# Contributing Thanks for the interest! Please follow these guidelines if you'd like to contribute to the project. --- ## Issues & bugs Submit an [issue][2] or [pull request][3] with a fix if you find any bugs in the project. See [below](#submitting-pull-requests) for instructions on sending in pull requests. When submitting an issue or pull request, make sure you're as detailed as possible and fill in all answers to questions asked in the templates. For example, an issue that simply states "X/Y/Z isn't working!" will be closed. ## Feature requests Submit an [issue][2] to request a new feature. ## Submitting pull requests Before you do anything, make sure you check the current list of [pull requests][4] to ensure you aren't duplicating anyone's work. Then, do the following: 1. Fork the repository and make your changes in a git branch. 2. Run `cargo fmt` and `cargo clippy` after you made changes. 3. Commit your changes, and be sure to follow [conventional commits](https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0/). 4. Push your branch to your forked repo on GitHub. 5. [Submit a pull request][3] and hold tight! 6. If any changes are requested by the project maintainers, make them and follow this process again until the changes are merged in. [2]: https://github.com/caycun/termongo/issues/new [3]: https://github.com/caycun/termongo/compare [4]: https://github.com/caycun/termongo/pulls