use anyhow::{anyhow, Context, Result}; use std::{collections::HashMap, fmt, io::Write, path::PathBuf}; // The name of the file generated by this crate, used in src/ const GENERATED_FILE_NAME: &str = ""; // The default name of the tensorflow proto source if the TENSORFLOW_PROTO_SOURCE environment // variable isn't defined. const DEFAULT_TENSORFLOW_PROTO_SOURCE: &str = "./proto"; // The directory containing the protocol buffer source tree. const TENSORFLOW_PROTO_SOURCE: Option<&str> = option_env!("TENSORFLOW_PROTO_SOURCE"); // The default extension to use to find protocol buffer definitions. const DEFAULT_PROTO_FILE_EXT: &str = ".proto"; // The environment variable referring to the protocol buffer file extension const PROTO_FILE_EXT: Option<&str> = option_env!("PROTO_FILE_EXT"); struct ModMap { name: String, include: Option, children: HashMap, } impl fmt::Display for ModMap { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { writeln!(f, "pub mod {} {{",; if let Some(ref include) = self.include { writeln!(f, r#"include!("{}");"#, include)?; } for value in self.children.values() { writeln!(f, "{}", value)?; } write!(f, "}}") } } fn file_name(path: impl AsRef) -> Result { Ok(path .as_ref() .file_name() .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("path has no file_name"))? .to_str() .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("invalid unicode file_name"))? .to_owned()) } fn main() -> Result<()> { let out_dir = PathBuf::from(std::env::var("OUT_DIR")?); let suffix = PROTO_FILE_EXT.unwrap_or(DEFAULT_PROTO_FILE_EXT); let source = TENSORFLOW_PROTO_SOURCE .map_or_else(|| DEFAULT_TENSORFLOW_PROTO_SOURCE.into(), PathBuf::from); let schema_files = glob::glob( &source .join("**") .join(format!("*{}", suffix)) .display() .to_string(), )? .collect::, _>>()?; for path in schema_files.iter() { println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={}", path.display().to_string()); } if !schema_files.is_empty() { let mut cfg = prost_build::Config::new(); cfg.out_dir(&out_dir).compile_well_known_types(); if std::env::var_os("CARGO_FEATURE_SERDE_DERIVE").is_some() { cfg.type_attribute(".", "#[tensorflow_proto_derive::serde_default_viable]"); } if std::env::var_os("CARGO_FEATURE_CONVERT").is_some() { cfg.type_attribute( ".", "#[derive(tensorflow_proto_derive::BytesTryConvertMessage)]", ); } cfg.compile_protos(&schema_files, &[source])?; } let mut root = HashMap::new(); for result_entry in glob::glob(&out_dir.join("*.rs").display().to_string())? { let entry = result_entry?; let basename = file_name(&entry)?; if basename != GENERATED_FILE_NAME { let base_module_name = file_name(entry.with_extension(""))?; let mod_path = base_module_name .split('.') .map(ToOwned::to_owned) .collect::>(); let top = mod_path[0].clone(); let rest = &mod_path[1..]; let mut tree = root.entry(top.clone()).or_insert_with(|| ModMap { name: top, include: Default::default(), children: HashMap::new(), }); for module in rest { tree.children .entry(module.to_owned()) .or_insert_with(move || ModMap { name: module.to_owned(), include: None, children: HashMap::new(), }); tree = tree .children .get_mut(module) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("{} module not found", module))?; } tree.include = Some(basename); } } let mut file = std::fs::OpenOptions::new() .create(true) .truncate(true) .write(true) .open(out_dir.join(GENERATED_FILE_NAME))?; for (module, value) in root { writeln!(file, "{}", value).with_context(move || { format!( "failed to write rust module for tensorflow protobuf: {}", module ) })?; } Ok(()) }