use core::time; use std::io; use std::sync::mpsc; use syslog_client::syslog::header::{Tag, Hostname}; use syslog_client::writer::{InMemory, Udp, Tcp, LOCAL_HOST}; use syslog_client::{Facility, Severity, Syslog}; #[test] fn should_generate_rfc3164_messages_in_memory() { const TAG: Tag = match Tag::new("inmemory") { Some(tag) => tag, None => panic!("not valid tag"), }; const HOSTNAME: Hostname = match Hostname::new("in.memory") { Some(hostname) => hostname, None => panic!("not valid hostname"), }; let (sender, receiver) = mpsc::channel(); let mut logger = Syslog::new(Facility::LOG_USER, HOSTNAME, TAG).rfc3164(InMemory::::new(sender)).with_buffer(); logger.write_str(Severity::LOG_ERR, "my error").expect("Success"); let mut line = receiver.try_recv().expect("to have line"); println!("line={line}"); let mut line_split = line.rsplitn(2, ':'); let log =; let header =; let header_size = header.len() + 2; assert_eq!(log, " my error"); let chunk1_size = 1024 - header_size; println!("chunk1_size={chunk1_size}"); //check split behavior let mut message = "1".repeat(chunk1_size); message.push('0'); logger.write_str(Severity::LOG_ERR, &message).expect("Success"); line = receiver.try_recv().expect("to have line 1"); println!("line1={line}"); let mut line_split = line.rsplitn(2, ':'); let log =; assert_eq!(log, &message[..chunk1_size]); line = receiver.try_recv().expect("to have line 2"); println!("line2={line}"); assert!(line.ends_with(": 0")); } #[test] fn should_generate_rfc3164_messages_udp() { const TAG: Tag = match Tag::new("udp") { Some(tag) => tag, None => panic!("not valid tag"), }; const HOSTNAME: Hostname = match Hostname::new("in.udp") { Some(hostname) => hostname, None => panic!("not valid hostname"), }; let udp = Udp { local_port: 65001, remote_addr: (LOCAL_HOST, 5514).into(), }; let mut logger = Syslog::new(Facility::LOG_USER, HOSTNAME, TAG).rfc3164(udp).with_buffer(); logger.write_str(Severity::LOG_ERR, "my udp error").expect("Success"); } #[test] fn should_generate_rfc3164_messages_tcp() { const TAG: Tag = match Tag::new("tcp") { Some(tag) => tag, None => panic!("not valid tag"), }; const HOSTNAME: Hostname = match Hostname::new("in.tcp") { Some(hostname) => hostname, None => panic!("not valid hostname"), }; let tcp = Tcp { remote_addr: (LOCAL_HOST, 5514).into(), timeout: Some(time::Duration::from_secs(5)), }; let mut logger = Syslog::new(Facility::LOG_USER, HOSTNAME, TAG).rfc3164(tcp).with_buffer(); if let Err(error) = logger.write_str(Severity::LOG_ERR, "my tcp error") { //This test is used locally mostly so if connection refused do nothing assert_eq!(error.kind(), io::ErrorKind::ConnectionRefused); } } #[cfg(unix)] #[test] fn should_generate_rfc3164_messages_unix() { use syslog_client::writer::Unix; const TAG: Tag = match Tag::new("unix") { Some(tag) => tag, None => panic!("not valid tag"), }; const HOSTNAME: Hostname = match Hostname::new("in.unix") { Some(hostname) => hostname, None => panic!("not valid hostname"), }; //All unix systems should have it, right? let unix = Unix::new_system().expect("Find syslog socket"); let mut logger = Syslog::new(Facility::LOG_USER, HOSTNAME, TAG).rfc3164(unix).with_buffer(); logger.write_str(Severity::LOG_ERR, "my unix error").expect("Successfully write"); } #[cfg(feature = "log04")] #[test] fn should_generate_rfc3164_messages_log04() { use syslog_client::log04::Rfc3164Logger; const TAG: Tag = match Tag::new("log04") { Some(tag) => tag, None => panic!("not valid tag"), }; const HOSTNAME: Hostname = match Hostname::new("in.log04") { Some(hostname) => hostname, None => panic!("not valid hostname"), }; let (sender, receiver) = mpsc::channel(); let syslog = Syslog::new(Facility::LOG_USER, HOSTNAME, TAG); let writer = InMemory::::new(sender); let logger = Rfc3164Logger::new(syslog, writer); let _ = log04::set_logger(Box::leak(Box::new(logger))); log04::set_max_level(log04::LevelFilter::Info); log04::info!("Some info log"); let mut line = receiver.try_recv().expect("to have line"); println!("line1={line}"); let mut line_split = line.rsplitn(2, ':'); let log =; let _header =; assert_eq!(log, " Some info log"); log04::debug!("Should not show debug log"); assert!(receiver.try_recv().is_err(), "Debug logs are filtered out"); log04::warn!(error = "ERROR"; "Some warning log"); line = receiver.try_recv().expect("to have line"); println!("line2={line}"); line_split = line.rsplitn(2, ':'); let log =; let _header =; assert_eq!(log, " Some warning log [KV error=ERROR]"); }