# tdbg Quick and dirty way to trace code execution and count associated hits. # Use-case You're debugging a piece of code and you want to determine if a piece of code is hit, and if so, how many times it is hit. `tdbg` provides the `tdbg!` macro to associate an identifier to a code location. Using the macro will send a message to the `tdbg` server (standalone binary), that will report every hit and the associated number of time it has been hit. Simply fire up the server, insert `tdbg!` macros and you're done. # Philosophy - `tdbg` tries to interrupt the original workflow as less as possible - `tdbg` should never panic in order to not disrupt the origin code - `tdbg` tries to stay as minimal and portable as possible - This is not really production ready. Use it at your own risk. Keep in mind that it is a tool I personally use and I do not expect anyone else to do as well.