# tangra.rs
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A lightweight and easy to use Rust logging library that includes logging functionalities with different levels and
formatting. It can also be used as a library to simply format the various messages you print in the terminal.
## Showcase
### macOS
![macOS Showcase](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kkrypt0nn/tangra.rs/main/assets/macos.png)
### Linux
![Linux Showcase](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kkrypt0nn/tangra.rs/main/assets/linux.png)
### Windows
![Windows Showcase](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kkrypt0nn/tangra.rs/main/assets/windows.png)
## Installation
If you want to use this library for one of your projects, you can install it like any other Go library
cargo add tangra
## Customizing
### Prefix
The prefix, what comes before the message, can be changed with the `set_prefix` method on a `Logger` structure.
> The default prefix is `$[datetime] $[level:color]$[level:name]$[reset]: `
### Placeholders
There are formatting placeholders that will be replaced in both the message and the prefix that can be
seen [here](PLACEHOLDERS.md).
[For example](examples), logging the following message
$[fg:red]$[effect:blink]$[effect:bold]$[sys:username] says hello!
Will print a red blinking message in bold that says ` says hello!`, where `` is the username on your
### Styling
You can choose whether you want to style your messages or not with the `SetStyling` method on a `Logger` structure.
Styling includes foreground colors, background colors and special effects such as bold, and others - see
the [`terminal.rs`](src/terminal.rs) file.
> **Note**: The styling will **not** apply to the message if it is not supported by the terminal.
### Log File
Logs can also be written inside a log file with styling removed. [For example](examples/file.rs):
fn main() {
let mut logger = tangra::Logger::new();
logger.debug("$[fg:red]$[effect:blink]$[effect:bold]$[sys:username] says hello!");
## License
This library was made with 💜 by Krypton and is under the [MIT](LICENSE.md) license.