@set file_1=%TEMP%\tor1.txt @set file_2=%TEMP%\tor2.txt @set file_3=%TEMP%\tor3.txt @set TOR_EXE_NAME=tor.exe @call :QUERY_TOR_SERVICE @if not defined TOR_RUNNING ( @if exist "%TARI_TOR_SERVICES_DIR%\%TOR_EXE_NAME%" ( @set "path=%TARI_TOR_SERVICES_DIR%;%path%" ) @start tor --allow-missing-torrc --ignore-missing-torrc --clientonly 1 --socksport 9050 --controlport --clientuseipv6 1 --log "notice stdout" @echo Attempting to start Tor service on ports 9050 and 9051 @ping -n 10 localhost>nul ) else ( @goto :END ) @if not defined TOR_RUNNING ( @call :QUERY_TOR_SERVICE @if not defined TOR_RUNNING ( @echo Problem starting Tor services, check if Tor is in the path @pause @exit /b 10101 ) ) @goto :END :QUERY_TOR_SERVICE @if exist %file_1% ( del %file_1% /f/q ) @if exist %file_2% ( del %file_2% /f/q ) @for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4,5*" %%i in ('netstat -aon ^| findstr ":9050" ^| findstr /i listening') do @echo %j %l & @tasklist | findstr %%m > %file_1% @for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4,5*" %%i in ('netstat -aon ^| findstr ":9051" ^| findstr /i listening') do @echo %j %l & @tasklist | findstr %%m > %file_2% @if exist %file_1% ( @if exist %file_2% ( @echo Found tor service listening on ports 9050 and 9051. Good. @set TOR_RUNNING=1 ) else ( @taskkill /im tor.exe /f > nul @set TOR_RUNNING= ) ) @goto :eof :QUERY_TOR_EXE @set TOR_EXE= @if exist "%TARI_TOR_SERVICES_DIR%\%TOR_EXE_NAME%" ( @set TOR_EXE=%TARI_TOR_SERVICES_DIR%\%TOR_EXE_NAME% ) @if not defined TOR_EXE ( @for %%X in (%TOR_EXE_NAME%) do @(set TOR_EXE=%%~$PATH:X) ) @if not defined TOR_EXE ( @echo Could not find "%TOR_EXE_NAME%" in path @echo. @pause @exit /b 10101 ) else ( @echo Using "%TOR_EXE%" @echo. ) @goto :eof :QUERY_TOR_STARTED @if exist %file_3% ( del %file_3% /f/q ) @tasklist /fi "imagename eq tor.exe" > %file_3% @if exist %file_3% ( @set TOR_RUNNING=1 ) else ( @set TOR_RUNNING= ) @goto :eof :END @echo.