_header( header::AUTHORIZATION, HeaderValue::from_str(format!("Bearer {}", token).as_str()).unwrap(), ); let resp = runtime.block_on(async { req.await }); expect(resp.status_code()).to_equal(StatusCode::OK)?; let mut count = 0; for line in resp.text().lines() { if count == 0 { let mut fields_line: Vec = vec![0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF]; fields_line.extend_from_slice(fields.as_bytes()); expect(fields_line.as_slice()).equals(line.as_bytes())?; } count += 1; } expect(list.len() + 1).to_equal(count)?; let req = server .get(uri) .add_query_param("format", "test") .add_header( header::AUTHORIZATION, HeaderValue::from_str(format!("Bearer {}", token).as_str()).unwrap(), ); let resp = runtime.block_on(async { req.await }); expect(resp.status_code()).to_equal(StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST)?; match serde_json::from_str::(resp.text().as_str()) { Err(e) => Err(format!("response error format error: {}", e)), Ok(err) => match err.code.as_str() == "err_param" { false => Err(format!("error code {} not equal to err_param", err.code)), true => Ok(()), }, } }