use crate::{ BranchNode, BranchSplit, BranchSplitContinuous, BranchSplitDiscrete, Node, SplitDirection, Tree, }; use ndarray::prelude::*; use num::ToPrimitive; pub struct ComputeShapValuesForExampleOutput { pub baseline_value: f32, pub output_value: f32, pub feature_contribution_values: Vec, } /// Compute the SHAP values for a single class for a single example. pub fn compute_shap_values_for_example( example: &[tangram_table::TableValue], trees: ArrayView1, bias: f32, ) -> ComputeShapValuesForExampleOutput { let mut baseline_value = bias as f64; for tree in trees { baseline_value += compute_expectation(tree, 0); } let mut feature_contribution_values = vec![0.0; example.len()]; for tree in trees { tree_shap(example, tree, feature_contribution_values.as_mut_slice()); } let output_value = baseline_value + feature_contribution_values.iter().sum::(); ComputeShapValuesForExampleOutput { baseline_value: baseline_value.to_f32().unwrap(), output_value: output_value.to_f32().unwrap(), feature_contribution_values: feature_contribution_values .iter() .map(|f| f.to_f32().unwrap()) .collect(), } } /// This function, and the helper functions below it, are a direct port from fn tree_shap(example: &[tangram_table::TableValue], tree: &Tree, phi: &mut [f64]) { let max_depth = max_depth(tree, 0, 0) + 2; let mut unique_path = vec![PathItem::new(); max_depth * (max_depth + 1) / 2]; tree_shap_recursive(TreeShapRecursiveOptions { phi, example, tree, node_index: 0, unique_path: unique_path.as_mut_slice(), unique_depth: 0, parent_zero_fraction: 1.0, parent_one_fraction: 1.0, parent_feature_index: None, }); } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] struct PathItem { feature_index: Option, zero_fraction: f64, one_fraction: f64, pweight: f64, } impl PathItem { fn new() -> PathItem { PathItem { feature_index: None, zero_fraction: 0.0, one_fraction: 0.0, pweight: 0.0, } } } struct TreeShapRecursiveOptions<'a> { example: &'a [tangram_table::TableValue<'a>], node_index: usize, parent_feature_index: Option, parent_one_fraction: f64, parent_zero_fraction: f64, phi: &'a mut [f64], tree: &'a Tree, unique_depth: usize, unique_path: &'a mut [PathItem], } fn tree_shap_recursive(options: TreeShapRecursiveOptions) { let TreeShapRecursiveOptions { example, node_index, parent_feature_index, parent_one_fraction, parent_zero_fraction, phi, tree, unique_depth, unique_path, } = options; extend_path(ExtendPathOptions { unique_path, unique_depth, zero_fraction: parent_zero_fraction, one_fraction: parent_one_fraction, feature_index: parent_feature_index, }); let mut unique_depth = unique_depth; let node = &tree.nodes[node_index]; match node { Node::Leaf(node) => { for path_index in 1..=unique_depth { let weight = unwound_path_sum(unique_path, unique_depth, path_index); let path_item = &unique_path[path_index]; let scale = weight * (path_item.one_fraction - path_item.zero_fraction); phi[path_item.feature_index.unwrap()] += scale * node.value as f64; } } Node::Branch(node) => { let (hot_child_index, cold_child_index) = compute_hot_cold_child(node, example); let hot_zero_fraction = tree.nodes[hot_child_index].examples_fraction() as f64 / node.examples_fraction as f64; let cold_zero_fraction = tree.nodes[cold_child_index].examples_fraction() as f64 / node.examples_fraction as f64; let mut incoming_zero_fraction = 1.0; let mut incoming_one_fraction = 1.0; let current_feature_index = node.split.feature_index(); if let Some(path_index) = (1..=unique_depth) .find(|i| unique_path[*i].feature_index.unwrap() == current_feature_index) { incoming_zero_fraction = unique_path[path_index].zero_fraction; incoming_one_fraction = unique_path[path_index].one_fraction; unwind_path(unique_path, unique_depth, path_index); unique_depth -= 1; }; let feature_index = node.split.feature_index(); let (parent_path, child_path) = unique_path.split_at_mut(unique_depth + 1); child_path[0..parent_path.len()].clone_from_slice(parent_path); tree_shap_recursive(TreeShapRecursiveOptions { phi, example, tree, node_index: hot_child_index, unique_path: child_path, unique_depth: unique_depth + 1, parent_zero_fraction: hot_zero_fraction * incoming_zero_fraction, parent_one_fraction: incoming_one_fraction, parent_feature_index: Some(feature_index), }); child_path[0..parent_path.len()].clone_from_slice(parent_path); tree_shap_recursive(TreeShapRecursiveOptions { phi, example, tree, node_index: cold_child_index, unique_path: child_path, unique_depth: unique_depth + 1, parent_zero_fraction: cold_zero_fraction * incoming_zero_fraction, parent_one_fraction: 0.0, parent_feature_index: Some(feature_index), }); } }; } struct ExtendPathOptions<'a> { unique_path: &'a mut [PathItem], unique_depth: usize, zero_fraction: f64, one_fraction: f64, feature_index: Option, } fn extend_path(options: ExtendPathOptions) { let ExtendPathOptions { feature_index, one_fraction, unique_depth, unique_path, zero_fraction, } = options; unique_path[unique_depth] = PathItem { feature_index, zero_fraction, one_fraction, pweight: if unique_depth == 0 { 1.0 } else { 0.0 }, }; if unique_depth == 0 { return; } for i in (0..unique_depth).rev() { unique_path[i + 1].pweight += one_fraction * unique_path[i].pweight * (i + 1).to_f64().unwrap() / (unique_depth + 1).to_f64().unwrap(); unique_path[i].pweight = zero_fraction * unique_path[i].pweight * (unique_depth - i).to_f64().unwrap() / (unique_depth + 1).to_f64().unwrap(); } } fn unwind_path(unique_path: &mut [PathItem], unique_depth: usize, path_index: usize) { let one_fraction = unique_path[path_index].one_fraction; let zero_fraction = unique_path[path_index].zero_fraction; let mut next_one_portion = unique_path[unique_depth].pweight; for i in (0..unique_depth).rev() { if one_fraction != 0.0 { let tmp = unique_path[i].pweight; unique_path[i].pweight = next_one_portion * (unique_depth + 1).to_f64().unwrap() / ((i + 1).to_f64().unwrap() * one_fraction); next_one_portion = tmp - unique_path[i].pweight * zero_fraction * (unique_depth - i).to_f64().unwrap() / (unique_depth + 1).to_f64().unwrap(); } else { unique_path[i].pweight = unique_path[i].pweight * (unique_depth + 1).to_f64().unwrap() / (zero_fraction * (unique_depth - i).to_f64().unwrap()); } } for i in path_index..unique_depth { unique_path[i].feature_index = unique_path[i + 1].feature_index; unique_path[i].zero_fraction = unique_path[i + 1].zero_fraction; unique_path[i].one_fraction = unique_path[i + 1].one_fraction; } } fn unwound_path_sum(unique_path: &[PathItem], unique_depth: usize, path_index: usize) -> f64 { let one_fraction = unique_path[path_index].one_fraction; let zero_fraction = unique_path[path_index].zero_fraction; let mut next_one_portion = unique_path[unique_depth].pweight; let mut total = 0.0; if one_fraction != 0.0 { for i in (0..unique_depth).rev() { let tmp = next_one_portion / ((i + 1).to_f64().unwrap() * one_fraction); total += tmp; next_one_portion = unique_path[i].pweight - tmp * zero_fraction * (unique_depth - i).to_f64().unwrap(); } } else { for i in (0..unique_depth).rev() { total += unique_path[i].pweight / (zero_fraction * (unique_depth - i).to_f64().unwrap()); } } total * (unique_depth + 1).to_f64().unwrap() } fn compute_hot_cold_child( node: &BranchNode, example: &[tangram_table::TableValue], ) -> (usize, usize) { match &node.split { BranchSplit::Continuous(BranchSplitContinuous { feature_index, split_value, invalid_values_direction, }) => match example[*feature_index] { tangram_table::TableValue::Number(value) => { if value.is_nan() { if let SplitDirection::Left = invalid_values_direction { (node.left_child_index, node.right_child_index) } else { (node.right_child_index, node.left_child_index) } } else if value <= *split_value { (node.left_child_index, node.right_child_index) } else { (node.right_child_index, node.left_child_index) } } _ => unreachable!(), }, BranchSplit::Discrete(BranchSplitDiscrete { feature_index, directions, }) => match example[*feature_index] { tangram_table::TableValue::Enum(value) => { let bin_index =|value| value.get()).unwrap_or(0); match (*directions.get(bin_index).unwrap()).into() { SplitDirection::Left => (node.left_child_index, node.right_child_index), SplitDirection::Right => (node.right_child_index, node.left_child_index), } } _ => unreachable!(), }, } } fn max_depth(tree: &Tree, node_index: usize, depth: usize) -> usize { let current_node = &tree.nodes[node_index]; if let Node::Leaf(_) = current_node { return depth; } let current_node = current_node.as_branch().unwrap(); let left_child_index = current_node.left_child_index; let right_child_index = current_node.right_child_index; let left_depth = max_depth(tree, left_child_index, depth + 1); let right_depth = max_depth(tree, right_child_index, depth + 1); usize::max(left_depth, right_depth) + 1 } fn compute_expectation(tree: &Tree, node_index: usize) -> f64 { let current_node = &tree.nodes[node_index]; if let Node::Leaf(n) = current_node { return n.value; } let current_node = current_node.as_branch().unwrap(); let left_child_index = current_node.left_child_index; let right_child_index = current_node.right_child_index; let left_child = &tree.nodes[left_child_index]; let right_child = &tree.nodes[right_child_index]; let left_value = compute_expectation(tree, left_child_index); let right_value = compute_expectation(tree, right_child_index); (left_child.examples_fraction() as f64 / current_node.examples_fraction as f64) * left_value + (right_child.examples_fraction() as f64 / current_node.examples_fraction as f64) * right_value }