# Code Samples of oneAPI Threading Building Blocks (oneTBB) This directory contains example usages of oneAPI Threading Building Blocks. | Code sample name | Description |:--- |:--- | getting_started/sub_string_finder | Example referenced by the [oneAPI Threading Building Blocks Get Started Guide](https://software.intel.com/content/www/us/en/develop/documentation/get-started-with-onetbb/top.html). Finds largest matching substrings. | concurrent_hash_map/count_strings | Concurrently inserts strings into a `concurrent_hash_map` container. | concurrent_priority_queue/shortpath | Solves the single source shortest path problem using a `concurrent_priority_queue` container. | graph/binpack | A solution to the binpacking problem using a `queue_node`, a `buffer_node` and `function_node`s. | graph/cholesky | Several versions of Cholesky Factorization algorithm implementation. | graph/dining_philosophers | An implementation of dining philosophers in graph using the reserving `join_node`. | graph/fgbzip2 | A parallel implementation of bzip2 block-sorting file compressor. | graph/logic_sim | An example of a collection of digital logic gates that can be easily composed into larger circuits. | graph/som | An example of a Kohonen Self-Organizing Map using cancellation. | parallel_for/game_of_life | Game of life overlay. | parallel_for/polygon_overlay | polygon overlay. | parallel_for/seismic | Parallel seismic wave simulation. | parallel_for/tachyon | Parallel 2-D raytracer/renderer. | parallel_for_each/parallel_preorder | Parallel preorder traversal of a graph. | parallel_pipeline/square | Another string transformation example that squares numbers read from a file. | parallel_reduce/convex_hull | Parallel version of convex hull algorithm (quick hull). | parallel_reduce/primes | Parallel version of the Sieve of Eratosthenes. | task_arena/fractal |The example calculates two classical Mandelbrot fractals with different concurrency limits. | task_group/sudoku | Compute all solutions for a Sudoku board. | test_all/fibonacci | Compute Fibonacci numbers in different ways. ## System Requirements "Refer to the [System Requirements](https://software.intel.com/content/www/us/en/develop/articles/intel-oneapi-threading-building-blocks-system-requirements.html) for the list of supported hardware and software". ### Graphical User Interface (GUI) Some examples (fractal, seismic, tachyon, polygon_overlay) supports different GUI modes, which may be defined via the `EXAMPLES_UI_MODE` CMake variable. Supported values are: - Cross-platform: - `con` - Console mode (Default). - Windows: - `gdi` - `GDI+` based implementation. - `d2d` - `Direct 2D` based implementation. May offer superior performance, but can only be used if the Microsoft* DirectX* SDK is installed on your system(`DXSDK_DIR` should be defined). - Linux: - `x` - `X11` based implementation. Also `libXext` may be required to display the output correctly. - MacOS: - `mac` - `OpenGL` based implementation. Also requires the `Foundation` and `Cocoa` libraries availability.