// Copyright 2019-2024 Tauri Programme within The Commons Conservancy // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT ;(function () { /** * A runtime generated key to ensure an IPC call comes from an initialized frame. * * This is declared outside the `window.__TAURI_INVOKE__` definition to prevent * the key from being leaked by `window.__TAURI_INVOKE__.toString()`. */ const __TAURI_INVOKE_KEY__ = __TEMPLATE_invoke_key__ const processIpcMessage = __RAW_process_ipc_message_fn__ const osName = __TEMPLATE_os_name__ const fetchChannelDataCommand = __TEMPLATE_fetch_channel_data_command__ let customProtocolIpcFailed = false // on Android we never use it because Android does not have support to reading the request body const canUseCustomProtocol = osName !== 'android' function sendIpcMessage(message) { const { cmd, callback, error, payload, options } = message if ( !customProtocolIpcFailed && (canUseCustomProtocol || cmd === fetchChannelDataCommand) ) { const { contentType, data } = processIpcMessage(payload) fetch(window.__TAURI_INTERNALS__.convertFileSrc(cmd, 'ipc'), { method: 'POST', body: data, headers: { 'Content-Type': contentType, 'Tauri-Callback': callback, 'Tauri-Error': error, 'Tauri-Invoke-Key': __TAURI_INVOKE_KEY__, ...((options && options.headers) || {}) } }) .then((response) => { const cb = response.headers.get('Tauri-Response') === 'ok' ? callback : error // we need to split here because on Android the content-type gets duplicated switch ((response.headers.get('content-type') || '').split(',')[0]) { case 'application/json': return response.json().then((r) => [cb, r]) case 'text/plain': return response.text().then((r) => [cb, r]) default: return response.arrayBuffer().then((r) => [cb, r]) } }) .then(([cb, data]) => { if (window[`_${cb}`]) { window[`_${cb}`](data) } else { console.warn( `[TAURI] Couldn't find callback id {cb} in window. This might happen when the app is reloaded while Rust is running an asynchronous operation.` ) } }) .catch((e) => { console.warn( 'IPC custom protocol failed, Tauri will now use the postMessage interface instead', e ) // failed to use the custom protocol IPC (either the webview blocked a custom protocol or it was a CSP error) // so we need to fallback to the postMessage interface customProtocolIpcFailed = true sendIpcMessage(message) }) } else { // otherwise use the postMessage interface const { data } = processIpcMessage({ cmd, callback, error, options: { ...options, customProtocolIpcBlocked: customProtocolIpcFailed }, payload, __TAURI_INVOKE_KEY__ }) window.ipc.postMessage(data) } } Object.defineProperty(window.__TAURI_INTERNALS__, 'postMessage', { value: sendIpcMessage }) })()