[package] name = "templar" authors = ["Phil Proctor "] description = "Lightweight, fast, and powerful templating engine" documentation = "https://docs.rs/templar" version = "0.5.0" edition = "2018" repository = "https://github.com/proctorlabs/templar" keywords = ["cli", "template", "templating", "handlebars", "jinja"] categories = ["template-engine"] license = "MIT/Apache-2.0" readme = "../README.md" exclude = [".github/**", "docs/**"] workspace = "../" [package.metadata.deb] maintainer = "Phil Proctor " copyright = "2020, templar development team" license-file = ["LICENSE-MIT", "5"] extended-description = """\ Templar is a command for processing template files with \ a Jinja2 inspired syntax and using a variety of data sources \ as an input.""" depends = "$auto" section = "utility" priority = "optional" [dependencies] templar_macros = { path = "../templar_macros", version = "0.5.0" } # General dependencies unstructured = { version = "0.5.1", default_features = false, features = [] } lazy_static = "1.4" pest = "2.1" pest_derive = "2.1" derive_more = "0.99" # Optional serde deps serde = { version = "1.0", optional = true, features = ["derive"] } serde_yaml = { version ="0.8", optional = true } serde_json = { version ="1.0", optional = true } toml = { version = "0.5", optional = true } serde-xml-rs = { version = "0.4", optional = true } # Misc optionals parking_lot = { version = "0.11", optional = true } base64 = { version = "0.13", optional = true } # Binary deps clap = { version = "2.33", optional = true } structopt = { version = "0.3", optional = true } [dev-dependencies] criterion = "0.3" [features] default = ["shared-context", "yaml-extension", "json-extension", "base64-extension"] #ser/deser extensions toml-extension = ["serde", "toml"] xml-extension = ["serde", "serde-xml-rs"] json-extension = ["serde", "serde_json"] yaml-extension = ["serde", "serde_yaml"] #other shared-context = ["parking_lot"] base64-extension = ["base64"] #groups serde-extensions = ["toml-extension", "xml-extension", "json-extension", "yaml-extension"] common-extensions = ["serde-extensions", "base64-extension"] full = ["serde-extensions", "base64-extension", "shared-context"] #binary bin = ["clap", "structopt", "common-extensions"] experimental = [] [lib] name = "templar" path = "src/lib.rs" [[bin]] name = "templar" path = "src/main.rs" required-features = ["bin"] [[bench]] name = "templar_benchmark" harness = false path = "benches/lib.rs"