use systemd_run::{Identity, RunSystem}; #[async_std::test] #[ignore] #[cfg(feature = "systemd_227")] async fn test_root_private_network_simple() { let r = RunSystem::new("/bin/true") .identity(Identity::dynamic()) .start() .await .expect("should be able to start true") .wait() .await .expect("should be able to get the status of the Run"); assert!( !r.is_failed(), "should be able to run true in private network namespace" ); } #[async_std::test] #[ignore] #[cfg(feature = "systemd_236")] async fn test_root_private_network_wget() { let r = RunSystem::new("/usr/bin/wget") .collect_on_fail() .arg("") .arg("-O") .arg("/dev/null") .private_network() .identity(Identity::dynamic()) .start() .await .expect("should be able to start wget") .wait() .await .expect("should be able to get the status of the Run"); assert!( r.is_failed(), "should not be able to access Internet with private_network" ); } #[async_std::test] #[ignore] #[cfg(feature = "systemd_249")] async fn test_root_private_ipc() { const PATH: &'static str = concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/test-aux/shm"); // Run twice, if IPC namespace seperation is not in-effect the second // run will fail. for _ in 0..2 { let r = RunSystem::new(PATH) .private_ipc() .identity(Identity::user_group("nobody", "nogroup")) .start() .await .expect("should be able to start the test program") .wait() .await .expect("should be able to get the status of the Run"); assert!( !r.is_failed(), "should be able to create POSIX shm in the new IPC namespace" ); } } #[async_std::test] #[ignore] #[cfg(feature = "systemd_232")] async fn test_root_private_users() { const PATH: &'static str = concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/test-aux/setuid"); let r = RunSystem::new(PATH) .private_users() .start() .await .expect("should be able to start the test program") .wait() .await .expect("should be able to get the status of the Run"); assert!( !r.is_failed(), "UID 514 should not exist in the separate user namespace" ); } #[async_std::test] #[ignore] #[cfg(feature = "systemd_227")] async fn test_root_private_network_wget_join() { let r = RunSystem::new("/usr/bin/wget") .collect_on_fail() .arg("") .arg("-O") .arg("/dev/null") .private_network() .joins_namespace_of("systemd-resolved.service") .identity(Identity::dynamic()) .start() .await .expect("should be able to start wget") .wait() .await .expect("should be able to get the status of the Run"); assert!( !r.is_failed(), "should not be able to access Internet with joined namespace" ); }