use smartcore::linalg::naive::dense_matrix::DenseMatrix;
use smartcore::linear::linear_regression::{LinearRegression, LinearRegressionParameters};
use tease::{Input, Output, Teaser};
fn main() {
let model = train_linear_regression();
.with_title("Linear Regression".to_string())
"This demonstration runs a Smartcore model and shows the results in real time."
.with_output(Output::Number{label: Some("Total Employment".to_string())})
Input::Number {
label: Some("GNP Deflator".to_string()),
initial_value: 83.0,
Input::Number {
label: Some("GNP".to_string()),
initial_value: 234.289,
Input::Number {
label: Some("Unemployment".to_string()),
initial_value: 235.6,
Input::Slider {
label: Some("Size of Armed Forces".to_string()),
min: 140.0,
max: 300.0,
step: 0.1,
initial_value: 159.0,
Input::Number {
label: Some("Population".to_string()),
initial_value: 107.608,
Input::Dropdown {
label: Some("Year".to_string()),
options: (1940..2022).step_by(1).map(f64::from).collect(),
initial_value: 0,
.with_function(move |x| {
.predict(&DenseMatrix::from_2d_vec(&vec![x; 1]))
pub fn train_linear_regression() -> LinearRegression> {
// Longley dataset (
let x = DenseMatrix::from_2d_array(&[
&[83.0, 234.289, 235.6, 159.0, 107.608, 1947.],
&[88.5, 259.426, 232.5, 145.6, 108.632, 1948.],
&[88.2, 258.054, 368.2, 161.6, 109.773, 1949.],
&[89.5, 284.599, 335.1, 165.0, 110.929, 1950.],
&[96.2, 328.975, 209.9, 309.9, 112.075, 1951.],
&[98.1, 346.999, 193.2, 359.4, 113.270, 1952.],
&[99.0, 365.385, 187.0, 354.7, 115.094, 1953.],
&[100.0, 363.112, 357.8, 335.0, 116.219, 1954.],
&[101.2, 397.469, 290.4, 304.8, 117.388, 1955.],
&[104.6, 419.180, 282.2, 285.7, 118.734, 1956.],
&[108.4, 442.769, 293.6, 279.8, 120.445, 1957.],
&[110.8, 444.546, 468.1, 263.7, 121.950, 1958.],
&[112.6, 482.704, 381.3, 255.2, 123.366, 1959.],
&[114.2, 502.601, 393.1, 251.4, 125.368, 1960.],
&[115.7, 518.173, 480.6, 257.2, 127.852, 1961.],
&[116.9, 554.894, 400.7, 282.7, 130.081, 1962.],
let y: Vec = vec![
60.323, 61.122, 60.171, 61.187, 63.221, 63.639, 64.989, 63.761, 66.019, 67.857, 68.169,
66.513, 68.655, 69.564, 69.331, 70.551,
let lr = LinearRegression::fit(&x, &y, LinearRegressionParameters::default()).unwrap();