# thermal model parameters # chip specs # chip thickness in meters -t_chip 0.00015 # silicon thermal conductivity in W/(m-K) -k_chip 100.0 # silicon specific heat in J/(m^3-K) -p_chip 1.75e6 # temperature threshold for DTM (kelvin) -thermal_threshold 354.95 # heat sink specs # convection capacitance in J/K -c_convec 140.4 # convection resistance in K/W -r_convec 0.1 # heatsink side in meters -s_sink 0.06 # heatsink thickness in meters -t_sink 0.0069 # heatsink thermal conductivity in W/(m-K) -k_sink 400.0 # heatsink specific heat in J/(m^3-K) -p_sink 3.55e6 # heat spreader specs # spreader side in meters -s_spreader 0.03 # spreader thickness in meters -t_spreader 0.001 # heat spreader thermal conductivity in W/(m-K) -k_spreader 400.0 # heat spreader specific heat in J/(m^3-K) -p_spreader 3.55e6 # interface material specs # interface material thickness in meters -t_interface 2.0e-05 # interface material thermal conductivity in W/(m-K) -k_interface 4.0 # interface material specific heat in J/(m^3-K) -p_interface 4.0e6 # secondary path (C4/underfill, package substrate, solder balls etc) # ONLY AVAILABLE IN THE GRID MODEL # model secondary path or not? -model_secondary 0 # convection resistance at the air/PCB interface in K/W -r_convec_sec 50.0 # convection capacitance at the air/PCB interface in J/K -c_convec_sec 40.0 # number of on-chip metal layers -n_metal 8 # one metal layer thickness in meters -t_metal 100.0e-6 # C4/underfill thickness in meters -t_c4 0.0001 # side size of EACH C4 pad -s_c4 20.0e-6 # number of C4 pads -n_c4 400 # package substrate side in meters -s_sub 0.021 # package substrate thickness in meters -t_sub 0.001 # solder ball side in meters -s_solder 0.021 # solder ball thickness in meters -t_solder 0.00094 # PCB side in meters -s_pcb 0.1 # PCB thickness in meters -t_pcb 0.002 # others # ambient temperature in kelvin -ambient 318.15 # initial temperatures from file -init_file (null) # initial temperature (kelvin) if not from file -init_temp 333.15 # steady state temperatures to file -steady_file (null) # hotspot calling interval - 10K cycles at 3GHz -sampling_intvl 3.333e-06 # base processor frequency in Hz -base_proc_freq 3e+09 # is DTM employed? -dtm_used 0 # model type - block or grid -model_type block # consider temperature-leakage loop within HotSpot? -leakage_used 0 # leakage calculation modes: (only valid when -leakage_used=1) # 0 user-defined leakage power model, do temp-leakage loop within HotSpot # 1 use HotLeakage -- !NOT implemented in this release!, coming later. -leakage_mode 0 # use detailed package model? -package_model_used 0 -package_config_file package.config # block model specific parameters # omit lateral chip resistances? -block_omit_lateral 0 # grid model specific parameters # grid resolution - no. of rows -grid_rows 64 # grid resolution - no. of cols -grid_cols 64 # layer configuration from file -grid_layer_file (null) # dump internal grid steady state temperatures -grid_steady_file (null) # grid to block mapping mode - (avg|min|max|center) # i.e., a block's temperature is the avg, min or max # of all the grid cells in it or equal to that of # the grid cell in its center -grid_map_mode center # floorplanner parameters # L2 modeling # wrap around L2? -wrap_l2 1 # name of the L2 unit to look for -l2_label L2 # rim modeling # model dead space around the rim of the chip? -model_rim 0 # thickness of the rim in meters -rim_thickness 5e-05 # others # area ratio below which to ignore dead space -compact_ratio 0.005 # no. of discrete orientations for a shape curve (even no. > 1) -n_orients 300 # annealing parameters # initial acceptance probability -P0 0.99 # average change (delta) in cost -Davg 1 # no. of moves to try in each step -Kmoves 7 # ratio for the cooling schedule -Rcool 0.99 # ratio of rejects at which to stop annealing -Rreject 0.99 # absolute max no. of annealing steps -Nmax 1000 # weights for the metric: lambdaA * A + lambdaT * T + lambdaW * W # weight for the area term -lambdaA 5.0e+06 # weight for the temperature term -lambdaT 1 # weight for the wire length term -lambdaW 350