- add configuration option for density (0.1 - 0.9) - clear the screan after ctrl+c (seems like termion is supposed to handle this, possible we are not awaiting the completion of a thread) - traces should update at different rates - stagger updating of characters (reduce "pulsing") - permit overwrites (multiple traces in the same column) - add configuration option for overwrite behavior (deletes the trace it catches vs being followed by it) - handle terminal resizing (see termion's `terminal_size()` function) - when window size decreasing, delete out-of-bounds traces - when window size increasing, start sliding again / add new traces - add configuration option for trace "gravity" (tendency to cluster together rather than simple random placement) - option to --debug which will reserve a few lines at the top of the screen dedicated to debug info - update delay - updates / sec (frequency in Hz) - glyphs / sec - glyphs / update - traces / update - min/max glyph delay (actual, not the configured min/max)