# telegram-notifyrs [![CircleCI](https://circleci.com/gh/evan-chaney/telegram-notifyrs/tree/master.svg?style=svg&circle-token=7d362c7645d90000e2ee147558ba18ab23ff7c1e)](https://circleci.com/gh/evan-chaney/telegram-notifyrs/tree/master) A simple way to send messages via Telegram in Rust. I found it difficult to find a Crate for sending messages via Telegram without initializing a whole bot listener so I decided to make one. Feel free to open issues/PRs! ## Usage Include the crate under dependencies in your ```Cargo.toml``` ``` [dependencies] telegram_notifyrs = "0.1.3" ``` ### Simple Example ``` use telegram_notifyrs; telegram_notifyrs::send_message("This is my message".to_string(), "this-is-my-api-token", 1234567890); ``` ### Expanded Example ``` use std::env; use telegram_notifyrs; fn main() { let token = env::var("TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN").expect("TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN not set"); let chat_id: i64 = env::var("TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID") .expect("Missing TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID environment variable") .parse() .expect("Error parsing TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID as i64"); telegram_notifyrs::send_message("Test from library".to_string(), &token, chat_id); } ```