## TectonicDB TectonicDB is a fast, highly compressed standalone datastore and streaming protocol for order book ticks. It is the first open source database in this space. ## Rationale This software is motivated by reducing expenditure. 1TB stored on Google Cloud PostgreSQL was too expensive and too slow. Since financial data is usually read and stored in bulk, it is possible to convert into a more efficient format. * Uses a simple binary file format: Dense Tick Format\(DTF\) * Stores order book tick data tuple of shape:`(timestamp, seq, is_trade, is_bid, price, size)`. * Sorted by timestamp + seq * 12 bytes per row ## Stability I have been running TectonicDB and a proprietary market data connector for a few months. ``` $ ifconfig RX bytes:661346815971 (661.3 GB) TX bytes:367399985903 (367.3 GB) $ uptime 19:51:43 up 31 days, 13:41, 5 users, load average: 0.18, 0.20, 0.13 ``` ## Docs To build this documentations, `gitbook serve`.