% TDNS-UPDATE(1) tnds-query Manual % Andreas Rottmann % October, 2019 # NAME tnds-query - DNS query client # SYNOPSIS __tdns query__ [*options*] *dns-name* # DESCRIPTION __tdns query__ provides a subset of the functionality found in the `dig` utility which is distributed as part of the ISC BIND suite. Its functionality is currently quite limited compared to `dig`, but extending it to be a reasonable replacement for common usage is planned. # OPTIONS \--resolver=*address* : DNS server to send queries to. If not specified, the resolver name will be determined based on the contents of `/etc/resolv.conf`, using the first `nameserver` entry given therein. \--tcp : Use TCP for all DNS requests. # EXAMPLES Query for IPv4 and IPv6 addresses associated with a DNS name: tdns query -t A,AAAA example.org # BUGS - Only the record data is shown, similar to `dig +short`. - Only record data of for types `A`, `AAAA` and `TXT` are displayed properly.