use dialoguer::{theme::ColorfulTheme, Confirm}; fn main() { if Confirm::with_theme(&ColorfulTheme::default()) .with_prompt("Do you want to continue?") .interact() .unwrap() { println!("Looks like you want to continue"); } else { println!("nevermind then :("); } if Confirm::with_theme(&ColorfulTheme::default()) .with_prompt("Do you really want to continue?") .default(true) .interact() .unwrap() { println!("Looks like you want to continue"); } else { println!("nevermind then :("); } if Confirm::with_theme(&ColorfulTheme::default()) .with_prompt("Do you really really want to continue?") .default(true) .show_default(false) .wait_for_newline(true) .interact() .unwrap() { println!("Looks like you want to continue"); } else { println!("nevermind then :("); } if Confirm::with_theme(&ColorfulTheme::default()) .with_prompt("Do you really really really want to continue?") .wait_for_newline(true) .interact() .unwrap() { println!("Looks like you want to continue"); } else { println!("nevermind then :("); } }