syntax = "proto3"; package tensorflow; option cc_enable_arenas = true; option java_outer_classname = "VariableProtos"; option java_multiple_files = true; option java_package = "org.tensorflow.framework"; option go_package = ""; // Indicates when a distributed variable will be synced. enum VariableSynchronization { // `AUTO`: Indicates that the synchronization will be determined by the // current `DistributionStrategy` (eg. With `MirroredStrategy` this would be // `ON_WRITE`). VARIABLE_SYNCHRONIZATION_AUTO = 0; // `NONE`: Indicates that there will only be one copy of the variable, so // there is no need to sync. VARIABLE_SYNCHRONIZATION_NONE = 1; // `ON_WRITE`: Indicates that the variable will be updated across devices // every time it is written. VARIABLE_SYNCHRONIZATION_ON_WRITE = 2; // `ON_READ`: Indicates that the variable will be aggregated across devices // when it is read (eg. when checkpointing or when evaluating an op that uses // the variable). VARIABLE_SYNCHRONIZATION_ON_READ = 3; } // Indicates how a distributed variable will be aggregated. enum VariableAggregation { // `NONE`: This is the default, giving an error if you use a // variable-update operation with multiple replicas. VARIABLE_AGGREGATION_NONE = 0; // `SUM`: Add the updates across replicas. VARIABLE_AGGREGATION_SUM = 1; // `MEAN`: Take the arithmetic mean ("average") of the updates across // replicas. VARIABLE_AGGREGATION_MEAN = 2; // `ONLY_FIRST_REPLICA`: This is for when every replica is performing the same // update, but we only want to perform the update once. Used, e.g., for the // global step counter. VARIABLE_AGGREGATION_ONLY_FIRST_REPLICA = 3; } // Protocol buffer representing a Variable. message VariableDef { // Name of the variable tensor. string variable_name = 1; // Name of the tensor holding the variable's initial value. string initial_value_name = 6; // Name of the initializer op. string initializer_name = 2; // Name of the snapshot tensor. string snapshot_name = 3; // Support for saving variables as slices of a larger variable. SaveSliceInfoDef save_slice_info_def = 4; // Whether to represent this as a ResourceVariable. bool is_resource = 5; // Whether this variable should be trained. bool trainable = 7; // Indicates when a distributed variable will be synced. VariableSynchronization synchronization = 8; // Indicates how a distributed variable will be aggregated. VariableAggregation aggregation = 9; } message SaveSliceInfoDef { // Name of the full variable of which this is a slice. string full_name = 1; // Shape of the full variable. repeated int64 full_shape = 2; // Offset of this variable into the full variable. repeated int64 var_offset = 3; // Shape of this variable. repeated int64 var_shape = 4; }