Helper macros for using the code generated by [tailwindcss-to-rust]( The generated code provides a number of static structs where each field is a class name or modifier (like "lg" or "hover"). In typical use, you need to combine multiple names and modifiers into a single string to be set as an element's `class` attribute. This crate provides two macros to make using this a bit more ergonomic. A [Dioxus]( example: ```rust,ignore // Note that you have to write this css module to tie it all together. use css::*; use dioxus_prelude::*; fn SomeComponent(cx: Scope) -> Element { cx.render(rsx! { div { // "grid-cols-3 md:grid-cols-6 lg:grid-cols-12" class: DC![ C::fg::grid-cols-3, M![M::md, C::fg::grid-cols-6], M![M::lg, C::fg::grid-cols-12] ], div { // "text-lg text-white" class: DC![C::typ::text_lg, C::typ::text_white], } } }) } ```