$ term-transcript exec -I 300ms -T 100ms rainbow.sh > rainbow.svg
# `-T` option defines the I/O timeout for the shell,
# and `-I` specifies the additional initialization timeout
$ term-transcript test -I 300ms -T 100ms -v rainbow.svg
# `-v` switches on verbose output
Testing file rainbow.svg...
  [+] Input: rainbow.sh
    Base colors:
    black red green yellow blue magenta cyan white 
    black red green yellow blue magenta cyan white 
    Base colors (bg):
    black red green yellow blue magenta cyan white 
    black red green yellow blue magenta cyan white 
    ANSI color palette:
    ANSI grayscale palette:
    24-bit colors:
    pink orange brown teal 
Totals: passed: 1, errors: 0, failures: 0