# Copyright 2022 the Tectonic Project # Licensed under the MIT License. # See README.md for discussion of features (or lack thereof) in this crate. [package] name = "tectonic_engine_spx2html" version = "0.3.2" authors = ["Peter Williams "] description = """ The Tectonic engine that converts SPX output to HTML. """ homepage = "https://tectonic-typesetting.github.io/" documentation = "https://docs.rs/tectonic_engine_spx2html" repository = "https://github.com/tectonic-typesetting/tectonic/" readme = "README.md" license = "MIT" edition = "2018" [dependencies] byteorder = "^1.4" html-escape = "^0.2" percent-encoding = "^2.1" pinot = "^0.1.4" serde = { version = "^1.0", features = ["derive"] } tectonic_bridge_core = { path = "../bridge_core", version =">=0.2.0,<1"} tectonic_errors = { path = "../errors", version =">=0.1.0,<1"} tectonic_io_base = { path = "../io_base", version =">=0.4.0,<1"} tectonic_status_base = { path = "../status_base", version =">=0.1.0,<1"} tectonic_xdv = { path = "../xdv", version =">=0.1.9,<1"} tempfile = "^3.1" tera = "^1.13" serde_json = "^1.0" [package.metadata.internal_dep_versions] tectonic_bridge_core = "4e16bf963700aae59772a6fb223981ceaa9b5f57" tectonic_errors = "317ae79ceaa2593fb56090e37bf1f5cc24213dd9" tectonic_io_base = "thiscommit:2022-02-20:gQ6H0Gx" tectonic_status_base = "317ae79ceaa2593fb56090e37bf1f5cc24213dd9" tectonic_xdv = "c91f2ef37858d1a0a724a5c3ddc2f7ea46373c77"