[package] authors = ["Ľubomír Kurčák "] name = "tend" description = "Quickly spin up/down groups of command-line tasks with automated recovery" version = "0.2.13" edition = "2021" license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0" repository = "https://github.com/lubomirkurcak/tend" categories = [ "command-line-interface", "command-line-utilities", "development-tools", ] keywords = ["cli", "task", "automation", "recovery", "tend"] # See more keys and their definitions at https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html [dependencies] anyhow = "1.0.89" clap = { version = "4.5.20", features = ["derive"] } colored = "2.1.0" dirs-next = "2.0.0" folktime = "0.2.1" prettytable-rs = "0.10.0" process-wrap = { version = "8.0.2", features = ["tokio1"] } serde = { version = "1.0.210", features = ["derive"] } serde_json = "1.0.128" tokio = { version = "1.40.0", features = [ "rt-multi-thread", "macros", "time", "io-util", "signal", "process", "sync", ] } [profile.release] debug = false strip = true lto = true opt-level = "z" codegen-units = 1 panic = "abort"