#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Post install script for tari_base_node pkg # This script is bundled with OSX PGK verion # of the Tari base node binary distribution. # # Debugging enabled #set -x if [ ! "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]; then echo "Helper script meant for OSX" echo "Please visit https://tari.com/downloads/" echo " and download the binary distro for your platform" exit 1 fi tsstamp=$(date +'%Y%m%d_%Hh%Mm%Ss') logging_file=/tmp/tari_base_node_postinstall-$tsstamp.log echo "Running postinstall - $(date +'%Y-%m-%d %Hh%M:%S')" > "$logging_file" loggedInUserID=`id -u "${USER}"` if [[ -n "$logging_file" ]] && [[ -f "$logging_file" ]]; then echo "Redirecting out too an logging file $logging_file ..." # all output to log file exec > >(tee -a "$logging_file") exec 2>&1 echo "Redirecting should be working ..." else echo "No logging." fi echo "Envs and diags ..." env echo "Positional arguments" $@ # Detects if /Users is present. If /Users is present, # the chflags command will unhide it if [[ -d "$3/Users" ]]; then #chflags nohidden "$3/Users" echo "chflags nohidden $3/Users" fi # Detects if /Users/Shared is present. If /Users/Shared is present, # the chflags command will unhide it if [[ -d "$3/Users/Shared" ]]; then #chflags nohidden "$3/Users/Shared" echo "chflags nohidden $3/Users/Shared" fi echo "Checking XCode ..." if !xcode-select -p 1>&2 2>/dev/null; then echo "XCode not installed. Installing..." # xcode-select --install 1>&2 echo "XCode successfully installed" else echo "XCode already installed." fi if [ "${COMMAND_LINE_INSTALL}" = "" ]; then #/bin/launchctl asuser "${loggedInUserID}" /usr/bin/open -g "$3"/usr/local/share/tari_base_node/ /bin/launchctl asuser "${loggedInUserID}" /usr/bin/open "$3"/usr/local/share/doc/tari_base_node/ #/bin/launchctl asuser "${loggedInUserID}" /usr/bin/open "$3"/usr/local/share/tari_base_node/ #osascript -e 'tell app "Terminal" to do script "echo hello"' echo "Lauching post-install.sh script in another terminal, " echo " this will help setup and config tor and default tari_base_node ..." /bin/launchctl asuser "${loggedInUserID}" /usr/bin/open -a Terminal.app -g "$3"/usr/local/share/tari_base_node/post-install.sh fi echo "Done postinstall - $(date +'%Y-%m-%d %Hh%M:%S')" exit 0 # all good