# Use-cases ## Academic Literature I have pdfs of academic literature saved. Now, I use a fish shell helper function that: 1) downloads a pdf, 2) renames the pdf to whatever I input, in a folder `papers`, 3) creates a txt file with the same name as the pdf, in folder `writeups`, with the tag `@unread`. I can optionally ad more tags. This then lets me use `tagsearch unread neuralnet` to find any paper related to neural nets that I've not read yet, or `tagsearch -l neuralnet` to see all tags that also exist with the `neuralnet` tag. ## Finance I keep a folder called `budget`, that contains files of the form: title: WHAT I BOUGHT value: A NUMBER date: WHEN I BOUGHT IT @monthly @health I can then use tagsearch to see what I often spend monthly on `tagsearch -l @monthly`, or do some pipelining to calculate some sums (using fish-shell syntax): awk -F':' '/^value:/{total+=$2} END{print $total}' < (cat (tagsearch @monthly)) ...this approach is not quite as fleshed out as the academic literature ## Quantified-Self Similarly to the [finance][] approach, but `value` is now one such as `50` (for my `20191210--shoulderpress.txt` weight lifting entry, number of reps). I can then either do `cat (tagsearch weights shoulder)` to print out all the contents of any of my shoulderpress progress. ...this approach is not quite as fleshed out as the academic literature [finance]: #finance