# Examples ## Detecting patterns in output Detect patterns in the output of a command and take action when a pattern is detected. ### Restarting jobs Restart a job when a certain condition is met. #### Create a faulty command Create a command `count` that faults (prints "error" to `stderr`) occasionally (when it counts to 5): ##### sh (Linux) ```sh tend create --overwrite "count" -- sh -c 'for i in $(seq 1 10); do if [ $i -eq 5 ]; then echo "error" >&2; else echo "hello $i"; fi; sleep 1; done' ``` ##### cmd (Windows) ```sh tend create --overwrite "count" -- cmd /C "@echo off & for /L %i in (1,1,10) do ((if %i==5 (echo error >&2) else (echo hello %i)) & timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul)" ``` #### Detect errors Create a hook with name `error-hook` that detects the substring `error` in the `stderr` output of the command `count-err` and restarts the command when the substring is detected: ```sh tend edit "count" hook create "error-hook" detect-substring --stream stderr "error" restart ``` ### Stopping jobs Stop a job when a certain condition is met. #### Create a command ```sh tend create --overwrite ping-1111 ``` #### Detect first response and stop the job Create a hook with name `stop-hook` that detects the substring `from` in the `stdout` output of the command `ping` and stops the command when the substring is detected: ```sh tend edit "ping-1111" hook create "stop-hook" detect-substring --stream stdout "from" stop ```