# Command-Line Help for `sesh` This document contains the help content for the `sesh` command-line program. **Command Overview:** * [`sesh`↴](#sesh) * [`sesh resume`↴](#sesh-resume) * [`sesh start`↴](#sesh-start) * [`sesh attach`↴](#sesh-attach) * [`sesh select`↴](#sesh-select) * [`sesh detach`↴](#sesh-detach) * [`sesh kill`↴](#sesh-kill) * [`sesh list`↴](#sesh-list) * [`sesh shutdown`↴](#sesh-shutdown) ## `sesh` A terminal session manager for unix systems. Run persistent, named tasks that you can detach from and attach to at any time - both on your local machine, and over SSH **Usage:** `sesh [OPTIONS] [PROGRAM] [ARGS]... [COMMAND]` ###### **Subcommands:** * `resume` — Resume the last used session [alias: r] * `start` — Start a new session, optionally specifying a name [alias: s] * `attach` — Attach to a session [alias: a] * `select` — Fuzzy select a session to attach to [alias: f] * `detach` — Detach from a session [alias: d] * `kill` — Kill a session [alias: k] * `list` — List sessions [alias: ls] * `shutdown` — Shutdown the server (kill all sessions) ###### **Arguments:** * `` * `` ###### **Options:** * `-n`, `--name ` * `-d`, `--detached` ## `sesh resume` Resume the last used session [alias: r] Specify --create / -c to create a new session if one does not exist **Usage:** `sesh resume [OPTIONS]` ###### **Options:** * `-c`, `--create` — Create a new session if one does not exist ## `sesh start` Start a new session, optionally specifying a name [alias: s] If no program is specified, the default shell will be used. If no name is specified, the name will be [program name]-[n-1] where n is the number of sessions with that program name. If --detached / -d is present, the session will not be attached to the client on creation and will run in the background. **Usage:** `sesh start [OPTIONS] [PROGRAM] [ARGS]...` ###### **Arguments:** * `` * `` ###### **Options:** * `-n`, `--name ` * `-d`, `--detached` ## `sesh attach` Attach to a session [alias: a] Select a session by index or name. If --create / -c is present, a new session will be created if one does not exist. If the session was selected by name and the session was not present, the new session created by --create will have the specified name. **Usage:** `sesh attach [OPTIONS] ` ###### **Arguments:** * `` — Id or name of session ###### **Options:** * `-c`, `--create` — Create a new session if one does not exist ## `sesh select` Fuzzy select a session to attach to [alias: f] Opens a fuzzy selection window provided by the dialoguer crate. Type to fuzzy find files, or use the Up/Down arrows to navigate. Press Enter to confirm your selection, or Escape to cancel. **Usage:** `sesh select` ## `sesh detach` Detach from a session [alias: d] If no session is specified, detaches from the current session (if it exists). Otherwise, detaches the specified session from its owning client. **Usage:** `sesh detach [SESSION]` ###### **Arguments:** * `` — Id or name of session ## `sesh kill` Kill a session [alias: k] Kills a session and the process it owns. Select a session by name or index. **Usage:** `sesh kill ` ###### **Arguments:** * `` — Id or name of session ## `sesh list` List sessions [alias: ls] Prints a compact list of session names and indexes. With the --info / -i option, prints a nicely formatted table with info about each session. **Usage:** `sesh list [OPTIONS]` ###### **Options:** * `-i`, `--info` — Print detailed info about sessions * `-j`, `--json` — Print session info as JSON, to be processed by another tool ## `sesh shutdown` Shutdown the server (kill all sessions) **Usage:** `sesh shutdown`
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