# `tarantool-rs` - Asyncronous Tokio-based client for Tarantool (WIP) [![Crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/tarantool-rs)](https://crates.io/crates/tarantool-rs) [![docs.rs](https://img.shields.io/docsrs/tarantool-rs/latest)](https://docs.rs/tarantool-rs/latest) ![CI](https://github.com/Flowneee/tarantool-rs/actions/workflows/ci.yml/badge.svg) `tarantool-rs` - asyncronous Tokio-based client for [Tarantool](https://www.tarantool.io). Documentation available on [docs.rs](https://docs.rs/tarantool-rs/latest). ### Supported Traantool versions Supported and tested Tarantool versions: * `2.10.x`; * `2.11.x`. Other (especially newer) should work as well, but not tested. Versions below `2.10.x` doesn't have transactions support, so transaction API won't work. ### Example If you have `clients` space with 2 "columns": `id` and `name`: ``` rust let conn = Connection::builder().build("").await?; let space = conn.space("clients").await?.expect("clients space exists"); space.insert((1, "John Doe")).await?; let clients = space.select::<(i64, String), _>(None, None, Some(IteratorType::All), ()).await?; ``` For more examples of how to use this crate check `examples/` folder. ## Features * [x] authorization * [x] evaluating Lua expressions * [x] remote function calling * [x] CRUD operations * [x] transaction control (begin/commit/rollback) * [x] reconnection in background * [x] SQL requests * [ ] chunked responses * [ ] watchers and events * [ ] connection pooling * [ ] automatic schema fetching and reloading * [ ] graceful shutdown protocol support * [ ] pre Tarantool 2.10 versions support * [ ] customizable connection features (streams/watchers/mvcc) * [ ] custom Tarantool MP types (UUID, ...) * [ ] ...