use memmap::MmapOptions; use tdb_core::dtf::{self, file_format as ff}; use tdb_core::postprocessing::candle::time_bars::TimeBars; use std::fs::File; use std::borrow::Cow; use indicatif::{ProgressBar, ProgressStyle}; use std::sync::mpsc::channel; use std::thread; pub fn run(matches: &clap::ArgMatches) { // single file let input = matches.value_of("input").unwrap_or(""); // or range let symbol = matches.value_of("symbol").unwrap_or(""); let min = matches.value_of("min").unwrap_or("0").parse().unwrap(); let max = matches.value_of("max").unwrap_or("9999999999999").parse().unwrap(); if min > max { println!("min must be smaller than max"); ::std::process::exit(1); } let folder = matches.value_of("folder").unwrap_or("./"); // candle let timebars = matches.is_present("timebars"); let aligned = matches.is_present("aligned"); let granularity = matches.value_of("minutes").unwrap_or("1"); // misc let has_output = matches.is_present("output"); let print_metadata = matches.is_present("meta"); let csv = matches.is_present("csv"); if input == "" && symbol == "" && folder == "" && !print_metadata { println!("Either supply a single file with -i or specify range."); ::std::process::exit(1); } if input != "" { if print_metadata { println!("{}", dtf::file_format::read_meta(input).unwrap()); // let rdr = dtf::file_format::file_reader(input).expect("cannot open file"); // for meta in dtf::file_format::iterators::DTFMetadataReader::new(rdr) { // println!("{:?}", meta); // } } else { if timebars { let ups = dtf::file_format::decode(input, None).unwrap(); let mut candles = TimeBars::from(ups.as_slice()); candles.insert_continuation_candles(); let rebinned = candles .rebin(aligned, granularity.parse().unwrap()) .unwrap() .to_csv(); println!("{}", rebinned) } else { let file = File::open(input).unwrap(); let rdr = unsafe { MmapOptions::new().map(&file).unwrap() }; let mut rdr = std::io::Cursor::new(rdr); let meta = dtf::file_format::read_meta_from_buf(&mut rdr).unwrap(); let mut it = dtf::file_format::iterators::DTFBufReader::new(rdr); let (send, recv) = channel(); let thr = thread::spawn(move || { let bar = ProgressBar::new(meta.count); bar.set_style(ProgressStyle::default_bar() .template("[{elapsed_precise}, remaining: {eta_precise}] {bar:40.cyan/blue} {pos:>7}/{len:7} {msg}") .progress_chars("##-")); let mut len = 0; let mut last_ts = 0; for (i, up) in &mut it .enumerate() { if up.ts > max { break; } if up.ts < min { continue; } len += 1; last_ts = up.ts; if i != 0 && i % 10000 == 0 {; } if has_output { send.send(up).unwrap(); } else if csv { println!("{}", up.to_csv()) // TODO: slooooow } else { println!("[{}]", up.as_json()) } } bar.finish(); (len, last_ts) }); if has_output { let outfname = matches.value_of("output").unwrap(); let mut wtr = dtf::file_format::file_writer(outfname, true).unwrap(); ff::write_magic_value(&mut wtr).unwrap(); ff::write_symbol(&mut wtr, &symbol).unwrap(); let mut it = recv.iter(); let t = it.by_ref().map(Cow::Owned).peekable(); ff::write_main(&mut wtr, t).unwrap(); let (len, last_ts) = thr.join().unwrap(); ff::write_len(&mut wtr, len).unwrap(); ff::write_max_ts(&mut wtr, last_ts).unwrap(); } else { thr.join().unwrap(); } } } } else { if print_metadata { println!("total updates in folder: {}", tdb_core::storage::utils::print_total_folder_updates_len(folder).unwrap()); } else { if timebars { let ups = tdb_core::dtf::file_format::scan_files_for_range( folder, symbol, min, max, ).unwrap(); let mut candles = TimeBars::from(ups.as_slice()); candles.insert_continuation_candles(); let rebinned = candles .rebin(aligned, granularity.parse().unwrap()) .unwrap() .to_csv(); println!("{}", rebinned) } else { let folder_ = folder.to_owned(); let symbol_ = symbol.to_owned(); let (send, recv) = channel(); let thr = thread::spawn(move || { let mut len = 0; let mut last_ts = 0; tdb_core::dtf::file_format::scan_files_for_range_for_each( &folder_, &symbol_, min, max, &mut |up| { if has_output { send.send(*up).unwrap(); } else if csv { println!("{}", up.to_csv()) } else { println!("[{}]", up.as_json()) } len += 1; last_ts = up.ts; }).unwrap(); (len, last_ts) }); if has_output { let outfname = matches.value_of("output").unwrap(); let mut wtr = dtf::file_format::file_writer(outfname, true).unwrap(); ff::write_magic_value(&mut wtr).unwrap(); ff::write_symbol(&mut wtr, &symbol).unwrap(); let mut it = recv.iter(); let t = it.by_ref().map(Cow::Owned).peekable(); ff::write_main(&mut wtr, t).unwrap(); let (len, last_ts) = thr.join().unwrap(); ff::write_len(&mut wtr, len).unwrap(); ff::write_max_ts(&mut wtr, last_ts).unwrap(); } else { thr.join().unwrap(); } } } }; }