PROJECT_NAME = "termchan" DEPENDENICIES = "cargo-watch" ERROR_LOG = "termchan.log" .PHONY: core core: @echo "$(PROJECT_NAME) try to run core" cargo run .PHONY: cli cli: @echo "$(PROJECT_NAME) try to run cli" cargo run -p $@ .PHONY: cli-watch cli-watch: @echo "$(PROJECT_NAME) try to run cli-watch" cargo watch -p $@ .PHONY: test-cli-main test-cli-main: @echo "$(PROJECT_NAME) try to run test-cli-main" cargo test -p cli test-cli-main .PHONY: test test: @echo "$(PROJECT_NAME) try to test" cargo test -- --nocapture .PHONY: test-bbsmenu test-bbsmenu: @echo "$(PROJECT_NAME) try to test bbsmenu" cargo test bbsmenu -- --nocapture .PHONY: test-encoder test-encoder: @echo "$(PROJECT_NAME) try to test encoder" cargo test encoder -- --nocapture .PHONY: test-config test-config: @echo "$(PROJECT_NAME) try to test config" cargo test config -- --nocapture .PHONY: fmt fmt: cargo fmt