# Termal - A hackable terminal emulator with unicode support > [!WARNING] > Termal is still in very early development so feel free to report bugs. ## About Termal is not supposed to be the fastest terminal emulator nor the best, termal is supposed to be your own terminal emulator. ## Features - [x] Full vt10x support - [x] C0 control codes - [x] Custom CSI parser - [x] utf-8 support - [x] copy/paste ## Installation Termal is installed from source with `build.sh`. ### Prequesites In order to build termal you will need to have the rust toolchain installed and available to `build.sh`. On arch-based distros the rust toolchain can be installed with the [rust](https://archlinux.org/packages/extra/x86_64/rust/) package. ## Configuration Termal looks for a configuration file at `$HOME/.config/termal/config.toml`. > [!WARNING] > The default configuration assumes you have the Iosevka Nerd Font installed. The default configuration is as following. ``` ###################### # Termal Config # ###################### tab_max = 400 scrollback = 400 ###################### # Colors and looks # ###################### # IMPORTANT: make sure to replace $HOME with your home path bell = "$HOME/.config/termal/pluh.wav" # xft font syntax: https://keithp.com/keithp/talks/xtc2001/xft.pdf font = "Iosevka Nerd Font Mono:style=Regular" foreground = "d7-e0-da" background = "0d-16-17" colors = [ "0a-10-11", # black "e7-4b-4b", # red "5e-c5-87", # green "de-b2-6a", # brown "65-9b-db", # blue "c1-67-d9", # magneta "5f-d1-d5", # cyan "d7-e0-da", # white ] ``` ## Common Issues If you get the following error message it's most likely caused by a invalid path for the bell inside your configuration. `[+] failed to create terminal: No such file or directory (os error 2)` ## Todos - [ ] fix visual disturbances as a result of dirty xft rendering ## License Termal is licensed under the MIT license.