extern crate tdb_cli; extern crate clap; extern crate fern; extern crate chrono; extern crate log; extern crate linefeed; use tdb_cli::client::TectonicClient; use clap::{App, Arg}; mod interactive; fn init_logger() { fern::Dispatch::new() .format(|out, message, record| { out.finish(format_args!( "{}[{}][{}] {}", chrono::Local::now().format("[%Y-%m-%d][%H:%M:%S:%f]"), record.target(), record.level(), message )) }) .level(log::LevelFilter::Debug) .chain(std::io::stdout()) .chain(fern::log_file("tdb-cli.log").unwrap()) .apply() .unwrap(); } fn main() { init_logger(); let matches = App::new("tectonic-cli") .version("0.0.1") .author("Ricky Han ") .about("command line client for tectonic financial datastore") .arg( Arg::with_name("host") .short("h") .long("host") .value_name("HOST") .help("Sets the host to connect to (default") .takes_value(true), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("port") .short("p") .long("port") .value_name("PORT") .help("Sets the port to connect to (default 9001)") .takes_value(true), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("s") .short("s") .long("subscription") .value_name("DBNAME") .help("subscribe to the datastore") .takes_value(true), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("b") .short("b") .value_name("ITERATION") .multiple(false) .help("Benchmark network latency") .takes_value(true), ) .get_matches(); let host = matches.value_of("host").unwrap_or(""); let port = matches.value_of("port").unwrap_or("9001"); let mut cli = TectonicClient::new(host, port).unwrap(); if matches.is_present("b") { let times = matches .value_of("b") .unwrap_or("10") .parse::() .unwrap_or(10); tdb_cli::benchmark(cli, times); } else if matches.is_present("s") { let dbname = matches.value_of("s").unwrap_or(""); subscribe(cli, dbname); } else { interactive::run(&mut cli).unwrap(); } } // fn interactive(cli: &mut TectonicClient) { // loop { // print!("--> "); // stdout().flush().ok().expect("Could not flush stdout"); // manually flush stdout // let mut cmd = String::new(); // stdin().read_line(&mut cmd).unwrap(); // match cli.cmd(&cmd) { // Err(e) => { // println!("{}", e.description()); // } // Ok(msg) => { // println!("{}", msg); // } // }; // } // } fn subscribe(cli: TectonicClient, dbname: &str) { println!("Subscribing to {}", dbname); for up in cli.subscribe(dbname).unwrap() { println!("{:?}", up); } }