# tailsrv tailsrv watches a single file and streams its contents to multiple clients as it grows. It's like `tail -f`, but as a server. * When a client connects, tailsrv sends it data from the file. * If there is no new data to send, tailsrv waits until the file grows. * If the socket is full, tailsrv waits for the client to consume some data before sending more. * Clients can specify an initial byte-offset when they connect. Some implementation details: * All data is sent using sendfile. This means that data is sent by the kernel directly from the pagecache to the network card. No data is ever copied into userspace. This gives tailsrv really good throughput. However, it also means that tailsrv will only run on Linux. * We use inotify to track modifications to the file. This means that if the file is not growing (and no new clients are connecting) tailsrv does no work. * We spawn one thread per client. This means that a slow client can recieve data at its own pace, without affecting other clients. If you're interested in how tailsrv compares to Kafka, see [here](vs_kafka.md) for a comparison. ## Usage example Let's say you have a machine called `webserver`. Pick a port number and start tailsrv: ```console $ tailsrv -p 4321 /var/log/nginx/access.log ``` tailsrv is now watching access.log. You can connect to tailsrv from your laptop and stream the contents of the file: ```console $ echo "1000" | nc webserver 4321 ``` You will immediately see the contents of access.log, starting from byte 1000, up to the end of the file. The connection remains open, waiting for new data. As soon as nginx writes a line to access.log, it will appear on your laptop. It's more-or-less the same as if you did this: ```console $ ssh webserver -- tail -f -c+1000 /var/log/nginx/access.log ``` Rather than using netcat, however, you probably want to connect to tailsrv directly from your log-consuming application. ```rust let sock = TcpStream::connect("webserver:4321")?; writeln!(sock, "{}", 1000)?; for line in BufReader::new(sock).lines() { /* handle log data */ } ``` The example above is written in rust, but as you can see it's very straightforward: you can to do this from any programming language without the need for a special client library. ## Protocol ### Step 1: the client sends a header to tailsrv The header is just an integer, in ASCII, terminated with a newline. If the integer is positive, it represents the initial byte offset. If the integer is negative, it is interpreted as meaning "counting back from the end of the file". Examples: * `0\n` - start from the beginning of the file * `1000\n` - start from byte 1000 * `-1000\n` - send the last 1000 bytes ### Step 2: tailsrv sends data to the client Once it receives a header, tailsrv will start sending you file data. ...and that's it as far as the protocol goes. tailsrv will ignore everything you send to it after the newline. When you're done, just close the connection. tailsrv will not terminate the connection unless it is shutting down. There's no in-band session control: if you want to seek to a different position in the file, close the connection and open a new one. ### The file tailsrv expects a file which will be appended to. If the watched file is deleted or moved, tailsrv will exit. If you modify the middle of the file - well, nothing disasterous will happen, but your clients might get confused. ## Features ### tracing-journald Enables a dependency on [tracing-journald](https://crates.io/crates/tracing-journald) crate and adds a new `--journald` command-line flag. This will redirect all the tracing output to the system `journald` which gives much richer information than the default output formatter. Especially useful if you're planning to run `tailsrv` as a systemd service. ### sd-notify Enables a dependency on [sd-notify](https://crates.io/crates/sd-notify) crate. `tailsrv` is going to send a systemd readiness notification once it starts accepting connections from clients. This is useful combined with a `notify` systemd service type. ## Licence This software is in the public domain. See UNLICENSE for details.