# TermRect   [![Latest Version]][crates.io] [![Docs Badge]][docs.rs] [![Travis Badge]][travis-ci.org] [![AppVeyor Badge]][ci.appveyor.com] [Latest Version]: https://img.shields.io/crates/v/termrect.svg [crates.io]: https://crates.io/crates/termrect [Docs Badge]: https://docs.rs/termrect/badge.svg [docs.rs]: https://docs.rs/termrect/ [Travis Badge]: https://travis-ci.org/ricochet1k/termrect.svg?branch=master [travis-ci.org]: https://travis-ci.org/ricochet1k/termrect [AppVeyor Badge]: https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/j62afven6cwv6t04/branch/master?svg=true [ci.appveyor.com]: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/ricochet1k/termrect/branch/master **TermRect is a cross-platform representation of a rectangle of characters on a terminal.** --- # About TermRect is a lightweight representation of a styled 2d character grid. You can draw styled text into a TermRect, you can draw other TermRects into a TermRect. TermRect keeps track of the regions that have changed in each line, so you can render only what changed to the screen.