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Tarmac is a resource compiler and asset manager for Roblox projects. It helps enable hermetic place builds when used with tools like [Rojo](https://github.com/rojo-rbx/rojo). Tarmac is inspired by projects like [Webpack](https://webpack.js.org/) that make it easy to reference assets from code. ## Installation ### Installing with Foreman The recommended way to install Tarmac is with [Foreman](https://github.com/rojo-rbx/foreman). Add an entry to the `[tools]` section of your `foreman.toml` file: ```toml foreman = { source = "rojo-rbx/tarmac", version = "0.5.0" } ``` ### Installing from GitHub Releases Pre-built binaries are available for 64-bit Windows, macOS, and Linux from the [GitHub releases page](https://github.com/rojo-rbx/tarmac/releases). ### Installing from Source Tarmac requires Rust 1.39.0 or newer to build. You can build the latest release of Tarmac from crates.io: ```bash cargo install tarmac ``` or build the latest work from the master branch: ```bash cargo install --git https://github.com/rojo-rbx/tarmac ``` ## Basic Example **The [examples](examples) folder contains small, working projects using different features from Tarmac.** Tarmac is configured by a [TOML](https://github.com/toml-lang/toml) file in the root of a project named `tarmac.toml`. Tarmac uses this file to determine where to look for assets and what to do with them. To tell Tarmac to manage PNG files in a folder named `assets`, you can use: ```toml name = "basic-tarmac-example" # Most projects will define some 'inputs'. # This tells Tarmac where to find assets that we'll use in our game. [[inputs]] glob = "assets/**/*.png" codegen = true codegen-path = "src/assets.lua" codegen-base-path = "assets" ``` Run `tarmac sync --target roblox` to have Tarmac upload any new or updated assets that your project depends on. You may need to pass a `.ROBLOSECURITY` cookie explicitly via the `--auth` argument. Tarmac will generate Lua code in `src/assets.lua` that looks something like this: ```lua -- This file was @generated by Tarmac. It is not intended for manual editing. return { foo = { bar = "rbxassetid://238549023", baz = "rbxassetid://238549024", } } ``` These files will be turned into `ModuleScript` instances by tools like [Rojo](https://github.com/rojo-rbx/rojo). From there, it's easy to load this module and reference the assets within: ```lua local assets = require(script.Parent.assets) local decal = Instance.new("Decal") decal.Texture = assets.foo.bar ``` ## Command Line Interface For more information, run `tarmac --help`. ### Global Options These options can be specified alongside any subcommands and are all optional. * `--help`, `-h` * Prints help information about Tarmac and exits. * `--version`, `-V` * Prints version information about Tarmac and exits. * `--auth ` * Explicitly defines the authentication cookie Tarmac should use to communicate with Roblox. * If not specified, Tarmac will attempt to locate one from the local system. * `--verbose`, `-v` * Enables more verbose logging. Can be specified up to three times, which will increase verbosity further. ### `tarmac sync` Detects changes to assets in the local project and attempts to synchronize them with an external service, like the Roblox cloud. Usage: ```bash tarmac sync [] \ --target ``` To sync the project in your current working directory with the Roblox cloud, use: ```bash tarmac sync --target roblox ``` To validate that all inputs are already synced, use the `none` target: ```bash tarmac sync --target none ``` ### `tarmac upload-image` Uploads a single image as a decal and prints the ID of the resulting image asset to stdout. Usage: ```bash tarmac upload-image \ --name \ --description ``` Example: ```bash tarmac upload-image foo.png --name "Foo" --description "Foo is a placeholder name." ``` ### `tarmac help` Prints help information about Tarmac itself, or the given subcommand. Usage: ```bash tarmac help [] ``` ## Project Format * `name`, string * The name of the Tarmac project, used in logging and error reporting. * `max-spritesheet-size`, (int, int), **optional** * The maximum spritesheet size that Tarmac should use. Defaults to **(1024, 1024)**, the maximum image size supported by Roblox. * `asset-cache-path`, path, **optional** * If defined, Tarmac will re-download uploaded images to a local folder at the given path. Files in this folder not associated with assets in the project will be deleted. * `asset-list-path`, path, **optional** * If defined, Tarmac will write a list of asset URLs used by the project to the given file. One URL is printed per line. * `upload-to-group-id`, int, **optional** * If defined, Tarmac will attempt to upload all assets to the given Roblox Group. If unable, syncing will fail. * `inputs`, list\, **optional** * A list of inputs that Tarmac will process. * `includes`, list\, **optional** * A list of additional paths to search recursively for additional projects in. The inputs from discovered projects will be merged into this project, and other settings ignored. * When a `tarmac.toml` file is found, Tarmac will include it and its includes and stop traversing that directory. ### InputConfig * `glob`, string * A path glob that should include any files for this input group. * Tarmac uses the [globset library](https://docs.rs/globset/0.4.5/globset/) and supports any syntax it supports. * `codegen`, bool, **optional** * Whether Tarmac should generate Lua code for the assets contained in this input group. Defaults to **false**. * `codegen-path`, path, **optional** * If defined and `codegen` is true, Tarmac will merge all generated Lua code for this input group into a single file. * `codegen-base-path`, path, **optional** * Defines the base path for generating Lua code when `codegen-path` is also defined. Defaults to **the directory containing `tarmac.toml`**. ## License Tarmac is available under the MIT license. See [LICENSE.txt](LICENSE.txt) for details.