use console::{style, Style, Term}; use similar::{ChangeTag, TextDiff}; use std::{error::Error, fmt, fs, path::Path}; use synsert::Editor; pub fn harness<'path, V>( files: impl IntoIterator, mut begin: impl FnMut(Editor) -> V, mut end: impl FnMut(V) -> Editor, ) -> Result<(), Box> where for<'ast> V: syn::visit::Visit<'ast>, { let mut edited_files = 0; let mut edited_sites = 0; for path in files { print!("{}... ", Style::new().apply_to(path.display()).dim()); let before = fs::read_to_string(path)?; let Ok(ast) = syn::parse_file(&before) else { println!("skipped (failed to parse file)"); continue; }; let mut visitor = begin(Editor::new(&before)); visitor.visit_file(&ast); let editor = end(visitor); match editor.len() { 0 => println!("no edits."), n => { println!("{} edits to apply!", n); let after = editor.finish(); print_diff(&before, &after); if dialoguer::Confirm::new() .with_prompt("save the edited file? ") .default(true) .interact()? { fs::write(path, after)?; edited_files += 1; edited_sites += n; } } } } println!("edited {} sites in {} files", edited_sites, edited_files); Term::stderr().show_cursor()?; // clean up after rustyline on Ctrl+C Ok(()) } // pub fn print_diff(old: &str, new: &str) { let diff = TextDiff::from_lines(old, new); for (idx, group) in diff.grouped_ops(3).iter().enumerate() { if idx > 0 { println!("{:-^1$}", "-", 80); } for op in group { for change in diff.iter_inline_changes(op) { let (sign, s) = match change.tag() { ChangeTag::Delete => ("-", Style::new().red()), ChangeTag::Insert => ("+", Style::new().green()), ChangeTag::Equal => (" ", Style::new().dim()), }; print!( "{}{} |{}", style(Line(change.old_index())).dim(), style(Line(change.new_index())).dim(), s.apply_to(sign).bold(), ); for (emphasized, value) in change.iter_strings_lossy() { if emphasized { print!("{}", s.apply_to(value).underlined().on_black()); } else { print!("{}", s.apply_to(value)); } } if change.missing_newline() { println!(); } } } } struct Line(Option); impl fmt::Display for Line { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { match self.0 { None => write!(f, " "), Some(idx) => write!(f, "{:<4}", idx + 1), } } } }