use std::env; use std::fs; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::process::Command; static TCMALLOC_REPO: &str = ""; static TCMALLOC_TAG: &str = "gperftools-2.7"; // Platforms that _someone_ says works static TESTED: &[&str] = &[ "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu", ]; fn main() { let target = env::var("TARGET").expect("TARGET was not set"); let host = env::var("HOST").expect("HOST was not set"); let num_jobs = env::var("NUM_JOBS").expect("NUM_JOBS was not set"); let out_dir = PathBuf::from(env::var_os("OUT_DIR").expect("OUT_DIR was not set")); let src_dir = env::current_dir().expect("failed to get current directory"); let build_dir = out_dir.join("build"); let gperftools_dir = out_dir.join("gperftools"); println!("TARGET={}", target.clone()); println!("HOST={}", host.clone()); println!("NUM_JOBS={}", num_jobs.clone()); println!("OUT_DIR={:?}", out_dir); println!("BUILD_DIR={:?}", build_dir); println!("SRC_DIR={:?}", src_dir); println!("GPERFTOOLS_DIR={:?}", gperftools_dir); if !TESTED.contains(&target.as_ref()) { println!("cargo:warning=tcmalloc-rs has not been verified to work on target {}", target); return; } // Clone source to OUT_DIR if !out_dir.join("gperftools").exists() { assert!(out_dir.exists(), "OUT_DIR does not exist"); let mut cmd = Command::new("git"); cmd.current_dir(&out_dir) .args(&["clone", TCMALLOC_REPO, "--depth=1", "--branch", TCMALLOC_TAG]); run(&mut cmd); } fs::create_dir_all(&build_dir).unwrap(); // Only run configure once if !build_dir.join("Makefile").exists() { let autogen = gperftools_dir.join(""); let mut autogen_cmd = Command::new("sh"); autogen_cmd.arg(autogen) .current_dir(&gperftools_dir); run(&mut autogen_cmd); let configure = gperftools_dir.join("configure"); let mut configure_cmd = Command::new("sh"); configure_cmd.arg(configure) .current_dir(&build_dir); run(&mut configure_cmd); } let mut make_cmd = Command::new("make"); make_cmd.current_dir(&build_dir) .arg("srcroot=../gperftools/") .arg("-j") .arg(num_jobs); run(&mut make_cmd); println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=static=tcmalloc"); println!("cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}/.libs", build_dir.display()); println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=gperftools"); } fn run(cmd: &mut Command) { println!("running: {:?}", cmd); let status = match cmd.status() { Ok(status) => status, Err(e) => panic!("failed to execute command: {}", e), }; if !status.success() { panic!( "command did not execute successfully: {:?}\n\ expected success, got: {}", cmd, status ); } }