Teensy LC ========= This crate is an incomplete HAL and board crate for the [Teensy LC](https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/teensyLC.html) microcontroller board. Beware: it's early stage and very much a work in progress. It might never support more than what I directly need for my projects (but patches welcome). Usage ----- See [blinky](./blinky/). `cargo build` will generate an ELF binary. On Linux/FreeBSD (or any other platform supporting libusb) you can then upload the binary using the reimplamanted [CLI loader](https://crates.io/crates/teensy-loader). Alternatively, to convert it to hex format suitable for the [loader CLI](https://github.com/PaulStoffregen/teensy_loader_cli), run: objcopy -O ihex path/to/elf_binary path/to/hex_file To convert it to raw binary which you can hexdump and inspect, run: objcopy -O binary path/to/elf_binary path/to/hex_file