import { invoke } from '@tauri-apps/api/tauri' import { jobStatus } from './constants' import { Buffer } from 'buffer' import { Jobs, PrintFileOptions, PrintOptions, PrintSettings, Printer, ResponseResult } from './types' import { PrintData } from './types' import { ResponseType, getClient } from '@tauri-apps/api/http'; import mime from "mime"; import {toDataURL as qrCodeToDataUrl} from 'qrcode' import * as JsBarcode from "jsbarcode"; import { WebviewWindow } from '@tauri-apps/api/window' import * as _html2canvas from "html2canvas"; const html2canvas: any = _html2canvas; import jsPDF from 'jspdf' const parseIfJSON = (str: string, dft: any = []): any => { try { return JSON.parse(str) } catch (error) { return dft } } const encodeBase64 = (str: string): string => { if (typeof window === "undefined"){ // in nodejs return Buffer.from(str, 'utf-8').toString('base64') } else { // in browser return window.btoa(str) } } const decodeBase64 = (str: string): string => { if (typeof window === "undefined"){ // in nodejs return Buffer.from(str, 'base64').toString('utf-8') } else { // in browser return window.atob(str) } } /** * Get list printers. * * @returns A array of printer detail. */ export const printers = async (id: string|null = null): Promise => { if (id != null){ const printername = decodeBase64(id); const result: string = await invoke('plugin:printer|get_printers_by_name', { printername }) const item = parseIfJSON(result, null); if (item == null) return []; return [ { id, name: item.Name, driver_name: item.DriverName, job_count: item.JobCount, print_processor: item.PrintProcessor, port_name: item.PortName, share_name: item.ShareName, computer_name: item.ComputerName, printer_status: item.PrinterStatus, shared: item.Shared, type: item.Type, priority: item.Priority } ] } const result: string = await invoke('plugin:printer|get_printers') const listRaw: any[] = parseIfJSON(result) const printers: Printer[] = []; for (let i = 0; i { export const print = async (data: PrintData[], options: PrintOptions): Promise => { const html = document.createElement('html') const container = document.createElement("div") = "wrapper" = "relative" = "flex" = "#fff" = "column" = "center" = "flex-start" = 'hidden' = `300px` = "fit-content" = "#000" = '12px' for (const item of data){ if (item.type == 'image'){ const wrapperImage = document.createElement('div') = "100%" if (item?.position == "center"){ = 'flex' = 'center' } if (typeof item.url == "undefined") throw new Error('Image required {url}') const image: any = document.createElement('img') image.width = 100, image.height = 100 const client = await getClient(); const response: any = await client.get(item.url, { responseType: ResponseType.Binary }); image.src = `data:${mime.getType(item.url)};base64,${Buffer.from('base64')}` if (item.width){ image.width = item.width } if (item.height){ image.height = item.height } if ({ const styles = as any for (const style of Object.keys(styles)){ const key = style as any[key] = styles[key] } } wrapperImage.appendChild(image) container.appendChild(wrapperImage) } if (item.type == 'text'){ const textWrapper = document.createElement('div') = "100%" if (item.value){ textWrapper.innerHTML = item.value } if ({ const styles = as any for (const style of Object.keys(styles)){ const key = style as any[key] = styles[key] } } container.appendChild(textWrapper) } if (item.type == 'table'){ const tableWrapper = document.createElement('div') = "100%" const table = document.createElement('table') const tableHead = document.createElement('thead') const trHead = document.createElement('tr') tableHead.appendChild(trHead) if (item.tableHeader){ for (const head of item.tableHeader){ const tdHead = document.createElement('td') tdHead.innerText = head.toString() trHead.appendChild(tdHead) } } table.appendChild(tableHead) const tableBody = document.createElement('tbody') if (item.tableBody){ for (const tr of item.tableBody){ const trBody = document.createElement('tr') for (const td of tr){ const tdBody = document.createElement('td') tdBody.innerText = td.toString() trBody.appendChild(tdBody) } tableBody.appendChild(trBody) } } table.appendChild(tableBody) if ({ const styles = as any for (const style of Object.keys(styles)){ const key = style as any[key] = styles[key] } } tableWrapper.appendChild(table) container.appendChild(tableWrapper) } if (item.type == 'qrCode'){ const wrapperImage = document.createElement('div') = "100%" if (item?.position == "center"){ = 'flex' = 'center' } const image = document.createElement('img') const canvas = document.createElement('canvas') image.src = await new Promise((rs, rj) => { qrCodeToDataUrl(canvas, item.value ? item.value : "", (err, url) => { if (err) rj(err) rs(url) }) }) if (item.width){ image.width = item.width } if (item.height){ image.height = item.height } if ({ const styles = as any for (const style of Object.keys(styles)){ const key = style as any[key] = styles[key] } } wrapperImage.appendChild(image) container.appendChild(wrapperImage) } if (item.type == 'barCode'){ const wrapperImage = document.createElement('div') = "100%" if (item?.position == "center"){ = 'flex' = 'center' } const image = document.createElement('img') JsBarcode(image, item.value ? item.value : "", { width: item.width ? item.width : 4, height: item.height ? item.height : 40, displayValue: item.displayValue }); = "contain" = '100%' if (item.height){ image.height = item.height } if ({ const styles = as any for (const style of Object.keys(styles)){ const key = style as any[key] = styles[key] } } wrapperImage.appendChild(image) container.appendChild(wrapperImage) } } const body = document.createElement('body') body.appendChild(container) html.appendChild(body) = "hidden" const htmlData = html.outerHTML const hidder: any = document.createElement('div') = 0 = 0 = 'hidden' hidder.appendChild(container) document.body.appendChild(hidder) const wrapper: any = document.querySelector('#wrapper') if (options.preview == true){ const webview = new WebviewWindow(, { url: `data:text/html,${htmlData}`, title: "Print Preview", width: wrapper.clientWidth, height: wrapper.clientHeight, }) webview.once('tauri://error', function (e) { console.log(e) }) return { success: true, message: "OK" } } const componentWidth = wrapper.clientWidth; const componentHeight = wrapper.clientHeight; const ratio = componentHeight / componentWidth; const height = ratio * componentWidth; const canvas = await html2canvas(wrapper, { scale: 5, }) const imgData = canvas.toDataURL('image/jpeg') const pdf = new jsPDF({ orientation: "portrait", unit: 'px', format: [componentWidth, height] }) pdf.addImage(imgData, 'JPEG', 0, 0, componentWidth, height) const buffer = pdf.output('arraybuffer') wrapper.remove() let id: string = ""; if (typeof != 'undefined'){ id = decodeBase64(; } if (typeof != 'undefined'){ id = } // const printerSettings: PrintSettings = { paper: 'A4', method: 'simplex', scale: 'noscale', orientation: 'portrait', repeat: 1, color_type: "color" } if (typeof options?.print_setting?.paper != "undefined") printerSettings.paper = options.print_setting.paper; if (typeof options?.print_setting?.method != "undefined") printerSettings.method = options.print_setting.method; if (typeof options?.print_setting?.scale != "undefined") printerSettings.scale = options.print_setting.scale; if (typeof options?.print_setting?.orientation != "undefined") printerSettings.orientation = options.print_setting.orientation; if (typeof options?.print_setting?.repeat != "undefined") printerSettings.repeat = options.print_setting.repeat; if (typeof options?.print_setting?.color_type != "undefined") printerSettings.color_type = options.print_setting.color_type; if (typeof options?.print_setting?.range != "undefined") printerSettings.range = options.print_setting.range; let rangeStr = "" if (printerSettings.range){ if (typeof printerSettings.range == 'string'){ if (!(new RegExp(/^[0-9,]+$/).test(printerSettings.range))) throw new Error('Invalid range value ') rangeStr = printerSettings.range[printerSettings.range.length-1] != "," ? printerSettings.range : printerSettings.range.substring(0, printerSettings.range.length-1) } else if (printerSettings.range.from){ rangeStr = `${printerSettings.range.from}-${}` } } const printerSettingStr = `-print-settings ${rangeStr},${printerSettings.paper},${printerSettings.method},${printerSettings.scale},${printerSettings.orientation},${printerSettings.color_type},${printerSettings.repeat}x` const filename: string = `${Math.floor(Math.random() * 100000000)}_${}.pdf`; const tempPath: string = await invoke('plugin:printer|create_temp_file', { buffer_data: Buffer.from(buffer).toString('base64'), filename }) if (tempPath.length == 0) throw new Error("Fail to create temp file"); const optionsParams: any = { id: `"${id}"`, path: tempPath, printer_setting: printerSettingStr, remove_after_print: typeof options.remove_temp != undefined ? options.remove_temp : true } await invoke('plugin:printer|print_pdf', optionsParams) return { success: true, message: "OK" } } /** * Print File. * @params first_param: File Path, second_param: Print Setting * @returns A process status. */ export const print_file = async (options: PrintFileOptions): Promise => { if ( == undefined && == undefined) throw new Error('print_file require id | name as string') if (options.path == undefined && options.file == undefined) throw new Error('print_file require parameter path as string | file as Buffer') let id: string | undefined = ""; if (typeof != 'undefined'){ id = decodeBase64(; } else { id = } const printerSettings: PrintSettings = { paper: 'A4', method: 'simplex', scale: 'noscale', orientation: 'portrait', repeat: 1 } if (typeof options?.print_setting?.paper != "undefined") printerSettings.paper = options.print_setting.paper; if (typeof options?.print_setting?.method != "undefined") printerSettings.method = options.print_setting.method; if (typeof options?.print_setting?.scale != "undefined") printerSettings.scale = options.print_setting.scale; if (typeof options?.print_setting?.orientation != "undefined") printerSettings.orientation = options.print_setting.orientation; if (typeof options?.print_setting?.repeat != "undefined") printerSettings.repeat = options.print_setting.repeat; if (typeof options?.print_setting?.range != "undefined") printerSettings.range = options.print_setting.range; if (typeof options.path != "undefined"){ if (options.path.split('.').length <= 1) throw new Error('File not supported'); if (options.path.split('.').pop() != 'pdf' ) throw new Error('File not supported'); } let rangeStr = "" if (printerSettings.range){ if (typeof printerSettings.range == 'string'){ if (!(new RegExp(/^[0-9,]+$/).test(printerSettings.range))) throw new Error('Invalid range value ') rangeStr = printerSettings.range[printerSettings.range.length-1] != "," ? printerSettings.range : printerSettings.range.substring(0, printerSettings.range.length-1) } else if (printerSettings.range.from){ rangeStr = `${printerSettings.range.from}-${}` } } const printerSettingStr = `-print-settings ${rangeStr},${printerSettings.paper},${printerSettings.method},${printerSettings.scale},${printerSettings.orientation},${printerSettings.repeat}x` let tempPath: string = "" if (typeof options.file != "undefined"){ const fileSignature = options.file.subarray(0, 4).toString('hex'); if (fileSignature != "25504446") throw new Error('File not supported'); if (Buffer.isBuffer(options.file) == false) throw new Error('Invalid buffer'); const filename: string = `${Math.floor(Math.random() * 100000000)}_${}.pdf`; tempPath = await invoke('plugin:printer|create_temp_file', { buffer_data: options.file.toString('base64'), filename }) if (tempPath.length == 0) throw new Error("Fail to create temp file"); } const optionsParams: any = { id: `"${id}"`, path: options.path, printer_setting: printerSettingStr, remove_after_print: options.remove_temp ? options.remove_temp : true } if (typeof options.file != "undefined"){ optionsParams.path = tempPath } await invoke('plugin:printer|print_pdf', optionsParams) return { success: true, message: "OK" } } /** * Get all jobs. * @returns A array of all printer jobs. */ export const jobs = async (printerid: string|null = null): Promise => { const allJobs: Jobs[] = [] if (printerid != null){ const printer = await printers(printerid) if (printer.length == 0) return [] const result: any = await invoke('plugin:printer|get_jobs', {printername: printer[0].name}) let listRawJobs: any = parseIfJSON(result, []) if (listRawJobs.length == undefined) listRawJobs = [listRawJobs] for (const job of listRawJobs){ const id = encodeBase64(`${printer[0].name}_@_${job.Id}`); allJobs.push({ id, job_id: job.Id, job_status: jobStatus[job.JobStatus] != undefined ? { code: job.JobStatus, description: jobStatus[job.JobStatus].description, name: jobStatus[job.JobStatus].name }: { code: job.JobStatus, description: "Unknown Job Status", name: "Unknown" }, computer_name: job.ComputerName, data_type: job.Datatype, document_name: job.DocumentName, job_time: job.JobTime, pages_printed: job.PagesPrinted, position: job.Position, printer_name: job.PrinterName, priority: job.Priority, size: job.Size, submitted_time: job.SubmittedTime ? +job.SubmittedTime?.replace('/Date(', '')?.replace(')/','') : null, total_pages: job.TotalPages, username: job.UserName }) } return allJobs; } const listPrinter = await printers() for (const printer of listPrinter){ const result: any = await invoke('plugin:printer|get_jobs', {printername:}) let listRawJobs: any = parseIfJSON(result, []) if (listRawJobs.length == undefined) listRawJobs = [listRawJobs] for (const job of listRawJobs){ const id = encodeBase64(`${}_@_${job.Id}`); allJobs.push({ id, job_id: job.Id, job_status: jobStatus[job.JobStatus] != undefined ? { code: job.JobStatus, description: jobStatus[job.JobStatus].description, name: jobStatus[job.JobStatus].name }: { code: job.JobStatus, description: "Unknown Job Status", name: "Unknown" }, computer_name: job.ComputerName, data_type: job.Datatype, document_name: job.DocumentName, job_time: job.JobTime, pages_printed: job.PagesPrinted, position: job.Position, printer_name: job.PrinterName, priority: job.Priority, size: job.Size, submitted_time: job.SubmittedTime ? +job.SubmittedTime?.replace('/Date(', '')?.replace(')/','') : null, total_pages: job.TotalPages, username: job.UserName }) } } return allJobs } /** * Get job by id. * @returns Printer job. */ export const job = async (jobid: string): Promise => { const idextract = decodeBase64(jobid) const [printername = null, id = null] = idextract.split('_@_') if (printername == null || id == null) null const result: any = await invoke('plugin:printer|get_jobs_by_id', {printername: printername, jobid: id}) const job = parseIfJSON(result, null) return { id: jobid, job_id: job.Id, job_status: jobStatus[job.JobStatus] != undefined ? { code: job.JobStatus, description: jobStatus[job.JobStatus].description, name: jobStatus[job.JobStatus].name }: { code: job.JobStatus, description: "Unknown Job Status", name: "Unknown" }, computer_name: job.ComputerName, data_type: job.Datatype, document_name: job.DocumentName, job_time: job.JobTime, pages_printed: job.PagesPrinted, position: job.Position, printer_name: job.PrinterName, priority: job.Priority, size: job.Size, submitted_time: job.SubmittedTime ? +job.SubmittedTime?.replace('/Date(', '')?.replace(')/','') : null, total_pages: job.TotalPages, username: job.UserName } } /** * Restart jobs. * @param jobid */ export const restart_job = async (jobid: string|null = null): Promise => { try { const result = { success: true, message: "OK" } if (jobid != null){ const idextract = decodeBase64(jobid) const [printername = null, id = null] = idextract.split('_@_') if (printername == null || id == null) throw new Error('Wrong jobid') await invoke('plugin:printer|restart_job', { printername, jobid: id.toString() }) return result; } const listPrinter = await printers() for (const printer of listPrinter){ const result: any = await invoke('plugin:printer|get_jobs', {printername:}) const listRawJobs = parseIfJSON(result, []) for (const job of listRawJobs){ await invoke('plugin:printer|restart_job', { printername:, jobid: job.Id.toString() }) } } return result } catch (err: any) { return { success: false, message: err.message ? err.message : "Fail to restart job" } } } /** * Resume jobs. * @param jobid */ export const resume_job = async (jobid: string|null = null): Promise => { try { const result = { success: true, message: "OK" } if (jobid != null){ const idextract = decodeBase64(jobid) const [printername = null, id = null] = idextract.split('_@_') if (printername == null || id == null) throw new Error('Wrong jobid') await invoke('plugin:printer|resume_job', { printername, jobid: id.toString() }) return result; } const listPrinter = await printers() for (const printer of listPrinter){ const result: any = await invoke('plugin:printer|get_jobs', {printername:}) const listRawJobs = parseIfJSON(result) for (const job of listRawJobs){ await invoke('plugin:printer|resume_job', { printername:, jobid: job.Id.toString() }) } } return result } catch (err: any) { return { success: false, message: err.message ? err.message : "Fail to resume job" } } } /** * Pause jobs. * @param jobid */ export const pause_job = async (jobid: string|null = null): Promise => { try { const result = { success: true, message: "OK" } if (jobid != null){ const idextract = decodeBase64(jobid) const [printername = null, id = null] = idextract.split('_@_') if (printername == null || id == null) throw new Error('Wrong jobid') await invoke('plugin:printer|pause_job', { printername, jobid: id.toString() }) return result; } const listPrinter = await printers() for (const printer of listPrinter){ const result: any = await invoke('plugin:printer|get_jobs', {printername:}) const listRawJobs = parseIfJSON(result) for (const job of listRawJobs){ await invoke('plugin:printer|pause_job', { printername:, jobid: job.Id.toString() }) } } return result } catch (err: any) { return { success: false, message: err.message ? err.message : "Fail to pause job" } } } /** * Remove jobs. * @param jobid */ export const remove_job = async (jobid: string|null = null): Promise => { try { const result = { success: true, message: "OK" } if (jobid != null){ const idextract = decodeBase64(jobid) const [printername = null, id = null] = idextract.split('_@_') if (printername == null || id == null) throw new Error('Wrong jobid') await invoke('plugin:printer|remove_job', { printername, jobid: id.toString() }) return result; } const listPrinter = await printers() for (const printer of listPrinter){ const result: any = await invoke('plugin:printer|get_jobs', {printername:}) const listRawJobs = parseIfJSON(result) for (const job of listRawJobs){ await invoke('plugin:printer|remove_job', { printername:, jobid: job.Id.toString() }) } } return result } catch (err: any) { return { success: false, message: err.message ? err.message : "Fail to pause job" } } }