# Tauri share file and get shared plugin ## Share file ```typescript import { shareFile } from 'tauri-plugin-share' shareFile(path, mime) ``` - or ```typescript import { invoke } from '@tauri-apps/api/core' invoke('plugin:share|share_file', { path, // ios: /private/var... | android: /storage/emulated/0/Android... mime // application/pdf | application/zip .... }) ``` ## From others app shared - ios: First, you need to implement a Share Extension target on xcode, and store the file in the app group workspace, after completing these, use the plugin to get and reomve files shared by other applications. - android: Mainly used keep pace with ios, so it doesn't depend on plugins, it depends on the specific implementation of the sharing goal. I'm used to putting them under $DOCUMENT/temp - path: [ios] a custom folder under app group dir | [android] a custom folder under $DOCUMENT dir, eg: temp - group: [ios] your Share Extension Target's app group id | [android] empty, eg:group.com.xxxx.xxx ### Get files path from other app shared ```typescript import { getSharedFilesPath } from 'tauri-plugin-share' getSharedFilesPath(group, path) ``` - or ```typescript import { invoke } from '@tauri-apps/api/core' invoke('plugin:share|get_shared_files_path', { group, path }) ``` ### Get and remove files data from other app shared ```typescript import { getSharedFiles } from 'tauri-plugin-share' getSharedFiles(group, path) ``` - or ```typescript import { invoke } from '@tauri-apps/api/core' invoke('plugin:share|get_shared_files', { group, path }) ```