# Tempomat A small CLI to facilitate creating Tempo worklogs for Jira issues. ## Installation You can either build this utility from source with `cargo build` or use `cargo install tempomat --locked` to get the latest version from crates.io. An AUR package might come in the future. ## Usage First you must get all the required access tokens: ```sh tempomat login --atlassian-instance ``` #### Required accesses: - Jira: This access is needed because the Tempo API needs both the Atlassian Account and Jira issue ID, which can only be obtained from the Jira API. - Tempo: Should be self-explanatory ### Logging time This tool will automatically detect the current Jira issue key you are working on by the curret branch name (eg. `feat/DV-3124` or `PROJ-30_fix_bugs`). If the issue key cannot be detected from the current branch, you will have to pass the `-i` flag with the issue key. Examples: ```sh tempomat log 1h # Logs 1 hour to the current issue tempomat log -m"Implement Bar" 30s # Logs 30 seconds to the current issue with a description tempomat log -i PROJ-5 30m # Log 30 minutes to the issue PROJ-5 tempomat start # Start a timer for the current issue, you can also use -i here tempomat list -i PROJ-5 # Show current timer for issue PROJ-5 tempomat stop -n # Cancel the timer for the current issue, don't pass -n to submit it (-i supported) ``` ## TODO This tool is not yet fully complete, watch the progress here: [TODO.md](https://github.com/maxicarlos08/tempomat/blob/master/TODO.md)