# Copyright 2020 the Tectonic Project # Licensed under the MIT License. [package] name = "tectonic_geturl" version = "0.3.2" authors = ["Peter Williams "] description = """ A generic interface for HTTP GETs and byte-range requests, with pluggable backends. """ homepage = "https://tectonic-typesetting.github.io/" documentation = "https://docs.rs/tectonic_geturl" repository = "https://github.com/tectonic-typesetting/tectonic/" readme = "README.md" license = "MIT" edition = "2018" [dependencies] cfg-if = "^1.0" curl = { version = "^0.4", optional = true } reqwest = { version = "^0.11", optional = true, features = ["blocking"] } tectonic_errors = { path = "../errors", version =">=0.1.0,<1"} tectonic_status_base = { path = "../status_base", version =">=0.1.0,<1"} [features] default = ["reqwest"] native-tls-vendored = ["reqwest/native-tls-vendored"] [package.metadata.internal_dep_versions] tectonic_errors = "e04798bcd9b1c1d68cc0a318a710bb30230a0300" tectonic_status_base = "401387acfd98113133db6981c301426431f55ea3"