syntax = "proto3"; package synapse.msgs; import "header.proto"; // see message BatteryState { enum PowerSupplyStatus { UNKNOWN_STATUS=0; CHARGING=1; DISCHARGING=2; NOT_CHARGING=3; FULL=4; } enum PowerSupplyHealth { UNKNOWN_HEALTH=0; GOOD=1; OVERHEAT=2; DEAD=3; OVERVOLTAGE=4; UNSPEC_FAILURE=5; COLD=6; WATCHDOG_TIMER_EXPIRE=7; SAFETY_TIMER_EXPIRE=8; } enum PowerSupplyTechnology { UNKNOWN_TECHNOLOGY=0; NIMH=1; LION=2; LIPO=3; LIFE=4; NICD=5; LIMN=6; TERNARY=7; VRLA=8; } Header header = 1; double voltage = 2; // Voltage in Volts (Mandatory) double temperature = 3; // Temperature in Degrees Celsius (If unmeasured NaN) double current = 4; // Negative when discharging (A) (If unmeasured NaN) double charge = 5; // Current charge in Ah (If unmeasured NaN) double capacity = 6; // Capacity in Ah (last full capacity) (If unmeasured NaN) double design_capacity = 7; // Capacity in Ah (design capacity) (If unmeasured NaN) double percentage = 8; // Charge percentage on 0 to 1 range (If unmeasured NaN) PowerSupplyStatus power_supply_status = 9; // The charging status as reported. Values defined above PowerSupplyHealth power_supply_health = 10; // The battery health metric. Values defined above PowerSupplyTechnology power_supply_technology = 11; // The battery chemistry. Values defined above bool present = 12; // True if the battery is present repeated double cell_voltage = 13; // An array of individual cell voltages for each cell in the pack // If individual voltages unknown but number of cells known set each to NaN repeated double cell_temperature = 14; // An array of individual cell temperatures for each cell in the pack // If individual temperatures unknown but number of cells known set each to NaN string location = 15; // The location into which the battery is inserted. (slot number or plug) string serial_number = 16; // The best approximation of the battery serial number }