This is a Pokémon TCG SDK wrapper around the API of [tcgdex]([]( # To start Create a unique instance of **Tcgdex**. ``` let tcgdex = Tcgdex::new(); ``` English is default language. You can change it like this : ``` let tcgdex = Tcgdex::new(); tcgdex.set_lang(Lang::FR); ``` **Tcgdex** instance must be used for all requests. ### Request All requests are blocking for the moment. # Functions available ### Find card by id ``` let filter = Query::new().with_id("swsh3-136"); let card: Card = tcgdex .cards() .fetch(Some(&filter)) .unwrap(); ``` ### Filter cards via query parameters ``` let filter = Query::new().with_filtering(vec!["name=furret", "id=ex"]); let cards: Vec = tcgdex .cards() .fetch(Some(&filter)) .unwrap(); ``` ### Find all cards (firts page only) ``` let cards: Vec = tcgdex .cards() .fetch(None) .unwrap(); ``` ### Find set by id ``` let filter = Query::new().with_id("swsh3"); let set: Set = tcgdex .sets() .fetch(Some(&filter)) .unwrap(); ``` ### Filter sets via query parameters ``` let query: Query = Query::new() .with_q("legalities.standard:legal") .with_order_by("-releaseDate") .with_select("id,name,releaseDate"); let sets_list = pkmn_tcg.sets().where_(&query).unwrap(); ``` ### Find all sets ``` let sets: Vec = tcgdex .sets() .fetch(None) .unwrap(); ``` ### About series The principle is the same than for set and card. You can get a serie by id, or all series or a filtered list of series. ### Find all types ``` let types: Types = tcgdex.types().fetch().unwrap(); ``` ### Others data You can do the same for rarities, hp, illustrators, retreat costs and categories.