# CHANGELOG ## `v0.4.1` - Patch version updates to all the used components. Should behave the same as `v0.4.0`. - Builds for all major OS x architecture: - `linux` - `linux-arm` - `macos` - `win-msvc` - `win-gnu` ## `v0.4.0` - Update Tera to `v1.2.0`. Tera changelog can be found at: . ## `v0.3.0` - Use Tera stable release `v1.y.z`! ## `v0.2.1` - Fix and return non-zero exit code during error ([#6](https://github.com/guangie88/tera-cli/pull/6)). ## `v0.2.0` - Drop root key support entirely ([#4](https://github.com/guangie88/tera-cli/pull/4)). Only allow variable file to contain `map[string, value]` at root. The keys of the map now forms the root keys. That is, if env var `MSG` has the value `"hello"`, previously the template string to use was `{{ c.MSG }}`. Now the template string to use should be `{{ MSG }}`. ## `v0.1.1` - Add YAML support to CLI ([#3](https://github.com/guangie88/tera-cli/pull/3)). ## `v0.1.0` - Initial implementation with JSON, TOML and env var support. - Read all possible values into a default root key `c`.