meta sp_corecrypto,AccountId32 [u8; 32]  0frame_system,AccountInfoIndex,AccountDatanonceIndex$consumers RefCount$providers RefCount,sufficients RefCountdata,AccountData8<<(sp_runtimegenericdigest(DigestItem(PreRuntime@DConsensusEngineId0Vec$Consensus@DConsensusEngineId0VecSeal@DConsensusEngineId0VecOther0VecdRuntimeEnvironmentUpdated@DHH0frame_system,EventRecordELT, phasePhaseeventLEtopicsVecL$Schedulertpallet_scheduler::Event Balances|pallet_balances::EventHTransactionPaymentpallet_transaction_payment::Event OffencesXpallet_offences::EventSessionTpallet_session::Event GrandpaTpallet_grandpa::Event ImOnlinepallet_im_online::Event Stakingxpallet_staking::Event 8StakingRewardsternoa_staking_rewards::EventhElectionProviderMultiPhasepallet_election_provider_multi_phase::Event BagsListpallet_bags_list::EventCouncilpallet_collective::Event@PhragmenElection pallet_elections_phragmen::Event$Democracypallet_democracy::EventHTechnicalCommittee)pallet_collective::EventLTechnicalMembership-pallet_membership::EventMandate1xternoa_mandate::Event Treasury5|pallet_treasury::EventUtility9Tpallet_utility::Event Preimage=|pallet_preimage::EventBridgeAtternoa_bridge::Event MultisigQ|pallet_multisig::Event IdentityY|pallet_identity::Event NFT]hternoa_nft::Event,Marketplaceuternoa_marketplace::EventAssetstpallet_assets::EventAuctionxternoa_auction::Event Rentlternoa_rent::Event!P 0frame_systempalletEventT@ExtrinsicSuccess4dispatch_infoT0DispatchInfoAn extrinsic completed|>result8DispatchResultTDispatched some task.@CallLookupFailed taskxlTaskAddressid|>error,LookupError)The call for the provided hash was not found so the task has been aborted.0Events type.x|OptionT0NoneSome0ResultTE`Ok Err`4frame_supporttraits schedule,LookupErrorUnknown$BadFormat  tip0BalanceOfYA transaction fee `actual_fee`, of which `tip` was added to the minimum inclusion fee,\has been paid by `who`. The [event]( emitted by this pallet. >)At the end of the session, at least one validator was found to be offline. The [event]( emitted by this pallet. @pallet_im_onlinesr25519,app_sr25519Public>8pallet_stakingHIndividualExposure$AccountIdBalance who$AccountIdvalueBalance8pallet_stakingpalletpalletEventT4EraPaid $era_index EraIndex@validator_payout0BalanceOf$remainder0BalanceOfUThe era payout has been set; the first balance is the validator-payout; the second isthe remainder from the maximum amount of reward. Rewardedstash0T::AccountIdamount0BalanceOfThe nominator has been rewarded by this amount.Slashedstaker0T::AccountIdamount0BalanceOfEOne staker (and potentially its nominators) has been slashed by the given amount.hOldSlashingReportDiscarded4session_index0SessionIndexAn old slashing report from a prior era was discarded because it couldDnot be processed.8StakersElectedA new set of stakers was elected.Bondedstash0T::AccountIdamount0BalanceOfAn account has bonded this amount. \[stash, amount\]MNOTE: This event is only emitted when funds are bonded via a dispatchable. Notably,!it will not be emitted for staking rewards when they are added to stake. Unbondedstash0T::AccountIdamount0BalanceOfAn account has unbonded this amount.$Withdrawnstash0T::AccountIdamount0BalanceOfYAn account has called `withdraw_unbonded` and removed unbonding chunks worth `Balance`dfrom the unlocking queue.Kicked$nominator0T::AccountIdstash0T::AccountIdA nominator has been kicked from a validator.TStakingElectionFailed The election failed. No new era is planned.Chilledstash0T::AccountId !An account has stopped participating as either a validator or nominator.4PayoutStarted$era_index EraIndex The [event]( emitted by this pallet. pallet_election_provider_multi_phasepalletEventT8SolutionStoredcompute::AccountIdvalue0BalanceOf%An account has been rewarded for their signed submission being finalized.Slashedaccount::AccountIdvalue0BalanceOf!An account has been slashed for submitting an invalid signed submission.HSignedPhaseStartedround u32The signed phase of the given round has started.PUnsignedPhaseStartedround u32The unsigned phase of the given round has started. The [event]( emitted by this pallet. pallet_election_provider_multi_phase::AccountId, BalanceOf)>EA new term with new_members. This indicates that enough candidates existed to runUthe election, not that enough have has been elected. The inner value must be examinedEfor this purpose. A `NewTerm(\[\])` indicates that some candidates got their bondUslashed and none were elected, whilst `EmptyTerm` means that no candidates existed to,begin with.$EmptyTerm1No (or not enough) candidates existed for this round. This is different from`NewTerm(\[\])`. See the description of `NewTerm`.4ElectionErrorInternal error happened while trying to perform election.0MemberKickedmember::AccountIdAA member has been removed. This should always be followed by either `NewTerm` or0`EmptyTerm`.$Renounced$candidate::AccountIdSomeone has renounced their candidacy.@CandidateSlashed$candidate::AccountIdamount0BalanceOf9A candidate was slashed by amount due to failing to obtain a seat as member or(runner-up.Note that old members and runners-up are also candidates.DSeatHolderSlashed,seat_holder::AccountIdamount0BalanceOf5A seat holder was slashed by amount by being forcefully removed from the set. The [event]( emitted by this pallet.  @pallet_democracypalletEventTP Proposed8proposal_index$PropIndexdeposit0BalanceOfA motion has been proposed by a public account.Tabled 8proposal_index$PropIndexdeposit0BalanceOf(depositorsDVecA public proposal has been tabled for referendum vote.8ExternalTabledAn external proposal has been tabled.Started$ref_index A proposal's preimage was noted, and the deposit taken.0PreimageUsed 4proposal_hash,T::Hash provider0T::AccountIddeposit0BalanceOf A proposal preimage was removed and used (the deposit was returned).reaper0T::AccountId)A registered preimage was removed and the deposit collected by the reaper.,Blacklisted4proposal_hash,T::HashA proposal_hash has been blacklisted permanently.Voted voter0T::AccountId$ref_index>An account has voted in a referendum Seconded seconder0T::AccountId(prop_index$PropIndexAn account has secconded a proposal@ProposalCanceled(prop_index$PropIndex`A proposal got canceled. The [event]( emitted by this pallet.  @pallet_democracy8vote_threshold4VoteThreshold PSuperMajorityApprovePSuperMajorityAgainst8SimpleMajority! @pallet_democracyvote,AccountVoteBalance Standardvote%VotebalanceBalanceSplit ayeBalance nayBalance% @pallet_democracyvoteVote) Dpallet_collectivepalletEventTI Proposedaccount0T::AccountId8proposal_index4ProposalIndex4proposal_hash,T::Hash$threshold,MemberCountIA motion (given hash) has been proposed (by given account) with a threshold (given<`MemberCount`).Votedaccount0T::AccountId4proposal_hash,T::Hashvotedbool yes,MemberCountno,MemberCountA motion (given hash) has been voted on by given account, leavinga tally (yes votes and no votes given respectively as `MemberCount`). Approved4proposal_hash,T::HashA motion was approved by the required threshold.,Disapproved4proposal_hash,T::HashA motion was not approved by the required threshold. Executed4proposal_hash,T::Hashresult8DispatchResult!A motion was executed; result will be `Ok` if it returned without error.8MemberExecuted4proposal_hash,T::Hashresult8DispatchResultIA single member did some action; result will be `Ok` if it returned without error.Closed 4proposal_hash,T::Hash yes,MemberCountno,MemberCountUA proposal was closed because its threshold was reached or after its duration was up. The [event]( emitted by this pallet. - Dpallet_membershippalletEventTI,MemberAddedThe given member was added; see the transaction for who.4MemberRemovedThe given member was removed; see the transaction for who.8MembersSwappedTwo members were swapped; see the transaction for who.0MembersResetThe membership was reset; see the transaction for who the new set is.(KeyChangedOne of the members' keys changed.DummylPhantom member, never used. The [event]( emitted by this pallet. 1 8ternoa_mandatepalletEventTRootOpresult8DispatchResultA root operation was executed, show result The [event]( emitted by this pallet. 5 We have ended a spend period and will now allocate funds.Awarded 8proposal_index4ProposalIndexawardaccount0T::AccountId|Some funds have been allocated. Rejected8proposal_index4ProposalIndexslashedA proposal was rejected; funds were slashed.Burnt,burnt_fundsSome of our funds have been burnt. Rollover@rollover_balance-Spending has finished; this is the amount that rolls over until next spend.Depositvalue|Some funds have been deposited.4SpendApproved 8proposal_index4ProposalIndexamount,beneficiary0T::AccountIdA new spend proposal has been approved. The [event]( emitted by this pallet. 9 8pallet_utilitypalletEvent@BatchInterruptedindex u32error`4DispatchErrorUBatch of dispatches did not complete fully. Index of first failing dispatch given, asHwell as the error.8BatchCompletedBatch of dispatches completed fully with no error.`BatchCompletedWithErrorsBatch of dispatches completed but has errors.4ItemCompletedA single item within a Batch of dispatches has completed with no error.(ItemFailederror`4DispatchErrorA single item within a Batch of dispatches has completed with error.0DispatchedAsresult8DispatchResultXA call was dispatched. The [event]( emitted by this pallet. = HBridge fee changed,DepositMade chain_idChainIdnonce(0DepositNonceamountEU256$recipient0VecMake a deposit from Native to ERC20LDepositNonceUpdated chain_idChainIdnonce(0DepositNonceTDeposit Nonce Updated0ChainAllowed chain_idChainId`Chain allowed to be used@ProposalApproved chain_idChainIdnonce(0DepositNonceVoting successful for a proposal\RelayerThresholdUpdated$threshold u32hVote threshold has changed0RelayerVoted  chain_idChainIdnonce(0DepositNonceaccount0T::AccountIdVote submitted in favour of proposaldRelayers has been updated The [event]( emitted by this pallet. EQ  multisig0T::AccountId$call_hash CallHashA multisig operation has been approved by someone.@MultisigExecuted$approving0T::AccountId$timepointUdTimepoint multisig0T::AccountId$call_hash CallHashresult8DispatchResultA multisig operation has been executed.DMultisigCancelled(cancelling0T::AccountId$timepointUdTimepoint multisig0T::AccountId$call_hash CallHashA multisig operation has been cancelled. The [event]( emitted by this pallet. UA name was cleared, and the given balance returned.8IdentityKilled who0T::AccountIddeposit0BalanceOfA name was removed and the given balance slashed.HJudgementRequested who0T::AccountIdA sub-identity was added to an identity and the deposit paid.HSubIdentityRemoved  sub0T::AccountIdmain0T::AccountIddeposit0BalanceOf A sub-identity was removed from an identity and the deposit freed.HSubIdentityRevoked  sub0T::AccountIdmain0T::AccountIddeposit0BalanceOf A sub-identity was cleared, and the given deposit repatriated from themain identity account to the sub-identity account. The [event]( emitted by this pallet. ] (ternoa_nftpalletEventT<(NFTCreatednft_idNFTIdowner0T::AccountId4offchain_dataaU8BoundedVecroyaltyePermill4collection_idiPOption0is_soulboundbool mint_fee0BalanceOfXA new NFT was created.$NFTBurnednft_idNFTIdHAn NFT was burned.8NFTTransferred nft_idNFTIdsender0T::AccountId$recipient0T::AccountIdAn NFT was transferred to someone else.0NFTDelegatednft_idNFTId$recipientmPOptionAn NFT was delegated to someone else.4NFTRoyaltySetnft_idNFTIdroyaltyePermillRoyalty has been changed for an NFT.4NFTMintFeeSet fee0BalanceOfTNFT mint fee changed.DCollectionCreated4collection_id0CollectionIdowner0T::AccountId4offchain_dataqU8BoundedVeclimiti,OptiondA collection was created.@CollectionBurned4collection_id0CollectionId`A collection was burned.@CollectionClosed4collection_id0CollectionId`A collection was closed.DCollectionLimited4collection_id0CollectionIdlimit u32 lA collection has limit set.PNFTAddedToCollectionnft_idNFTId4collection_id0CollectionId An NFT has been added to a collection.@SecretAddedToNFTnft_idNFTId4offchain_dataaU8BoundedVec A secret was added to a basic NFT.(ShardAddednft_idNFTIdenclave0T::AccountId A shard was added for a secret NFT.pSecret NFT mint fee changed. The [event]( emitted by this pallet. asp_corebounded,bounded_vec(BoundedVecTS0Vece 4sp_arithmetic(per_thingsPermill u32iOptionTNoneSomemOptionTNoneSomeqsp_corebounded,bounded_vec(BoundedVecTS0Vecu Hternoa_marketplacepalletEventT HMarketplaceCreated 8marketplace_id4MarketplaceIdowner0T::AccountIdkindy>>,listing_fee}ConfigOp>>0account_listConfigOp>4offchain_dataConfigOp>>XMarketplace config setTMarketplaceMintFeeSet fee0BalanceOf`Marketplace mint fee set$NFTListednft_idNFTId8marketplace_id4MarketplaceIdprice0BalanceOf8commission_feeOption>>(NFT listed,NFTUnlistednft_idNFTId0NFT unlistedNFTSoldnft_idNFTId8marketplace_id4MarketplaceIdbuyer0T::AccountId0listed_price0BalanceOf,royalty_cut0BalanceOf NFT sold The [event]( emitted by this pallet. y dternoa_pallets_primitives,marketplace dternoa_pallets_primitivescommon ConfigOpT Noop SetTRemovesp_corebounded,bounded_vec(BoundedVecTS0Vec dternoa_pallets_primitivescommon ConfigOpT Noop SetTRemovesp_corebounded,bounded_vec(BoundedVecTSVecOptionTNoneSome 4pallet_assetspalletEventTIHCreated  asset_id(T::AssetIdcreator0T::AccountIdowner0T::AccountIdtSome asset class was created.Issued  asset_id(T::AssetIdowner0T::AccountId0total_supply(T::Balance`Some assets were issued.,Transferred asset_id(T::AssetIdfrom0T::AccountIdto0T::AccountIdamount(T::BalancetSome assets were transferred.Burned  asset_id(T::AssetIdowner0T::AccountIdbalance(T::BalancelSome assets were destroyed.,TeamChanged asset_id(T::AssetIdissuer0T::AccountIdadmin0T::AccountIdfreezer0T::AccountIdpThe management team changed.0OwnerChanged asset_id(T::AssetIdowner0T::AccountIdHThe owner changed.Frozen asset_id(T::AssetId who0T::AccountIdxSome account `who` was frozen.Thawed asset_id(T::AssetId who0T::AccountIdxSome account `who` was thawed.,AssetFrozen asset_id(T::AssetIdSome asset `asset_id` was frozen.,AssetThawed asset_id(T::AssetId Some asset `asset_id` was thawed.$Destroyed asset_id(T::AssetId tAn asset class was destroyed.0ForceCreated asset_id(T::AssetIdowner0T::AccountId Some asset class was force-created.,MetadataSet asset_id(T::AssetIdname0Vecsymbol0Vec decimalsu8$is_frozenbool New metadata has been set for an asset.0buy_it_pricePOption>,start_block8T::BlockNumber$end_block8T::BlockNumberhA new auction was created.@AuctionCancellednft_idNFTIdAn existing auction was cancelled.@AuctionCompletednft_idNFTId$new_ownermPOption,paid_amountPOption>>,royalty_cutPOption>8auctioneer_cutPOption>An auction has completed and no more bids can be placed. BidAdded nft_idNFTIdbidder0T::AccountIdamount0BalanceOfXA new bid was created.(BidRemoved nft_idNFTIdbidder0T::AccountIdamount0BalanceOfpAn existing bid was removed.(BidUpdated nft_idNFTIdbidder0T::AccountIdamount0BalanceOfpAn existing bid was updated.(BidDropped nft_idNFTIdbidder0T::AccountIdamount0BalanceOfpAn existing bid was dropped.8BalanceClaimedaccount0T::AccountIdamount0BalanceOf@Balance claimed. The [event]( emitted by this pallet. OptionTNoneSome ,ternoa_rentpalletEventT,>Drenter_can_revokebool rent_feeTRentFee>\renter_cancellation_feetCancellationFee>\rentee_cancellation_feetCancellationFee>DContract Created.A contract subscription's terms were changed by renter.ContractSubscriptionTermsAcceptednft_idNFTIdA contract new subscription's terms were accpeted by rentee.4ContractEndednft_idNFTId(revoked_bymPOptionTA contract has ended.ContractSubscriptionPeriodStartednft_idNFTIdA contract's subscription period has started. ,ternoa_renttypes0Subscription,BlockNumber4period_length,BlockNumber0max_duration,BlockNumber4is_changeablebool$new_termsbool ,ternoa_renttypes8AcceptanceType,AccountList8AutoAcceptanceLOption@ManualAcceptanceLOptionsp_corebounded,bounded_vec(BoundedVecTSVecOptionTNoneSome ,ternoa_renttypesRentFeeBalanceTokensBalance NFTNFTId ,ternoa_renttypes$spec_namedsp_runtime::RuntimeString 0frame_systempalletCallT$(fill_blockratioPerbillA dispatch that will fill the block weight up to the given ratio.remarkremark0VechMake some on-chain remark.(# - `O(1)`,# 8set_heap_pagespages( u64Set the number of pages in the WebAssembly environment's heap. set_codecode0Vec0dSet the new runtime code.(# 1- `O(C + S)` where `C` length of `code` and `S` complexity of `can_set_code`E- 1 call to `can_set_code`: `O(S)` (calls `sp_io::misc::runtime_version` which is4 expensive).- 1 storage write (codec `O(C)`).@- 1 digest item.(- 1 event.MThe weight of this function is dependent on the runtime, but generally this is veryexpensive. We will treat this as a full block.,# \set_code_without_checkscode0Vec$Set the new runtime code without doing any checks of the given `code`.(# - `O(C)` where `C` length of `code`- 1 storage write (codec `O(C)`).@- 1 digest item.(- 1 event.UThe weight of this function is dependent on the runtime. We will treat this as a fullHblock. # ,set_storageitems4VechSet some items of storage.0kill_storagekeys VectKill some items from storage.,kill_prefixprefix0 Keysubkeys u32Kill all storage items with a key that starts with the given prefix.9**NOTE:** We rely on the Root origin to provide us the number of subkeys under=the prefix we are removing to accurately calculate the weight of this function.Dremark_with_eventremark0VecMake some on-chain remark and emit event.%Contains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic.000 0frame_systemlimits0BlockWeights (base_block Weight$max_block Weight$per_classPerDispatchClass 4frame_support dispatch@PerDispatchClassT normalT,operationalT$mandatoryT 0frame_systemlimits$max_total8Option reserved8OptionOptionT NoneSome   0frame_systemlimits,BlockLength max TPerDispatchClass  4frame_support dispatch@PerDispatchClassT normalT,operationalT$mandatoryT(sp_weights> priorityHschedule::Prioritycall=Call8maybe_periodicIOption>origin4PalletsOrigin=4frame_supporttraits schedule,MaybeHashedTAHash,ValueATHash,HashA$SchedulerEself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForBabeMself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallFor$Timestampuself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallFor Balancesyself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallFor(Authorshipself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForSessionself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallFor Grandpaself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallFor ImOnlineself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallFor Stakingself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallFor 8StakingRewards self::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForhElectionProviderMultiPhaseself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallFor BagsListYself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForCouncil]self::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallFor@PhragmenElectioniself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallFor$Democracyqself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForHTechnicalCommitteeyself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForLTechnicalMembership}self::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForMandateself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallFor Treasuryself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForUtilityself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallFor Preimageself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForBridgeself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallFor Multisigself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallFor Identityself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallFor NFTYself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallFor,Marketplaceaself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForAssetseself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallForAuctionmself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallFor Rentqself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::dispatch ::CallableCallFor!E @pallet_schedulerpalletCallT schedulewhen8T::BlockNumber8maybe_periodicIOption> priorityHschedule::Prioritycall=PBox>pAnonymously schedule a task.cancelwhen8T::BlockNumberindex u32Cancel an anonymously scheduled task.8schedule_namedid0Vecwhen8T::BlockNumber8maybe_periodicIOption> priorityHschedule::Prioritycall=PBox>XSchedule a named task.0cancel_namedid0VecxCancel a named scheduled task.8schedule_afterafter8T::BlockNumber8maybe_periodicIOption> priorityHschedule::Prioritycall=PBox>Anonymously schedule a task after a delay.(# TSame as [`schedule`].,# Pschedule_named_afterid0Vecafter8T::BlockNumber8maybe_periodicIOption> priorityHschedule::Prioritycall=PBox>Schedule a named task after a delay.(# Same as [`schedule_named`](Self::schedule_named).,# %Contains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic.IOptionTxNoneSomexM ,pallet_babepalletCallT Lreport_equivocationHequivocation_proofQBox>>>1- `O(1)` (Note that implementations of `OnTimestampSet` must also be `O(1)`)a- 1 storage read and 1 storage mutation (codec `O(1)`). (because of `DidUpdate::take` in@ `on_finalize`)- 1 event handler `on_timestamp_set`. Must be `O(1)`.,# %Contains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic.y value(T::BalancedTransfer some liquid free balance to another account.`transfer` will set the `FreeBalance` of the sender and receiver.If the sender's account is below the existential deposit as a resultof the transfer, the account will be reaped.The dispatch origin for this call must be `Signed` by the transactor.(# a- Dependent on arguments but not critical, given proper implementations for input config types. See related functions below.1- It contains a limited number of reads and writes internally and no complex8 computation.HRelated functions:M - `ensure_can_withdraw` is always called internally but has a bounded complexity.) - Transferring balances to accounts that did not exist before will cause `T::OnNewAccount::on_new_account` to be called.] - Removing enough funds from an account will trigger `T::DustRemoval::on_unbalanced`.] - `transfer_keep_alive` works the same way as `transfer`, but has an additional check that the transfer will not kill the origin account.---------------------------------- Origin account is already in memory, so no DB operations for them.,# ,set_balance  who}PAccountIdLookupOf new_free(T::Balance0new_reserved(T::Balance Set the balances of a given account.This will alter `FreeBalance` and `ReservedBalance` in storage. it will1also alter the total issuance of the system (`TotalIssuance`) appropriately.If the new free or reserved balance is below the existential deposit,it will reset the account nonce (`frame_system::AccountNonce`).The dispatch origin for this call is `root`.8force_transfer source}PAccountIdLookupOfdest}PAccountIdLookupOfvalue(T::BalanceMExactly as `transfer`, except the origin must be root and the source account may be(specified.(# M- Same as transfer, but additional read and write because the source account is not| assumed to be in the overlay.,# Ltransfer_keep_alivedest}PAccountIdLookupOfvalue(T::BalanceMSame as the [`transfer`] call, but with a check that the transfer will not kill the(keep_aliveboolDTransfer the entire transferable balance from the caller account.YNOTE: This function only attempts to transfer _transferable_ balances. This means thataany locked, reserved, or existential deposits (when `keep_alive` is `true`), will not be]transferred by this function. To ensure that this function results in a killed account,Eyou might need to prepare the account by removing any reference counters, storage@deposits, etc...The dispatch origin of this call must be Signed.- `dest`: The recipient of the transfer.Y- `keep_alive`: A boolean to determine if the `transfer_all` operation should send allM of the funds the account has, causing the sender account to be killed (false), orY transfer everything except at least the existential deposit, which will guarantee to keep the sender account alive (true). # 9- O(1). Just like transfer, but reading the user's transferable balance first.0 #amount(T::Balance Unreserve some balance from a user by force.lCan only be called by ROOT.%Contains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic.} (sp_runtime0multiaddress0MultiAddress$AccountId0AccountIndexId$AccountIdIndex0AccountIndex Raw0Vec$Address32 [u8; 32]$Address20 [u8; 20] Dpallet_authorshippalletCallT(set_uncles(new_uncles8Vec`Provide a set of uncles.%Contains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic.U 8pallet_sessionpalletCallT set_keyskeysT::Keysproof0Vec8Sets the session key(s) of the function caller to `keys`.Allows an account to set its session key prior to becoming a validator.This doesn't take effect until the next session.The dispatch origin of this function must be signed.(# - Complexity: `O(1)`. Actual cost depends on the number of length of `T::Keys::key_ids()` which is fixed.- DbReads: `origin account`, `T::ValidatorIdOf`, `NextKeys`- DbWrites: `origin account`, `NextKeys`- DbReads per key id: `KeyOwner`- DbWrites per key id: `KeyOwner`,# (purge_keys@Removes any session key(s) of the function caller.This doesn't take effect until the next session.UThe dispatch origin of this function must be Signed and the account must be either be]convertible to a validator ID using the chain's typical addressing system (this usuallyQmeans being a controller account) or directly convertible into a validator ID (whichusually means being a stash account).(# a- Complexity: `O(1)` in number of key types. Actual cost depends on the number of length of `T::Keys::key_ids()` which is fixed.- DbReads: `T::ValidatorIdOf`, `NextKeys`, `origin account`- DbWrites: `NextKeys`, `origin account`- DbWrites per key id: `KeyOwner`,# %Contains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic. ::Publicbabe]::Public$im_online::PublicLauthority_discovery::Public Xsp_authority_discovery appPublic>>Lsp_finality_grandpa0EquivocationH,NPrevote9grandpa::Equivocation, AuthoritySignature>$PrecommitAgrandpa::Equivocation, AuthoritySignature>@finality_grandpa0Equivocation IdVS0round_number( u64 identityIdfirst(V, S)second(V, S)@finality_grandpaPrevoteH,N,target_hash,H4target_numberN Lsp_finality_grandpa app$SignatureHed25519::Signature sp_coreed25519$Signature [u8; 64]@@finality_grandpa0Equivocation IdVS0round_number( u64 identityIdfirst(V, S)second(V, S)@finality_grandpa$PrecommitH,N,target_hash,H4target_numberN @pallet_im_onlinepalletCallT$heartbeat$heartbeatdHeartbeat$signature::Signature$(# a- Complexity: `O(K + E)` where K is length of `Keys` (heartbeat.validators_len) and E is length of `heartbeat.network_state.external_address` - `O(K)`: decoding of length `K` - `O(E)`: decoding/encoding of length `E`9- DbReads: pallet_session `Validators`, pallet_session `CurrentIndex`, `Keys`,X `ReceivedHeartbeats`- DbWrites: `ReceivedHeartbeats`,# %Contains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic.@pallet_im_online$Heartbeat,BlockNumber0block_number,BlockNumber4network_stateHOpaqueNetworkState4session_index0SessionIndexsp_core0OpaquePeerId0Vec sp_core offchain@pallet_im_onlinesr25519,app_sr25519$SignatureHsr25519::Signature sp_coresr25519$Signature [u8; 64]8pallet_stakingpalletpalletCallTdbond (controller}PAccountIdLookupOfvalue0BalanceOfpayee|RewardDestinationDaTake the origin account as a stash and lock up `value` of its balance. `controller` willbe the account that controls it.-`value` must be more than the `minimum_balance` specified by `T::Currency`.!The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the stash account.- Independent of the arguments. Moderate complexity.- O(1).d- Three extra DB entries.MNOTE: Two of the storage writes (`Self::bonded`, `Self::payee`) are _never_ cleaned=unless the `origin` falls below _existential deposit_ and gets removed as dust.H------------------,# (bond_extra8max_additional0BalanceOf- Independent of the arguments. Insignificant complexity.- O(1).,# unbondvalue0BalanceOfLQSchedule a portion of the stash to be unlocked ready for transfer out after the bondperiod ends. If this leaves an amount actively bonded less than!T::Currency::minimum_balance(), then it is increased to the full amount.QThe dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash.EOnce the unlock period is done, you can call `withdraw_unbonded` to actually movethe funds out of management ready for transfer.1No more than a limited number of unlocking chunks (see `MaxUnlockingChunks`)9can co-exists at the same time. In that case, [`Call::withdraw_unbonded`] needto be called first to remove some of the chunks (if possible).9If a user encounters the `InsufficientBond` error when calling this extrinsic,they should call `chill` first in order to free up their bonded funds.DEmits `Unbonded`.See also [`Call::withdraw_unbonded`].Dwithdraw_unbondedHnum_slashing_spans u32<)Remove any unlocked chunks from the `unlocking` queue from our management.1This essentially frees up that balance to be used by the stash account to doHwhatever it wants.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller.HEmits `Withdrawn`.hSee also [`Call::unbond`].(# Complexity O(S) where S is the number of slashing spans to remove NOTE: Weight annotation is the kill scenario, we refund otherwise.,# validateprefs8ValidatorPrefsDeclare the desire to validate for the origin controller.Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era.QThe dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash. nominatetargetsdVec>, Declare the desire to nominate `targets` for the origin controller.Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era.QThe dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash.(# -- The transaction's complexity is proportional to the size of `targets` (N)which is capped at CompactAssignments::LIMIT (T::MaxNominations).- Both the reads and writes follow a similar pattern.,# chill,Declare no desire to either validate or nominate.Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era.QThe dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash.(# - Independent of the arguments. Insignificant complexity.P- Contains one read.- Writes are limited to the `origin` account key.,# $set_payeepayee|RewardDestination@(Re-)set the payment target for a controller.QEffects will be felt instantly (as soon as this function is completed successfully).QThe dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash.(# - Independent of the arguments. Insignificant complexity.- Contains a limited number of reads.- Writes are limited to the `origin` account key.$---------8- Weight: O(1)0- DB Weight:H - Read: LedgerH - Write: Payee,# 8set_controller(controller}PAccountIdLookupOf@(Re-)set the controller of a stash.QEffects will be felt instantly (as soon as this function is completed successfully).QThe dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the stash, not the controller.(# - Independent of the arguments. Insignificant complexity.- Contains a limited number of reads.- Writes are limited to the `origin` account key.(----------0Weight: O(1)(DB Weight:- Read: Bonded, Ledger New Controller, Ledger Old Controller- Write: Bonded, Ledger New Controller, Ledger Old Controller,# Lset_validator_count new u32 Sets the ideal number of validators.The dispatch origin must be Root.(# 0Weight: O(1)XWrite: Validator Count,# `increase_validator_count(additional u32 Increments the ideal number of validators.The dispatch origin must be Root.(# Same as [`Self::set_validator_count`].,# Tscale_validator_countfactorPercent Scale up the ideal number of validators by a factor.The dispatch origin must be Root.(# Same as [`Self::set_validator_count`].,# 4force_no_eras <- No arguments.8- Weight: O(1)D- Write: ForceEra,# 4force_new_era @IForce there to be a new era at the end of the next session. After this, it will bereset to normal (non-forced) behaviour.The dispatch origin must be Root.$# WarningThe election process starts multiple blocks before the end of the era.IIf this is called just before a new era is triggered, the election process may nothave enough blocks to get a result.(# <- No arguments.8- Weight: O(1)@- Write ForceEra,# Dset_invulnerables4invulnerablesDVec Set the validators who cannot be slashed (if any).The dispatch origin must be Root.4force_unstakestash0T::AccountIdHnum_slashing_spans u32 Force a current staker to become completely unstaked, immediately.The dispatch origin must be Root.Pforce_new_era_always$Force there to be a new era at the end of sessions indefinitely.The dispatch origin must be Root.$# WarningThe election process starts multiple blocks before the end of the era.IIf this is called just before a new era is triggered, the election process may nothave enough blocks to get a result.Tcancel_deferred_slash era EraIndex4slash_indices VecCancel enactment of a deferred slash.Can be called by the `T::SlashCancelOrigin`.Parameters: era and indices of the slashes for that era to kill.8payout_stakers- Time complexity: at most O(MaxNominatorRewardedPerValidator).- Contains a limited number of reads and writes.,-----------N is the Number of payouts for the validator (including the validator)Weight:- Reward Destination Staked: O(N)- Reward Destination Controller (Creating): O(N)M NOTE: weights are assuming that payouts are made to alive stash account (Staked).U Paying even a dead controller is cheaper weight-wise. We don't do any refunds here.,# rebondvalue0BalanceOf$Rebond a portion of the stash scheduled to be unlocked.The dispatch origin must be signed by the controller.(# - Time complexity: O(L), where L is unlocking chunks- Bounded by `MaxUnlockingChunks`.- Storage changes: Can't increase storage, only decrease it.,# (reap_stashstash0T::AccountIdHnum_slashing_spans u320]Remove all data structures concerning a staker/stash once it is at a state where it canbe considered `dust` in the staking system. The requirements are:1. the `total_balance` of the stash is below existential deposit.2. or, the `` of the stash is below existential deposit.UThe former can happen in cases like a slash; the latter when a fully unbonded account is still receiving staking rewards in `RewardDestination::Staked`.1It can be called by anyone, as long as `stash` meets the above requirements.Refunds the transaction fees upon successful execution.kick whodVec>,Remove the given nominations from the calling validator.Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era.QThe dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ by the controller, not the stash.M- `who`: A list of nominator stash accounts who are nominating this validator which should no longer be nominating this validator.UNote: Making this call only makes sense if you first set the validator preferences toxblock any further nominations.Lset_staking_configsHmin_nominator_bondXConfigOp>Hmin_validator_bondXConfigOp>Lmax_nominator_count4ConfigOpLmax_validator_count4ConfigOp8min_commission DConfigOpDUpdate the various staking configurations .%* `min_nominator_bond`: The minimum active bond needed to be a nominator.%* `min_validator_bond`: The minimum active bond needed to be a validator.U* `max_nominator_count`: The max number of users who can be a nominator at once. When set to `None`, no limit is enforced.U* `max_validator_count`: The max number of users who can be a validator at once. When set to `None`, no limit is enforced.Y* `chill_threshold`: The ratio of `max_nominator_count` or `max_validator_count` which should be filled in order for the `chill_other` transaction to work.a* `min_commission`: The minimum amount of commission that each validators must maintain.U This is checked only upon calling `validate`. Existing validators are not affected.RuntimeOrigin must be Root to call this function.5NOTE: Existing nominators and validators will not be affected by this kick people under the new limits, `chill_other` should be called.,chill_other(controller0T::AccountIdhADeclare a `controller` to stop participating as either a validator or nominator.Effects will be felt at the beginning of the next era.AThe dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_, but can be called by anyone.YIf the caller is the same as the controller being targeted, then no further checks areenforced, and this function behaves just like `chill`.]If the caller is different than the controller being targeted, the following conditions0must be met:* `controller` must belong to a nominator who has become non-decodable, Or:=* A `ChillThreshold` must be set and checked which defines how close to the maxU nominators or validators we must reach before users can start chilling one-another.Y* A `MaxNominatorCount` and `MaxValidatorCount` must be set which is used to determine how close we are to the threshold.]* A `MinNominatorBond` and `MinValidatorBond` must be set and checked, which determinesQ if this is a person that should be chilled because they have not met the threshold@ bond required.UThis can be helpful if bond requirements are updated, and we need to remove old userswho do not satisfy these requirements.hforce_apply_min_commission%Contains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic. pallet_election_provider_multi_phasepalletCallT>>witnessEXSolutionOrSnapshotSize8Submit a solution for the unsigned phase.The dispatch origin fo this call must be __none__.=This submission is checked on the fly. Moreover, this unsigned solution is onlyUvalidated when submitted to the pool from the **local** node. Effectively, this means]that only active validators can submit this transaction when authoring a block (similar@to an inherent).YTo prevent any incorrect solution (and thus wasted time/weight), this transaction willMpanic if the solution submitted by the validator is invalid in any way, effectivelyputting their authoring reward at risk.No deposit or reward is associated with this submission.lset_minimum_untrusted_score@maybe_next_scoreITOptionSet a new value for `MinimumUntrustedScore`.Dispatch origin must be aligned with `T::ForceOrigin`.This check can be turned off by setting the value to `None`.tset_emergency_election_result supportsMXSupports YSet a solution in the queue, to be handed out to the client of this pallet in the nextcall to `ElectionProvider::elect`.EThis can only be set by `T::ForceOrigin`, and only when the phase is `Emergency`.aThe solution is not checked for any feasibility and is assumed to be trustworthy, as anyQfeasibility check itself can in principle cause the election process to fail (due tohmemory/weight constrains).submit0raw_solutionBox>>$Submit a solution for the signed phase.The dispatch origin fo this call must be __signed__.]The solution is potentially queued, based on the claimed score and processed at the endPof the signed phase.]A deposit is reserved and recorded for the solution. Based on the outcome, the solutionmight be rewarded, slashed, or get all or a part of the deposit back.Lgovernance_fallback@maybe_max_votersi,OptionDmaybe_max_targetsi,OptionTrigger the governance fallback.IThis can only be called when [`Phase::Emergency`] is enabled, as an alternative tocalling [`Call::set_emergency_election_result`].%Contains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic.pallet_election_provider_multi_phase,RawSolutionS  solutionSscore4ElectionScoreround u32 Tternoa_runtime_commontelection_provider_multi_phaseTNposCompactSolution24`votes1votes2)votes3=votes4Ivotes5Uvotes6avotes7mvotes8yvotes9votes10votes11votes12votes13votes14votes15votes16votes17votes18votes19votes20 votes21votes22!votes23-votes249!!%%))-- 1%1%5599 4sp_arithmetic(per_thingsPerU16) u16=AA E%E1IMM Q%Q1UYY ]%]1aee i%i1mqq u%u1y}} %1 %1 % 1 % 1 % 1 % 1 % 1 %1 %1 %1 %1 %1    %1 %1!%% )%)1-11 5%519== A%A1Epallet_election_provider_multi_phaseXSolutionOrSnapshotSizevoters u32targets u32IOptionTNoneSomeMQQUUDsp_npos_electionsSupport$AccountIdtotalY @pallet_bags_listpalletCallTIrebag(dislocated}PAccountIdLookupOf(YDeclare that some `dislocated` account has, through rewards or penalties, sufficientlyQchanged its score that it should properly fall into a different bag than its currentone.Anyone can call this function about any potentially dislocated account.IWill always update the stored score of `dislocated` to the correct score, based on@`ScoreProvider`.If `dislocated` does not exists, it returns an error. Move the caller's Id directly in front of `lighter`.YThe dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and can only be called by the Id ofthe account going in front of `lighter`.4Only works if- both nodes are within the same bag,- and `origin` has a greater `Score` than `lighter`.%Contains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic.] Dpallet_collectivepalletCallTI,set_members ,new_membersDVecprimemPOption$old_count,MemberCountSet the collective's membership.E- `new_members`: The new member list. Be nice to the chain and provide it sorted.- `prime`: The prime member whose vote sets the default.Y- `old_count`: The upper bound for the previous number of members in storage. Used forP weight estimation.TRequires root origin.QNOTE: Does not enforce the expected `MaxMembers` limit on the amount of members, but! the weight estimations rely on it to estimate dispatchable weight.(# WARNING:YThe `pallet-collective` can also be managed by logic outside of the pallet through theimplementation of the trait [`ChangeMembers`].UAny call to `set_members` must be careful that the member set doesn't get out of syncwith other logic managing the member set.(# $## WeightP- `O(MP + N)` where: - `M` old-members-count (code- and governance-bounded) - `N` new-members-count (code- and governance-bounded) - `P` proposals-count (code-bounded)- DB:Q - 1 storage mutation (codec `O(M)` read, `O(N)` write) for reading and writing the, members - 1 storage read (codec `O(P)`) for reading the proposalsE - `P` storage mutations (codec `O(M)`) for updating the votes for each proposal] - 1 storage write (codec `O(1)`) for deleting the old `prime` and setting the new one,# execute proposalA|Box<>::Proposal>0length_bound u32,Dispatch a proposal from a member using the `Member` origin.Origin must be a member of the collective.(# $## WeightU- `O(M + P)` where `M` members-count (code-bounded) and `P` complexity of dispatching0 `proposal`- DB: 1 read (codec `O(M)`) + DB access of `proposal`$- 1 event,# propose $threshold,MemberCount proposalA|Box<>::Proposal>0length_bound u32lAdd a new proposal to either be voted on or executed directly.Requires the sender to be member.A`threshold` determines whether `proposal` is executed directly (`threshold < 2`)Tor put up for voting.(# $## Weight- `O(B + M + P1)` or `O(B + M + P2)` where: - `B` is `proposal` size in bytes (length-fee-bounded) - `M` is members-count (code- and governance-bounded) - branching is influenced by `threshold` where: - `P1` is proposal execution complexity (`threshold < 2`) - `P2` is proposals-count (code-bounded) (`threshold >= 2`)- DB: - 1 storage read `is_member` (codec `O(M)`) - 1 storage read `ProposalOf::contains_key` (codec `O(1)`) - DB accesses influenced by `threshold`:  - EITHER storage accesses done by `proposal` (`threshold < 2`) - OR proposal insertion (`threshold <= 2`) - 1 storage mutation `Proposals` (codec `O(P2)`) - 1 storage mutation `ProposalCount` (codec `O(1)`) - 1 storage write `ProposalOf` (codec `O(B)`) - 1 storage write `Voting` (codec `O(M)`), - 1 event,# vote  proposal,T::Hashindex4ProposalIndexapprovebool$## Weight - `O(M)` where `M` is members-count (code- and governance-bounded)- DB: - 1 storage read `Members` (codec `O(M)`) - 1 storage mutation `Voting` (codec `O(M)`)$- 1 event,# @close_old_weight4proposal_hash,T::Hashindex4ProposalIndexTproposal_weight_bounda$OldWeight0length_bound u32MClose a vote that is either approved, disapproved or whose voting period has ended.UMay be called by any signed account in order to finish voting and close the proposal.IIf called before the end of the voting period it will only close the vote if it ishas enough votes to be approved or disapproved.IIf called after the end of the voting period abstentions are counted as rejections%unless there is a prime member set and the prime member cast an approval.aIf the close operation completes successfully with disapproval, the transaction fee will]be waived. Otherwise execution of the approved operation will be charged to the caller.a+ `proposal_weight_bound`: The maximum amount of weight consumed by executing the closed$proposal.a+ `length_bound`: The upper bound for the length of the proposal in storage. Checked via5`storage::read` so it is `size_of::() == 4` larger than the pure length.(# $## Weightt- `O(B + M + P1 + P2)` where: - `B` is `proposal` size in bytes (length-fee-bounded) - `M` is members-count (code- and governance-bounded) - `P1` is the complexity of `proposal` preimage. - `P2` is proposal-count (code-bounded)- DB:  - 2 storage reads (`Members`: codec `O(M)`, `Prime`: codec `O(1)`)Y - 3 mutations (`Voting`: codec `O(M)`, `ProposalOf`: codec `O(B)`, `Proposals`: codec, `O(P2)`) - any mutations done while executing `proposal` (`P1`)@- up to 3 events,# Ldisapprove_proposal4proposal_hash,T::Hash8YDisapprove a proposal, close, and remove it from the system, regardless of its currentstate.Must be called by the Root origin.,Parameters:* `proposal_hash`: The hash of the proposal that should be disapproved.(# Complexity: O(P) where P is the number of max proposals(DB Weight:H* Reads: Proposals* Writes: Voting, Proposals, ProposalOf,# close4proposal_hash,T::Hashindex4ProposalIndexTproposal_weight_bound Weight0length_bound u32MClose a vote that is either approved, disapproved or whose voting period has ended.UMay be called by any signed account in order to finish voting and close the proposal.IIf called before the end of the voting period it will only close the vote if it ishas enough votes to be approved or disapproved.IIf called after the end of the voting period abstentions are counted as rejections%unless there is a prime member set and the prime member cast an approval.aIf the close operation completes successfully with disapproval, the transaction fee will]be waived. Otherwise execution of the approved operation will be charged to the caller.a+ `proposal_weight_bound`: The maximum amount of weight consumed by executing the closed$proposal.a+ `length_bound`: The upper bound for the length of the proposal in storage. Checked via5`storage::read` so it is `size_of::() == 4` larger than the pure length.(# $## Weightt- `O(B + M + P1 + P2)` where: - `B` is `proposal` size in bytes (length-fee-bounded) - `M` is members-count (code- and governance-bounded) - `P1` is the complexity of `proposal` preimage. - `P2` is proposal-count (code-bounded)- DB:  - 2 storage reads (`Members`: codec `O(M)`, `Prime`: codec `O(1)`)Y - 3 mutations (`Voting`: codec `O(M)`, `ProposalOf`: codec `O(B)`, `Proposals`: codec, `O(P2)`) - any mutations done while executing `proposal` (`P1`)@- up to 3 events,# %Contains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic.aee(sp_weights$OldWeight( u64i dpallet_elections_phragmenpalletCallTvotevotesDVecvalue0BalanceOf\YVote for a set of candidates for the upcoming round of election. This can be called toset the initial votes, or update already existing votes.]Upon initial voting, `value` units of `who`'s balance is locked and a deposit amount isMreserved. The deposit is based on the number of votes and can be updated over time.LThe `votes` should:D - not be empty.U - be less than the number of possible candidates. Note that all current members and runners-up are also automatically candidates for the next round.IIf `value` is more than `who`'s free balance, then the maximum of the two is used.The dispatch origin of this call must be signed.,### WarningUIt is the responsibility of the caller to **NOT** place all of their balance into thelock and keep some for further operations.(# QWe assume the maximum weight among all 3 cases: vote_equal, vote_more and vote_less.,# 0remove_voterlRemove `origin` as a voter.This removes the lock and returns the deposit.The dispatch origin of this call must be signed and be a voter.@submit_candidacy The number of current candidates must be provided as witness data.,# Hrenounce_candidacy(renouncingm(RenouncingHMRenounce one's intention to be a candidate for the next election round. 3 potentialThe type of renouncing must be provided as witness data.,# 4remove_member  who}PAccountIdLookupOf(slash_bondbool8rerun_electionboolHYRemove a particular member from the set. This is effective immediately and the bond of|the outgoing member is slashed.UIf a runner-up is available, then the best runner-up will be removed and replaces theUoutgoing member. Otherwise, if `rerun_election` is `true`, a new phragmen election is|started, else, nothing happens.YIf `slash_bond` is set to true, the bond of the member being removed is slashed. Else,QIf we have a replacement, we use a small weight. Else, since this is a root call andwill go into phragmen, we assume full block for now.,# Pclean_defunct_voters(num_voters u32,num_defunct u32(EClean all voters who are defunct (i.e. they do not serve any purpose at all). Thedeposit of the removed voters are returned.This is an root function to be used only for cleaning the state.The dispatch origin of this call must be root.(# ]The total number of voters and those that are defunct must be provided as witness data.,# %Contains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic.mdpallet_elections_phragmen(Renouncing Member RunnerUp$Candidate u32q @pallet_democracypalletCallTdpropose4proposal_hash,T::Hashvalue0BalanceOf,Propose a sensitive action to be taken.The dispatch origin of this call must be _Signed_ and the sender musthave funds to cover the deposit.- `proposal_hash`: The hash of the proposal preimage.- `value`: The amount of deposit (must be at least `MinimumDeposit`).DEmits `Proposed`.8Weight: `O(p)`second proposal$PropIndexLseconds_upper_bound u32(Signals agreement with a particular proposal.The dispatch origin of this call must be _Signed_ and the sendermust have funds to cover the deposit, equal to the original deposit.- `proposal`: The index of the proposal to second.A- `seconds_upper_bound`: an upper bound on the current number of seconds on this% proposal. Extrinsic is weighted according to this value with no refund.Weight: `O(S)` where S is the number of seconds a proposal already$ref_index>$1Vote in a referendum. If `vote.is_aye()`, the vote is to enact the proposal;otherwise it is a vote to keep the status quo.The dispatch origin of this call must be _Signed_.- `ref_index`: The index of the referendum to vote for.- `vote`: The vote configuration.-Weight: `O(R)` where R is the number of referendums the voter has voted on.@emergency_cancel$ref_index(convictionu(Convictionbalance0BalanceOf P9Delegate the voting power (with some given conviction) of the sending account.UThe balance delegated is locked for as long as it's delegated, and thereafter for thetime appropriate for the conviction's lock period.]The dispatch origin of this call must be _Signed_, and the signing account must either:t - be delegating already; orY - have no voting activity (if there is, then it will need to be removed/consolidated through `reap_vote` or `unvote`).E- `to`: The account whose voting the `target` account's voting power will follow.U- `conviction`: The conviction that will be attached to the delegated votes. When theA account is undelegated, the funds will be locked for the corresponding period.a- `balance`: The amount of the account's balance to be used in delegating. This must not be more than the account's current balance.HEmits `Delegated`.=Weight: `O(R)` where R is the number of referendums the voter delegating to has voted on. Weight is charged as if maximum votes.(undelegate 0Undelegate the voting power of the sending account.]Tokens may be unlocked following once an amount of time consistent with the lock periodof the conviction with which the delegation was issued.EThe dispatch origin of this call must be _Signed_ and the signing account must beTcurrently delegating.PEmits `Undelegated`.=Weight: `O(R)` where R is the number of referendums the voter delegating to has voted on. Weight is charged as if maximum votes.Xclear_public_proposals pClears all public proposals.The dispatch origin of this call must be _Root_.(]Register the preimage for an upcoming proposal. This doesn't require the proposal to be!in the dispatch queue but does require a deposit, returned once enacted.The dispatch origin of this call must be _Signed_.- `encoded_proposal`: The preimage of a proposal.XEmits `PreimageNoted`.MWeight: `O(E)` with E size of `encoded_proposal` (protected by a required deposit).dnote_preimage_operational@encoded_proposal0Vec Same as `note_preimage` but origin is `OperationalPreimageOrigin`.Xnote_imminent_preimage@encoded_proposal0Vec0ARegister the preimage for an upcoming proposal. This requires the proposal to be=in the dispatch queue. No deposit is needed. When this call is successful, i.e.5the preimage has not been uploaded before and matches some imminent proposal,-Same as `note_imminent_preimage` but origin is `OperationalPreimageOrigin`.4reap_preimage4proposal_hash,T::Hash`proposal_len_upper_bound u32Unlock tokens that have an expired lock.The dispatch origin of this call must be _Signed_.- `target`: The account to remove the lock on.Weight: `O(R)` with R number of vote of target.,remove_voteindexindex::decode_len()`%Contains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic.u @pallet_democracy(conviction(ConvictionNone Locked1x Locked2x Locked3x Locked4x Locked5x Locked6xy Dpallet_collectivepalletCallTI,set_members ,new_membersDVecprimemPOption$old_count,MemberCountSet the collective's membership.E- `new_members`: The new member list. Be nice to the chain and provide it sorted.- `prime`: The prime member whose vote sets the default.Y- `old_count`: The upper bound for the previous number of members in storage. Used forP weight estimation.TRequires root origin.QNOTE: Does not enforce the expected `MaxMembers` limit on the amount of members, but! the weight estimations rely on it to estimate dispatchable weight.(# WARNING:YThe `pallet-collective` can also be managed by logic outside of the pallet through theimplementation of the trait [`ChangeMembers`].UAny call to `set_members` must be careful that the member set doesn't get out of syncwith other logic managing the member set.(# $## WeightP- `O(MP + N)` where: - `M` old-members-count (code- and governance-bounded) - `N` new-members-count (code- and governance-bounded) - `P` proposals-count (code-bounded)- DB:Q - 1 storage mutation (codec `O(M)` read, `O(N)` write) for reading and writing the, members - 1 storage read (codec `O(P)`) for reading the proposalsE - `P` storage mutations (codec `O(M)`) for updating the votes for each proposal] - 1 storage write (codec `O(1)`) for deleting the old `prime` and setting the new one,# execute proposalA|Box<>::Proposal>0length_bound u32,Dispatch a proposal from a member using the `Member` origin.Origin must be a member of the collective.(# $## WeightU- `O(M + P)` where `M` members-count (code-bounded) and `P` complexity of dispatching0 `proposal`- DB: 1 read (codec `O(M)`) + DB access of `proposal`$- 1 event,# propose $threshold,MemberCount proposalA|Box<>::Proposal>0length_bound u32lAdd a new proposal to either be voted on or executed directly.Requires the sender to be member.A`threshold` determines whether `proposal` is executed directly (`threshold < 2`)Tor put up for voting.(# $## Weight- `O(B + M + P1)` or `O(B + M + P2)` where: - `B` is `proposal` size in bytes (length-fee-bounded) - `M` is members-count (code- and governance-bounded) - branching is influenced by `threshold` where: - `P1` is proposal execution complexity (`threshold < 2`) - `P2` is proposals-count (code-bounded) (`threshold >= 2`)- DB: - 1 storage read `is_member` (codec `O(M)`) - 1 storage read `ProposalOf::contains_key` (codec `O(1)`) - DB accesses influenced by `threshold`:  - EITHER storage accesses done by `proposal` (`threshold < 2`) - OR proposal insertion (`threshold <= 2`) - 1 storage mutation `Proposals` (codec `O(P2)`) - 1 storage mutation `ProposalCount` (codec `O(1)`) - 1 storage write `ProposalOf` (codec `O(B)`) - 1 storage write `Voting` (codec `O(M)`), - 1 event,# vote  proposal,T::Hashindex4ProposalIndexapprovebool$## Weight - `O(M)` where `M` is members-count (code- and governance-bounded)- DB: - 1 storage read `Members` (codec `O(M)`) - 1 storage mutation `Voting` (codec `O(M)`)$- 1 event,# @close_old_weight4proposal_hash,T::Hashindex4ProposalIndexTproposal_weight_bounda$OldWeight0length_bound u32MClose a vote that is either approved, disapproved or whose voting period has ended.UMay be called by any signed account in order to finish voting and close the proposal.IIf called before the end of the voting period it will only close the vote if it ishas enough votes to be approved or disapproved.IIf called after the end of the voting period abstentions are counted as rejections%unless there is a prime member set and the prime member cast an approval.aIf the close operation completes successfully with disapproval, the transaction fee will]be waived. Otherwise execution of the approved operation will be charged to the caller.a+ `proposal_weight_bound`: The maximum amount of weight consumed by executing the closed$proposal.a+ `length_bound`: The upper bound for the length of the proposal in storage. Checked via5`storage::read` so it is `size_of::() == 4` larger than the pure length.(# $## Weightt- `O(B + M + P1 + P2)` where: - `B` is `proposal` size in bytes (length-fee-bounded) - `M` is members-count (code- and governance-bounded) - `P1` is the complexity of `proposal` preimage. - `P2` is proposal-count (code-bounded)- DB:  - 2 storage reads (`Members`: codec `O(M)`, `Prime`: codec `O(1)`)Y - 3 mutations (`Voting`: codec `O(M)`, `ProposalOf`: codec `O(B)`, `Proposals`: codec, `O(P2)`) - any mutations done while executing `proposal` (`P1`)@- up to 3 events,# Ldisapprove_proposal4proposal_hash,T::Hash8YDisapprove a proposal, close, and remove it from the system, regardless of its currentstate.Must be called by the Root origin.,Parameters:* `proposal_hash`: The hash of the proposal that should be disapproved.(# Complexity: O(P) where P is the number of max proposals(DB Weight:H* Reads: Proposals* Writes: Voting, Proposals, ProposalOf,# close4proposal_hash,T::Hashindex4ProposalIndexTproposal_weight_bound Weight0length_bound u32MClose a vote that is either approved, disapproved or whose voting period has ended.UMay be called by any signed account in order to finish voting and close the proposal.IIf called before the end of the voting period it will only close the vote if it ishas enough votes to be approved or disapproved.IIf called after the end of the voting period abstentions are counted as rejections%unless there is a prime member set and the prime member cast an approval.aIf the close operation completes successfully with disapproval, the transaction fee will]be waived. Otherwise execution of the approved operation will be charged to the caller.a+ `proposal_weight_bound`: The maximum amount of weight consumed by executing the closed$proposal.a+ `length_bound`: The upper bound for the length of the proposal in storage. Checked via5`storage::read` so it is `size_of::() == 4` larger than the pure length.(# $## Weightt- `O(B + M + P1 + P2)` where: - `B` is `proposal` size in bytes (length-fee-bounded) - `M` is members-count (code- and governance-bounded) - `P1` is the complexity of `proposal` preimage. - `P2` is proposal-count (code-bounded)- DB:  - 2 storage reads (`Members`: codec `O(M)`, `Prime`: codec `O(1)`)Y - 3 mutations (`Voting`: codec `O(M)`, `ProposalOf`: codec `O(B)`, `Proposals`: codec, `O(P2)`) - any mutations done while executing `proposal` (`P1`)@- up to 3 events,# %Contains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic.} Dpallet_membershippalletCallTI(add_member who}PAccountIdLookupOf xAdd a member `who` to the set.May only be called from `T::AddOrigin`.4remove_member who}PAccountIdLookupOf Remove a member `who` from the set.May only be called from `T::RemoveOrigin`.,swap_memberremove}PAccountIdLookupOf add}PAccountIdLookupOfSwap out one member `remove` for another `add`.May only be called from `T::SwapOrigin`. Prime membership is *not* passed from `remove` to `add`, if extant.4reset_membersmembersDVecUChange the membership to a new set, disregarding the existing membership. Be nice andhpass `members` pre-sorted.May only be called from `T::ResetOrigin`.(change_key new}PAccountIdLookupOfSwap out the sending member for some other key `new`.May only be called from `Signed` origin of a current member.Prime membership is passed from the origin account to `new`, if extant.$set_prime who}PAccountIdLookupOf Set the prime member. Must be a current member.May only be called from `T::PrimeOrigin`.,clear_prime Remove the prime member if it exists.May only be called from `T::PrimeOrigin`.%Contains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic. 8ternoa_mandatepalletCallTmandatecallA|Box<::RuntimeCall>%Contains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic. ,beneficiary}PAccountIdLookupOf$)Put forward a suggestion for spending. A deposit proportional to the value1is reserved and slashed if the proposal is rejected. It is returned once thePproposal is awarded.(# H- Complexity: O(1)- DbReads: `ProposalCount`, `origin account`- DbWrites: `ProposalCount`, `Proposals`, `origin account`,# H- Complexity: O(1)- DbReads: `Proposals`, `rejected proposer account`- DbWrites: `Proposals`, `rejected proposer account`,# @approve_proposal,proposal_id4ProposalIndex(YApprove a proposal. At a later time, the proposal will be allocated to the beneficiaryand the original deposit will be returned.May only be called from `T::ApproveOrigin`.(# L- Complexity: O(1).- DbReads: `Proposals`, `Approvals`X- DbWrite: `Approvals`,# spendamount,beneficiary}PAccountIdLookupOf Propose and approve a spend of treasury funds.M- `origin`: Must be `SpendOrigin` with the `Success` value being at least `amount`.A- `amount`: The amount to be transferred from the treasury to the `beneficiary`.- `beneficiary`: The destination account for the transfer.ENOTE: For record-keeping purposes, the proposer is deemed to be equivalent to the0beneficiary.- Complexity: O(A) where `A` is the number of approvals- Db reads and writes: `Approvals`,# Errors:a- `ProposalNotApproved`: The `proposal_id` supplied was not found in the approval queue,Qi.e., the proposal has not been approved. This could also mean the proposal does notYexist altogether, thus there is no way it would have been approved in the first place.%Contains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic. 8pallet_utilitypalletCallTbatchcalls|Vec<::RuntimeCall>L|Send a batch of dispatch calls.xMay be called from any origin.]- `calls`: The calls to be dispatched from the same origin. The number of call must not9 exceed the constant: `batched_calls_limit` (available in constant metadata).]If origin is root then call are dispatch without checking origin filter. (This includesbypassing `frame_system::Config::BaseCallFilter`).(# - Complexity: O(C) where C is the number of calls to be batched.,# UThis will return `Ok` in all circumstances. To determine the success of the batch, an1event is deposited. If a call failed and the batch was interrupted, then theU`BatchInterrupted` event is deposited, along with the number of successful calls madeMand the error of the failed call. If all were successful, then the `BatchCompleted`Levent is deposited.4as_derivativeindex) u16callA|Box<::RuntimeCall>4Send a call through an indexed pseudonym of the sender.UFilter from origin are passed along. The call will be dispatched with an origin whichuse the same filter as the origin of this call.ENOTE: If you need to ensure that any account-based filtering is not honored (i.e.abecause you expect `proxy` to have been used prior in the call stack and you do not wantQthe call restrictions to apply to any sub-accounts), then use `as_multi_threshold_1`|in the Multisig pallet instead.NOTE: Prior to version *12, this was called `as_limited_sub`.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.$batch_allcalls|Vec<::RuntimeCall>8Send a batch of dispatch calls and atomically execute them.!The whole transaction will rollback and fail if any of the calls failed.xMay be called from any origin.]- `calls`: The calls to be dispatched from the same origin. The number of call must not9 exceed the constant: `batched_calls_limit` (available in constant metadata).]If origin is root then call are dispatch without checking origin filter. (This includesbypassing `frame_system::Config::BaseCallFilter`).(# - Complexity: O(C) where C is the number of calls to be batched.,# ,dispatch_as$as_originTBoxcallA|Box<::RuntimeCall>(Dispatches a function call with a provided origin.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Root_.(# - O(1).`- Limited storage reads.\- One DB write (event).- Weight of derivative `call` execution + T::WeightInfo::dispatch_as().,# ,force_batchcalls|Vec<::RuntimeCall>8|Send a batch of dispatch calls.Unlike `batch`, it allows errors and won't interrupt.xMay be called from any origin.]- `calls`: The calls to be dispatched from the same origin. The number of call must not9 exceed the constant: `batched_calls_limit` (available in constant metadata).]If origin is root then call are dispatch without checking origin filter. (This includesbypassing `frame_system::Config::BaseCallFilter`).(# - Complexity: O(C) where C is the number of calls to be batched.,# %Contains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic.ACouncilpallet_collective::OriginHTechnicalCommitteepallet_collective::OriginVoidself::sp_api_hidden_includes_construct_runtime::hidden_include::Void 4frame_support dispatch$RawOrigin$AccountId RootSigned$AccountIdNoneDpallet_collective$RawOrigin$AccountIdI Members,MemberCount,MemberCountMember$AccountId _PhantomDpallet_collective$RawOrigin$AccountIdI Members,MemberCount,MemberCountMember$AccountId _Phantomsp_coreVoid tRegister a preimage on-chain.UIf the preimage was previously requested, no fees or deposits are taken for providingUthe preimage. Otherwise, a deposit is taken proportional to the size of the preimage.lUpdate the set of relayers.Dset_deposit_nonce chain_idChainIdnonce(0DepositNoncelUpdate the set of relayers.Dvote_for_proposal chain_idChainIdnonce(0DepositNonce$recipient}::Sourceamount0BalanceOfCommits a vote in favour or against the provided proposal.YIf a proposal with the given nonce and source chain ID does not already exist, it willbe created with an initial vote in favour from the caller.deposit amount0BalanceOf$recipient0Vecdest_idChainId1Deposit some amount of the native token to some recipient on a (whitelisted)Hdestination chain.8set_bridge_fee(bridge_fee0BalanceOflUpdate the bridge fee value%Contains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic. callA|Box<::RuntimeCall>@QImmediately dispatch a multi-signature call using a single approval from the caller.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.=- `other_signatories`: The accounts (other than the sender) who are part of themulti-signature, but do not participate in the approval process.- `call`: The call to be executed.Result is equivalent to the dispatched result.(# O(Z + C) where Z is the length of the call and C its execution weight.|-------------------------------D- DB Weight: NoneH- Plus Call Weight,# as_multi$threshold) u16Dother_signatoriesDVec>call4OpaqueCall(store_callbool(max_weight WeightURegister approval for a dispatch to be made from a deterministic composite account ifapproved by a total of `threshold - 1` of `other_signatories`.If there are enough, then dispatch the call.-Payment: `DepositBase` will be reserved if this is the first approval, plus=`threshold` times `DepositFactor`. It is returned once this dispatch happens or4is cancelled.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.U- `threshold`: The total number of approvals for this dispatch before it is executed.A- `other_signatories`: The accounts (other than the sender) who can approve thisldispatch. May not be empty.Y- `maybe_timepoint`: If this is the first approval, then this must be `None`. If it isQnot the first approval, then it must be `Some`, with the timepoint (block number andtransaction index) of the first approval transaction.- `call`: The call to be executed.NOTE: Unless this is the final approval, you will generally want to use`approve_as_multi` instead, since it only requires a hash of the call.YResult is equivalent to the dispatched result if `threshold` is exactly `1`. OtherwiseUon success, result is `Ok` and the result from the interior call, if it was executed,may be found in the deposited `MultisigExecuted` event.(# P- `O(S + Z + Call)`.- Up to one balance-reserve or unreserve operation.=- One passthrough operation, one insert, both `O(S)` where `S` is the number ofE signatories. `S` is capped by `MaxSignatories`, with weight being proportional.!- One call encode & hash, both of complexity `O(Z)` where `Z` is tx-len.- One encode & hash, both of complexity `O(S)`.- Up to one binary search and insert (`O(logS + S)`).- I/O: 1 read `O(S)`, up to 1 mutate `O(S)`. Up to one remove.0- One event.l- The weight of the `call`.M- Storage: inserts one item, value size bounded by `MaxSignatories`, with a deposit taken for its lifetime of `DepositBase + threshold * DepositFactor`.|-------------------------------0- DB Weight:! - Reads: Multisig Storage, [Caller Account], Calls (if `store_call`)% - Writes: Multisig Storage, [Caller Account], Calls (if `store_call`)H- Plus Call Weight,# @approve_as_multi$threshold) u16Dother_signatoriesDVec>$call_hash [u8; 32](max_weight WeightURegister approval for a dispatch to be made from a deterministic composite account ifapproved by a total of `threshold - 1` of `other_signatories`.-Payment: `DepositBase` will be reserved if this is the first approval, plus=`threshold` times `DepositFactor`. It is returned once this dispatch happens or4is cancelled.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.U- `threshold`: The total number of approvals for this dispatch before it is executed.A- `other_signatories`: The accounts (other than the sender) who can approve thisldispatch. May not be empty.Y- `maybe_timepoint`: If this is the first approval, then this must be `None`. If it isQnot the first approval, then it must be `Some`, with the timepoint (block number andtransaction index) of the first approval transaction.- `call_hash`: The hash of the call to be executed.5NOTE: If this is the final approval, you will want to use `as_multi` instead.(# $- `O(S)`.- Up to one balance-reserve or unreserve operation.=- One passthrough operation, one insert, both `O(S)` where `S` is the number ofE signatories. `S` is capped by `MaxSignatories`, with weight being proportional.- One encode & hash, both of complexity `O(S)`.- Up to one binary search and insert (`O(logS + S)`).- I/O: 1 read `O(S)`, up to 1 mutate `O(S)`. Up to one remove.0- One event.M- Storage: inserts one item, value size bounded by `MaxSignatories`, with a deposit taken for its lifetime of `DepositBase + threshold * DepositFactor`.----------------------------------0- DB Weight: - Read: Multisig Storage, [Caller Account] - Write: Multisig Storage, [Caller Account],# $timepointUdTimepoint$call_hash [u8; 32]hUCancel a pre-existing, on-going multisig transaction. Any deposit reserved previouslyfor this operation will be unreserved on success.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.U- `threshold`: The total number of approvals for this dispatch before it is executed.A- `other_signatories`: The accounts (other than the sender) who can approve thisldispatch. May not be empty.]- `timepoint`: The timepoint (block number and transaction index) of the first approvalxtransaction for this dispatch.- `call_hash`: The hash of the call to be executed.(# $- `O(S)`.- Up to one balance-reserve or unreserve operation.=- One passthrough operation, one insert, both `O(S)` where `S` is the number ofE signatories. `S` is capped by `MaxSignatories`, with weight being proportional.- One encode & hash, both of complexity `O(S)`.0- One event.- I/O: 1 read `O(S)`, one remove.p- Storage: removes one item.----------------------------------0- DB Weight: - Read: Multisig Storage, [Caller Account], Refund Account, Calls - Write: Multisig Storage, [Caller Account], Refund Account, Calls,# %Contains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic.OptionTUNoneSomeU4frame_supporttraitsmiscDWrapperKeepOpaqueTAAT 4xAdd a registrar to the system.The dispatch origin for this call must be `T::RegistrarOrigin`.- `account`: the account of the registrar.Emits `RegistrarAdded` if successful.(# %- `O(R)` where `R` registrar-count (governance-bounded and code-bounded).- One storage mutation (codec `O(R)`).0- One event.,# 0set_identityinfoBox>L)Set an account's identity information and reserve the appropriate deposit.UIf the account already has identity information, the deposit is taken as part paymentPfor the new deposit.The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_.- `info`: The identity information.Emits `IdentitySet` if successful.(# D- `O(X + X' + R)` - where `X` additional-field-count (deposit-bounded and code-bounded) - where `R` judgements-count (registrar-count-bounded)- One balance reserve operation.!- One storage mutation (codec-read `O(X' + R)`, codec-write `O(X + R)`).0- One event.,# set_subssubsEdVec<(T::AccountId, Data)>TSet the sub-accounts of the sender.UPayment: Any aggregate balance reserved by previous `set_subs` calls will be returned-and an amount `SubAccountDeposit` will be reserved for each item in `subs`.aThe dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the sender must have a registered$identity.- `subs`: The identity's (new) sub-accounts.(# 0- `O(P + S)` - where `P` old-subs-count (hard- and deposit-bounded). - where `S` subs-count (hard- and deposit-bounded).- At most one balance operations.- DB: - `P + S` storage mutations (codec complexity `O(1)`) - One storage read (codec complexity `O(P)`). - One storage write (codec complexity `O(S)`). - One storage-exists (`IdentityOf::contains_key`).,# 8clear_identityH9Clear an account's identity info and all sub-accounts and return all deposits.Payment: All reserved balances on the account are returned.aThe dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the sender must have a registered$identity.Emits `IdentityCleared` if successful.(# @- `O(R + S + X)` - where `R` registrar-count (governance-bounded). - where `S` subs-count (hard- and deposit-bounded).! - where `X` additional-field-count (deposit-bounded and code-bounded).- One balance-unreserve operation.- `2` storage reads and `S + 2` storage deletions.0- One event.,# Drequest_judgement$reg_index8RegistrarIndexmax_fee0BalanceOf\Request a judgement from a registrar.UPayment: At most `max_fee` will be reserved for payment to the registrar if judgementgiven.5The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the sender must have aPregistered identity.- `reg_index`: The index of the registrar whose judgement is requested.U- `max_fee`: The maximum fee that may be paid. This should just be auto-populated as:0```nocompileSelf::registrars().get(reg_index).unwrap().fee ```Emits `JudgementRequested` if successful.(# 4- `O(R + X)`.- One balance-reserve operation.- Storage: 1 read `O(R)`, 1 mutate `O(X + R)`.0- One event.,# 8cancel_request$reg_index8RegistrarIndexDhCancel a previous request.Payment: A previously reserved deposit is returned on success.5The dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the sender must have aPregistered identity.E- `reg_index`: The index of the registrar whose judgement is no longer requested.Emits `JudgementUnrequested` if successful.(# 4- `O(R + X)`.- One balance-reserve operation.- One storage mutation `O(R + X)`.,- One event,# set_feeindex8RegistrarIndex fee0BalanceOf4Set the fee required for a judgement to be requested from a registrar.UThe dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the sender must be the accountof the registrar whose index is `index`.- `index`: the index of the registrar whose fee is to be set.T- `fee`: the new fee.(# $- `O(R)`.x- One storage mutation `O(R)`.- Benchmark: 7.315 + R * 0.329 µs (min squares analysis),# 8set_account_idindex8RegistrarIndex new}PAccountIdLookupOf4Change the account associated with a registrar.UThe dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the sender must be the accountof the registrar whose index is `index`.- `index`: the index of the registrar whose fee is to be set.p- `new`: the new account ID.(# $- `O(R)`.x- One storage mutation `O(R)`.- Benchmark: 8.823 + R * 0.32 µs (min squares analysis),# (set_fieldsindex8RegistrarIndexfieldsM8IdentityFields4Set the field information for a registrar.UThe dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the sender must be the accountof the registrar whose index is `index`.- `index`: the index of the registrar whose fee is to be set. - `fields`: the fields that the registrar concerns themselves with.(# $- `O(R)`.x- One storage mutation `O(R)`.- Benchmark: 7.464 + R * 0.325 µs (min squares analysis),# Dprovide_judgement$reg_index8RegistrarIndextarget}PAccountIdLookupOf$judgementU\Judgement> identity,T::Hash PProvide a judgement for an account's identity.UThe dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the sender must be the accountof the registrar whose index is `reg_index`.!- `reg_index`: the index of the registrar whose judgement is being made.U- `target`: the account whose identity the judgement is upon. This must be an accountt with a registered identity.I- `judgement`: the judgement of the registrar of index `reg_index` about `target`.I- `identity`: The hash of the [`IdentityInfo`] for that the judgement is provided.Emits `JudgementGiven` if successful.(# 4- `O(R + X)`.- One balance-transfer operation.- Up to one account-lookup operation.- Storage: 1 read `O(R)`, 1 mutate `O(R + X)`.0- One event.,# 4kill_identitytarget}PAccountIdLookupOf LARemove an account's identity and sub-account information and slash the deposits.aPayment: Reserved balances from `set_subs` and `set_identity` are slashed and handled byE`Slash`. Verification request deposits are not returned; they should be cancelledmanually using `cancel_request`.The dispatch origin for this call must match `T::ForceOrigin`.U- `target`: the account whose identity the judgement is upon. This must be an accountt with a registered identity.Emits `IdentityKilled` if successful.(# D- `O(R + S + X)`.- One balance-reserve operation.p- `S + 2` storage mutations.0- One event.,# add_sub sub}PAccountIdLookupOfdataData Add the given account to the sender's subs.]Payment: Balance reserved by a previous `set_subs` call for one sub will be repatriated8to the sender.aThe dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the sender must have a registeredXsub identity of `sub`.(rename_sub sub}PAccountIdLookupOfdataData Alter the associated name of the given sub-account.aThe dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the sender must have a registeredXsub identity of `sub`.(remove_sub sub}PAccountIdLookupOf Remove the given account from the sender's subs.]Payment: Balance reserved by a previous `set_subs` call for one sub will be repatriated8to the sender.aThe dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the sender must have a registeredXsub identity of `sub`. quit_sub(Remove the sender as a sub-account.]Payment: Balance reserved by a previous `set_subs` call for one sub will be repatriatedto the sender (*not* the original depositor).aThe dispatch origin for this call must be _Signed_ and the sender must have a registereddisplayDatalegalData webDatariotDataemailDataimageDatatwitterDatasp_corebounded,bounded_vec(BoundedVecTS=Vec royaltyePermill4collection_idiPOption0is_soulboundbool Create a new NFT with the provided details. An ID will be autogenerated and logged as an event, The caller of this functionwill become the owner of the new NFT. burn_nftnft_idNFTId)Remove an NFT from the storage. This operation is irreversible which meansonce the NFT is removed (burned) from the storage there is no way to0get it back.Must be called by the owner of the NFT.0transfer_nftnft_idNFTId$recipient}::SourceTransfer an NFT from an account to another one. Must be called by theDowner of the NFT.0delegate_nftnft_idNFTId$recipient]Option<::Source>Delegate an NFT to a recipient, does not change ownership.pMust be called by NFT owner.,set_royaltynft_idNFTIdroyaltyePermillhSet the royalty of an NFT.)Can only be called if the NFT is owned and has been created by the caller.@set_nft_mint_fee fee0BalanceOfSet the fee for minting an NFT if the caller is root.Dcreate_collection4offchain_dataqU8BoundedVeclimiti,Option Create a new collection with the provided details. An ID will be autogenerated and logged as an event, the caller of this functionwill become the owner of the new collection. pAdd a secret to a basic NFT.pMust be called by NFT owner.Dcreate_secret_nft4offchain_dataaU8BoundedVecPsecret_offchain_dataaU8BoundedVecroyaltyePermill4collection_idiPOption0is_soulboundbool Create a new secret NFT with the provided details. An ID will be autogenerated and logged as an event, The caller of this functionwill become the owner of the new NFT.@add_secret_shardnft_idNFTId Extrinsic called by TEE enclaves to indicate that a shard was received.Must be called by registered enclaves.\set_secret_nft_mint_fee fee0BalanceOfSet the fee for minting a secret NFT if the caller is root.%Contains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic.]OptionT}NoneSome}a Hternoa_marketplacepalletCallT Hcreate_marketplacekindy::SourceETransfer the ownership of the marketplace to the recipient. Must be called by thedowner of the marketplace.Pset_marketplace_kind8marketplace_id4MarketplaceIdkindy>>,listing_fee}ConfigOp>>0account_listConfigOp>4offchain_dataConfigOp>>USet the configuration parameters of the marketplace (eg. commission_fee, listing_fee,5account_list, offchain_data). Must be called by the owner of the marketplace.`set_marketplace_mint_fee fee0BalanceOfSets the marketplace mint fee. Can only be called by Root. list_nft nft_idNFTId8marketplace_id4MarketplaceIdprice0BalanceOfPut an NFT on sale on a marketplace.(unlist_nftnft_idNFTId`Remove an NFT from sale.buy_nftnft_idNFTId@Buy a listed nft%Contains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic.e 4pallet_assetspalletCallTIdcreate id(T::AssetIdadmin}PAccountIdLookupOf,min_balance(T::BalanceLIssue a new class of fungible assets from a public origin.%This new asset class has no assets initially and its owner is the origin.%The origin must be Signed and the sender must have sufficient funds free.Funds of sender are reserved by `AssetDeposit`.,Parameters:Y- `id`: The identifier of the new asset. This must not be currently in use to identifyHan existing asset.Y- `admin`: The admin of this class of assets. The admin is the initial address of eachmember of the asset class's admin team.M- `min_balance`: The minimum balance of this new asset that any single account must=have. If an account's balance is reduced below this, then it collapses to zero.Emits `Created` event when successful.8Weight: `O(1)`0force_createid(T::AssetIdowner}PAccountIdLookupOf4is_sufficientbool,min_balance(T::BalanceLIssue a new class of fungible assets from a privileged origin.This new asset class has no assets initially.The origin must conform to `ForceOrigin`.Unlike `create`, no funds are reserved.Y- `id`: The identifier of the new asset. This must not be currently in use to identifyHan existing asset.Y- `owner`: The owner of this class of assets. The owner has full superuser permissions%over this asset, but may later change and configure the permissions using`transfer_ownership` and `set_team`.M- `min_balance`: The minimum balance of this new asset that any single account must=have. If an account's balance is reduced below this, then it collapses to zero.Emits `ForceCreated` event when successful.8Weight: `O(1)`destroyid(T::AssetIdwitnessi8DestroyWitnessHDestroy a class of fungible assets.UThe origin must conform to `ForceOrigin` or must be Signed and the sender must be the`owner of the asset `id`.M- `id`: The identifier of the asset to be destroyed. This must identify an existingasset.Emits `Destroyed` event when successful.ENOTE: It can be helpful to first freeze an asset before destroying it so that youIcan provide accurate witness information and prevent users from manipulating statein a way that can make it harder to destroy.tWeight: `O(c + p + a)` where:- `c = (witness.accounts - witness.sufficients)`l- `s = witness.sufficients`d- `a = witness.approvals`mint id(T::AssetId,beneficiary}PAccountIdLookupOfamount(T::Balance0Mint assets of a particular class.9The origin must be Signed and the sender must be the Issuer of the asset `id`.- `id`: The identifier of the asset to have some amount minted. - `beneficiary`: The account to be credited with the minted assets.- `amount`: The amount of the asset to be minted.Emits `Issued` event when successful.8Weight: `O(1)`UModes: Pre-existing balance of `beneficiary`; Account pre-existence of `beneficiary`.burn id(T::AssetId who}PAccountIdLookupOfamount(T::Balanceamount(T::BalanceHMove some assets from the sender account to another.XOrigin must be Signed.- `id`: The identifier of the asset to have some amount transferred.- `target`: The account to be credited.Q- `amount`: The amount by which the sender's balance of assets should be reduced anda`target`'s balance increased. The amount actually transferred may be slightly greater in]the case that the transfer would otherwise take the sender balance above zero but belowthe minimum balance. Must be greater than zero.aEmits `Transferred` with the actual amount transferred. If this takes the source balance]to below the minimum for the asset, then the amount transferred is increased to take it to zero.8Weight: `O(1)`QModes: Pre-existence of `target`; Post-existence of sender; Account pre-existence of$`target`.Ltransfer_keep_alive id(T::AssetIdtarget}PAccountIdLookupOfamount(T::BalanceHYMove some assets from the sender account to another, keeping the sender account alive.XOrigin must be Signed.- `id`: The identifier of the asset to have some amount transferred.- `target`: The account to be credited.Q- `amount`: The amount by which the sender's balance of assets should be reduced anda`target`'s balance increased. The amount actually transferred may be slightly greater in]the case that the transfer would otherwise take the sender balance above zero but belowthe minimum balance. Must be greater than zero.aEmits `Transferred` with the actual amount transferred. If this takes the source balance]to below the minimum for the asset, then the amount transferred is increased to take it to zero.8Weight: `O(1)`QModes: Pre-existence of `target`; Post-existence of sender; Account pre-existence of$`target`.8force_transferid(T::AssetIdsource}PAccountIdLookupOfdest}PAccountIdLookupOfamount(T::BalanceLMove some assets from one account to another.-Origin must be Signed and the sender should be the Admin of the asset `id`.- `id`: The identifier of the asset to have some amount transferred.- `source`: The account to be debited.- `dest`: The account to be credited.Y- `amount`: The amount by which the `source`'s balance of assets should be reduced andY`dest`'s balance increased. The amount actually transferred may be slightly greater inMthe case that the transfer would otherwise take the `source` balance above zero butbelow the minimum balance. Must be greater than zero.aEmits `Transferred` with the actual amount transferred. If this takes the source balance]to below the minimum for the asset, then the amount transferred is increased to take it to zero.8Weight: `O(1)`QModes: Pre-existence of `dest`; Post-existence of `source`; Account pre-existence of`dest`.freezeid(T::AssetId who}PAccountIdLookupOf(Disallow further unprivileged transfers from an account.5Origin must be Signed and the sender should be the Freezer of the asset `id`.- `id`: The identifier of the asset to be frozen.- `who`: The account to be frozen. (Allow unprivileged transfers from an account again.-Origin must be Signed and the sender should be the Admin of the asset `id`.- `id`: The identifier of the asset to be frozen.- `who`: The account to be unfrozen. (tChange the Owner of an asset.-Origin must be Signed and the sender should be the Owner of the asset `id`.- `id`: The identifier of the asset.- `owner`: The new Owner of this asset.TEmits `OwnerChanged`.8Weight: `O(1)` set_teamid(T::AssetIdissuer}PAccountIdLookupOfadmin}PAccountIdLookupOffreezer}PAccountIdLookupOf 0Change the Issuer, Admin and Freezer of an asset.-Origin must be Signed and the sender should be the Owner of the asset `id`.- `id`: The identifier of the asset to be frozen.- `issuer`: The new Issuer of this asset.- `admin`: The new Admin of this asset.- `freezer`: The new Freezer of this asset.PEmits `TeamChanged`.8Weight: `O(1)`0set_metadataid(T::AssetIdname0Vecsymbol0Vec decimalsu8@xSet the metadata for an asset.-Origin must be Signed and the sender should be the Owner of the asset `id`.Funds of sender are reserved according to the formula:Q`MetadataDepositBase + MetadataDepositPerByte * (name.len + symbol.len)` taking intoaccount any already reserved funds.- `id`: The identifier of the asset to update.M- `name`: The user friendly name of this asset. Limited in length by `StringLimit`.M- `symbol`: The exchange symbol for this asset. Limited in length by `StringLimit`.-- `decimals`: The number of decimals this asset uses to represent one unit.PEmits `MetadataSet`.8Weight: `O(1)`8clear_metadataid(T::AssetId,Clear the metadata for an asset.-Origin must be Signed and the sender should be the Owner of the asset `id`.Any deposit is freed for the asset owner.- `id`: The identifier of the asset to clear.`Emits `MetadataCleared`.8Weight: `O(1)`Hforce_set_metadataid(T::AssetIdname0Vecsymbol0Vec decimalsu8$is_frozenbool8Force the metadata for an asset to some value.lOrigin must be ForceOrigin.hAny deposit is left alone.- `id`: The identifier of the asset to update.M- `name`: The user friendly name of this asset. Limited in length by `StringLimit`.M- `symbol`: The exchange symbol for this asset. Limited in length by `StringLimit`.-- `decimals`: The number of decimals this asset uses to represent one unit.PEmits `MetadataSet`.QWeight: `O(N + S)` where N and S are the length of the name and symbol respectively.Pforce_clear_metadataid(T::AssetId,Clear the metadata for an asset.lOrigin must be ForceOrigin.`Any deposit is returned.- `id`: The identifier of the asset to clear.`Emits `MetadataCleared`.8Weight: `O(1)`Hforce_asset_status id(T::AssetIdowner}PAccountIdLookupOfissuer}PAccountIdLookupOfadmin}PAccountIdLookupOffreezer}PAccountIdLookupOf,min_balance(T::Balance4is_sufficientbool$is_frozenboolXAlter the attributes of a given asset.tOrigin must be `ForceOrigin`.- `id`: The identifier of the asset.- `owner`: The new Owner of this asset.- `issuer`: The new Issuer of this asset.- `admin`: The new Admin of this asset.- `freezer`: The new Freezer of this asset.M- `min_balance`: The minimum balance of this new asset that any single account must=have. If an account's balance is reduced below this, then it collapses to zero.Q- `is_sufficient`: Whether a non-zero balance of this asset is deposit of sufficientMvalue to account for the state bloat associated with its balance storage. If set toU`true`, then non-zero balances may be stored without a `consumer` reference (and thusMan ED in the Balances pallet or whatever else is used to control user-account state growth).=- `is_frozen`: Whether this asset class is frozen except for permissioned/admin4instructions.Emits `AssetStatusChanged` with the identity of the asset.8Weight: `O(1)`@approve_transfer id(T::AssetId delegate}PAccountIdLookupOfamount(T::BalanceP-Approve an amount of asset for transfer by a delegated third-party account.XOrigin must be Signed.MEnsures that `ApprovalDeposit` worth of `Currency` is reserved from signing accountUfor the purpose of holding the approval. If some non-zero amount of assets is alreadyIapproved from signing account to `delegate`, then it is topped up or unreserved toTmeet the right value.ENOTE: The signing account does not need to own `amount` of assets at the point ofDmaking this call.- `id`: The identifier of the asset. - `delegate`: The account to delegate permission to transfer asset.I- `amount`: The amount of asset that may be transferred by `delegate`. If there isalready an approval in place, then this acts additively.Emits `ApprovedTransfer` on success.8Weight: `O(1)`4ICancel all of some asset approved for delegated transfer by a third-party account.=Origin must be Signed and there must be an approval in place between signer and,`delegate`.IUnreserves any deposit previously reserved by `approve_transfer` for the approval.- `id`: The identifier of the asset.- `delegate`: The account delegated permission to transfer asset.Emits `ApprovalCancelled` on success.8Weight: `O(1)`Tforce_cancel_approval id(T::AssetIdowner}PAccountIdLookupOf delegate}PAccountIdLookupOf4ICancel all of some asset approved for delegated transfer by a third-party account.IOrigin must be either ForceOrigin or Signed origin with the signer being the Adminhaccount of the asset `id`.IUnreserves any deposit previously reserved by `approve_transfer` for the approval.- `id`: The identifier of the asset.- `delegate`: The account delegated permission to transfer asset.Emits `ApprovalCancelled` on success.8Weight: `O(1)`Dtransfer_approvedid(T::AssetIdowner}PAccountIdLookupOf,destination}PAccountIdLookupOfamount(T::BalanceHMTransfer some asset balance from a previously delegated account to some third-party account.IOrigin must be Signed and there must be an approval in place by the `owner` to thesigner.YIf the entire amount approved for transfer is transferred, then any deposit previouslyreserved by `approve_transfer` is unreserved.- `id`: The identifier of the asset.a- `owner`: The account which previously approved for a transfer of at least `amount` andfrom which the asset balance will be withdrawn.a- `destination`: The account to which the asset balance of `amount` will be transferred.- `amount`: The amount of assets to transfer.Emits `TransferredApproved` on success.8Weight: `O(1)`touchid(T::AssetId$Create an asset account for non-provider assets.A deposit will be taken from the signer account.]- `origin`: Must be Signed; the signer account must have sufficient funds for a deposit8 to be taken. - `id`: The identifier of the asset for the account to be created.Emits `Touched` event when successful.refundid(T::AssetId(allow_burnbool Return the deposit (if any) of an asset account.hThe origin must be Signed. - `id`: The identifier of the asset for the account to be created.]- `allow_burn`: If `true` then assets may be destroyed in order to complete the refund.Emits `Refunded` event when successful.%Contains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic.i 4pallet_assetstypes8DestroyWitness  accounts u32,sufficients u32$approvals u32m 8ternoa_auctionpalletCallT8create_auctionnft_idNFTId8marketplace_id4MarketplaceId,start_block8T::BlockNumber$end_block8T::BlockNumber,start_price0BalanceOf0buy_it_pricePOption>8cancel_auctionnft_idNFTId,end_auctionnft_idNFTIdadd_bidnft_idNFTIdamount0BalanceOf(remove_bidnft_idNFTId(buy_it_nownft_idNFTIdclaim%Contains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic.q ,ternoa_rentpalletCallT$>Drenter_can_revokebool rent_feeTRentFee>\renter_cancellation_feetCancellationFee>\rentee_cancellation_feetCancellationFee>Create a new rent contract with the provided details.period8T::BlockNumber0max_durationiXOption4is_changeableboolChange the subscription terms for subscription contracts.daccept_subscription_termsnft_idNFTIdxAccept the new contract terms.%Contains one variant per dispatchable that can be called by an extrinsic.u ,ternoa_renttypes4DurationInput,BlockNumberFixed,BlockNumber0SubscriptionyxSubscriptionInputy ,ternoa_renttypesDSubscriptionInput,BlockNumber 4period_length,BlockNumber0max_durationiLOption4is_changeablebool} @pallet_schedulerpalletErrorT@FailedToScheduledFailed to schedule a call NotFound|Cannot find the scheduled call.\TargetBlockNumberInPastGiven target block number is in the past.HRescheduleNoChangeReschedule failed because it does not change scheduled time. Custom [dispatch errors]( of this pallet. sp_corebounded@weak_bounded_vec8WeakBoundedVecTSVec](sp_corebounded,bounded_vec(BoundedVecTSVecOptionTNoneSome Dsp_consensus_babedigests$PreDigest Primary@PrimaryPreDigest8SecondaryPlain\SecondaryPlainPreDigest0SecondaryVRFTSecondaryVRFPreDigest Dsp_consensus_babedigests@PrimaryPreDigestDpallet_authorship8UncleEntryItem ,BlockNumberHash,Author Dpallet_authorshippalletErrorTHInvalidUncleParentThe uncle parent not in the chain.@UnclesAlreadySetUncles already set in the block.4TooManyUncles@Too many uncles.0GenesisUncleTThe uncle is genesis.0TooHighUncle|The uncle is too high in chain.PUncleAlreadyIncludedxThe uncle is already included. OldUncleThe uncle isn't recent enough to be included. Custom [dispatch errors]( of this pallet.  (sp_stakingoffence8OffenceDetails Reporter Offender offender Offender$reporters4Vec0, 0  sp_corecrypto$KeyTypeId@[u8; 4]  8pallet_sessionpalletErrorT0InvalidProof`Invalid ownership proof.\NoAssociatedValidatorIdNo associated validator ID for account.4DuplicatedKeydRegistered duplicate key.NoKeysNo keys are associated with this account.$NoAccountKey setting account is not live, so it's impossible to associate keys.tError for the session pallet.8pallet_grandpa,StoredStateNLive0PendingPause0scheduled_atNdelayNPaused4PendingResume0scheduled_atNdelayN8pallet_grandpaLStoredPendingChangeNLimit0scheduled_atNdelayN@next_authoritieslBoundedAuthorityListforcedi$Optionsp_corebounded@weak_bounded_vec8WeakBoundedVecTSVec 8pallet_grandpapalletErrorT,PauseFailedAttempt to signal GRANDPA pause when the authority set isn't live(either paused or already pending pause).0ResumeFailedAttempt to signal GRANDPA resume when the authority set isn't paused(either live or already pending resume).4ChangePendingAttempt to signal GRANDPA change with one already pending.TooSoonCannot signal forced change so soon after last.`InvalidKeyOwnershipProof1A key ownership proof provided as part of an equivocation report is invalid.`InvalidEquivocationProof1An equivocation proof provided as part of an equivocation report is invalid.XDuplicateOffenceReportA given equivocation report is valid but already previously reported. Custom [dispatch errors]( of this pallet. !sp_corebounded@weak_bounded_vec8WeakBoundedVecTS%Vec%)4frame_supporttraitsmisc4WrapperOpaqueT--T-@pallet_im_onlinedBoundedOpaqueNetworkState LPeerIdEncodingLimitXMultiAddrEncodingLimit8AddressesLimitpeer_id1WeakBoundedVecHexternal_addresses5-WeakBoundedVec, AddressesLimit >1sp_corebounded@weak_bounded_vec8WeakBoundedVecTS0Vec5sp_corebounded@weak_bounded_vec8WeakBoundedVecT1S9Vec91=A @pallet_im_onlinepalletErrorT(InvalidKey`Non existent public key.LDuplicatedHeartbeatTDuplicated heartbeat. Custom [dispatch errors]( of this pallet. Esp_corebounded@weak_bounded_vec8WeakBoundedVecTSIVecIM8pallet_staking4StakingLedgerTstash0T::AccountIdtotal0BalanceOfactive0BalanceOf$unlockingQBoundedVec>, T::MaxUnlockingChunks>Qsp_corebounded,bounded_vec(BoundedVecTUSYVecU8pallet_staking,UnlockChunkBalancevalueBalance era EraIndexYU]sp_corebounded,bounded_vec(BoundedVecTSVeca8pallet_staking,NominationsT targetseBoundedVec0submitted_in EraIndex(suppressedboolesp_corebounded,bounded_vec(BoundedVecTSVeci8pallet_staking4ActiveEraInfoindex EraIndexstartm,OptionmOptionT(NoneSome(q8pallet_stakingu BTreeMapKVyy}}8pallet_stakingForcing(NotForcing ForceNew$ForceNone,ForceAlways8pallet_staking8UnappliedSlash$AccountIdBalance$validator$AccountId ownBalanceothers dVec<(AccountId, Balance)>$reporters8VecpayoutBalance 8pallet_staking slashing4SlashingSpans(span_index$SpanIndex(last_start EraIndexHlast_nonzero_slash EraIndexprior4Vec 8pallet_staking slashing(SpanRecordBalanceslashedBalance paid_outBalance8pallet_staking Releases04V1_0_0AncientV2_0_0V3_0_0V4_0_0V5_0_0V6_0_0V7_0_0V8_0_0V9_0_0V10_0_0 V11_0_0 V12_0_0 8pallet_stakingpalletpalletErrorTd4NotControllerdNot a controller account. NotStashPNot a stash account.4AlreadyBonded`Stash is already bonded.4AlreadyPairedtController is already paired.0EmptyTargets`Targets cannot be empty.8DuplicateIndex@Duplicate index.DInvalidSlashIndexSlash record index out of bounds.@InsufficientBond YCannot have a validator or nominator role, with value less than the minimum defined by=governance (see `MinValidatorBond` and `MinNominatorBond`). If unbonding is theintention, `chill` first to remove one's role as validator/nominator.0NoMoreChunksCan not schedule more unlock chunks.4NoUnlockChunk Can not rebond without unlocking chunks.0FundedTarget Attempting to target a stash that still has funds.HInvalidEraToReward XInvalid era to reward.hInvalidNumberOfNominations xInvalid number of nominations.HNotSortedAndUnique Items are not sorted and unique.8AlreadyClaimed Rewards for this era have already been claimed for this validator.TIncorrectHistoryDepthIncorrect previous history depth input provided.XIncorrectSlashingSpansIncorrect number of slashing spans provided. BadState9Internal state has become somehow corrupted and the operation cannot continue.8TooManyTargetsToo many nomination targets supplied.$BadTarget=A nomination target was supplied that was blocked or otherwise not a validator.@CannotChillOtherUThe user has enough bond and thus cannot be chilled forcefully by an external person.DTooManyNominatorsMThere are too many nominators in the system. Governance needs to adjust the stakingsettings to keep things safe for the runtime.DTooManyValidatorsMThere are too many validators in the system. Governance needs to adjust the stakingsettings to keep things safe for the runtime.@CommissionTooLowCommission is too low. Must be at least `MinCommission`.,BoundNotMetXSome bound is not met. Custom [dispatch errors]( of this pallet. Xternoa_staking_rewardsHStakingRewardsDataBalanceHsession_era_payoutBalancelsession_extra_reward_payoutBalance4frame_support PalletId%[u8; 8] Xternoa_staking_rewardspalletErrorT Custom [dispatch errors]( of this pallet. pallet_election_provider_multi_phasePhaseBn OffSigned Unsigned((bool, Bn)$Emergencypallet_election_provider_multi_phase4ReadySolutionA  supportsM,Supportsscore4ElectionScorecompute>targetsDVec (esp_coreboundedDbounded_btree_map BTreeMapKV pallet_election_provider_multi_phasesigned@SignedSubmission $AccountIdBalance Solution who$AccountIddepositBalance0raw_solutionTRawSolution call_feeBalance pallet_election_provider_multi_phasepalletErrorT0hPreDispatchEarlySubmissiondSubmission was too early.lPreDispatchWrongWinnerCountWrong number of winners presented.dPreDispatchWeakSubmissionSubmission was too weak, score-wise.nextmPOption$bag_upper( T::Scorescore( T::Score @pallet_bags_listlist BagTIheadmPOptiontailmPOption( @pallet_bags_listpalletErrorTIList$ListErrorA error in the list interface implementation. Custom [dispatch errors]( of this pallet.  @pallet_bags_listlist$ListError$Duplicate(NotHeavier0NotInSameBag0NodeNotFoundsp_corebounded,bounded_vec(BoundedVecT,SVecDpallet_collectiveVotes$AccountId,BlockNumberindex4ProposalIndex$threshold,MemberCountayes8Vecnays8Vec end,BlockNumber Dpallet_collectivepalletErrorTI($NotMember\Account is not a memberDDuplicateProposal|Duplicate proposals not allowedstakeBalancedepositBalance dpallet_elections_phragmenpalletErrorTD0UnableToVoteCannot vote when no candidates or members exist.NoVotesMust vote for at least one candidate.0TooManyVotesCannot vote more than candidates.PMaximumVotesExceededCannot vote more than maximum allowed.(LowBalanceCannot vote with stake less than minimum balance. provider$AccountIddepositBalancesince,BlockNumberexpiryiLOption% @pallet_democracytypes8ReferendumInfo ,BlockNumberHash,BalanceOngoing)ReferendumStatus Finished approvedbool end,BlockNumber) @pallet_democracytypes@ReferendumStatus ,BlockNumberHash,Balance end,BlockNumber4proposal_hash,Hash$threshold4VoteThresholddelay,BlockNumbertally-8Tally- @pallet_democracytypesTallyBalance ayesBalancenaysBalanceturnoutBalance1 @pallet_democracyvoteVoting Balance$AccountId,BlockNumberDirect votes5Vec<(ReferendumIndex, AccountVote)>,delegations=PDelegationspriorA|PriorLock(DelegatingbalanceBalancetarget$AccountId(convictionu(Conviction,delegations=PDelegationspriorA|PriorLock599!= @pallet_democracytypes,DelegationsBalancevotesBalancecapitalBalanceA @pallet_democracyvote$PriorLock,BlockNumberBalance,BlockNumberBalanceE,IM@pallet_democracy ReleasesV1Q @pallet_democracypalletErrorTt ValueLow4Value too lowY Dpallet_collectivepalletErrorTI($NotMember\Account is not a memberDDuplicateProposal|Duplicate proposals not alloweda Dpallet_membershippalletErrorTI 4AlreadyMemberDAlready a member.$NotMember4Not a member.8TooManyMembersDToo many members. Custom [dispatch errors]( of this pallet. em $Requested u32yOptionTNoneSome}sp_corebounded,bounded_vec(BoundedVecTS0Vec status8ProposalStatusexpiry,BlockNumber 4ternoa_bridgetypes8ProposalStatus$Initiated Approved 4ternoa_bridgepalletErrorT0|CannotAddSelfToAllowedChainList|Chain has already been enabled.\ChainAlreadyWhitelisted|Chain has already been enabled.4ChainNotFoundxProvided chain does not exist.depositBalance$depositor$AccountId$approvals8Vec  ), MaxJudgements>depositBalanceinfoIdentityInfosp_corebounded,bounded_vec(BoundedVecTSVecUsp_corebounded,bounded_vec(BoundedVecTSVecsp_corebounded,bounded_vec(BoundedVecTSVecOptionTNoneSome 4collection_idiPOptionroyaltyePermillstate NFTState dternoa_pallets_primitivesnfts NFTState(is_capsulebool$is_listedbool$is_secretbool0is_delegatedbool0is_soulboundbool(is_syncingbool$is_rentedbool dternoa_pallets_primitivesnfts(Collection $AccountIdlCollectionOffChainDataLimitLCollectionSizeLimitowner$AccountId4offchain_dataqU8BoundedVecnftsBoundedVeclimiti,Option$is_closedboolsp_corebounded,bounded_vec(BoundedVecTSVec (ternoa_nftpalletErrorT`CannotTransferListedNFTsOperation not allowed because the NFT is listed for sale.PCannotBurnListedNFTsOperation not allowed because the NFT is listed for sale.`CannotDelegateListedNFTsOperation not allowed because the NFT is listed for sale.tCannotSetRoyaltyForListedNFTsOperation not allowed because the NFT is listed for sale.lCannotTransferDelegatedNFTsOperation is not allowed because the NFT is delegated.CannotTransferNotSyncedSecretNFTsOperation is not allowed because the NFT secret is not synced.\CannotBurnDelegatedNFTsOperation is not allowed because the NFT is delegated.CannotSetRoyaltyForDelegatedNFTsOperation is not allowed because the NFT is delegated.dCannotTransferCapsuleNFTsOperation is not allowed because the NFT is a capsule.TCannotBurnCapsuleNFTs Operation is not allowed because the NFT is a capsule.dCannotDelegateCapsuleNFTs Operation is not allowed because the NFT is a capsule.CannotTransferNotCreatedSoulboundNFTs -Operation is not allowed because the NFT is and signer is not the creator.xCannotSetRoyaltyForCapsuleNFTs Operation is not allowed because the NFT is a capsule.pCannotTransferNFTsToYourself Operation is not allowed because the NFT is owned by the caller.`CannotTransferRentedNFTsOperation is not allowed because the NFT is rentedPCannotBurnRentedNFTsOperation is not allowed because the NFT is rentedtCannotSetRoyaltyForRentedNFTsOperation is not allowed because the NFT is rented`CannotDelegateRentedNFTsOperation is not allowed because the NFT is rentedCollectionLimitExceededMaximumAllowedOperation is not allowed because the collection limit is too low.,NFTNotFoundNo NFT was found with that NFT id.\NFTNotFoundInCollectionNFT id not found in collection nft list.XNFTBelongToACollectionNFT already belong to a collection.8NotTheNFTOwnerThis function can only be called by the owner of the NFT.@NotTheNFTCreatorThis function can only be called by the creator of the NFT.TNotTheCollectionOwnerThis function can only be called by the owner of the collection.HCollectionNotFoundNo Collection was found with that NFT id.HCollectionIsClosedOperation is not allowed because the collection is closed.dCollectionHasReachedLimitCollection nft list has reached the selected limit.PCollectionIsNotEmptyOperation is not allowed because the collection is not empty.dCollectionLimitAlreadySet%Operation is not permitted because the collection's limit is already set.`CollectionHasTooManyNFTsUOperation is not permitted because the nfts number in the collection are greater than8the new limit.tCannotAddMoreNFTsToCollectionOperation is not permitted because collection nfts is full.TNotARegisteredEnclave )Operation is not permitted because caller is not a registered TEE enclave.8NFTIsNotSecret!Operation is not permitted because NFT is not a secret.@NFTAlreadySynced"Operation is not permitted because NFT secret is already synced.\NFTHasReceivedAllShards#Operation is not permitted because NFT has already received all shards.`EnclaveAlreadyAddedShard$Operation is not permitted because Enclave has already added its shard.LInsufficientBalance%PInsufficient balancelCannotAddSecretToListedNFTs&Operation is not permitted because the NFT is listed.pCannotAddSecretToCapsuleNFTs'Operation is not permitted because the NFT is a capsule.lCannotAddSecretToSecretNFTs(Operation is not permitted because the NFT is already a secret.(ComingSoon)pFeature is not available yet Custom [dispatch errors]( of this pallet.  dternoa_pallets_primitives,marketplace>,listing_feepOption>0account_listOption>4offchain_dataOption>>OptionTNoneSomeOptionTNoneSomeOptionTNoneSome Hternoa_marketplacetypesSale$AccountIdBalance(account_id$AccountId8marketplace_id4MarketplaceIdpriceBalance8commission_feepOption> Hternoa_marketplacepalletErrorTH@NotAllowedToListdNot Allowed To List On MP\CannotListDelegatedNFTslCannot list delegated NFTs.TCannotListCapsuleNFTsdCannot list capsule NFTs.CannotListNotCreatedSoulboundNFTsCannot list soulbound NFTs that was not created from owner.DCannotBuyOwnedNFTPCannot buy owned NFTCannotTransferMarketplaceToYourselfSender is already the marketplace ownerpCannotListAlreadytListedNFTsHNFT already listedxPriceCannotCoverMarketplaceFeeThe selected price is too low for commission feeLMarketplaceNotFoundTMarketplace not found,NFTNotFound 4NFT not found8NotTheNFTOwner This function can only be called by the owner of the NFT.XNotTheMarketplaceOwner This function can only be called by the owner of the marketplace.4NFTNotForSale LNFT is not for saleTMarketpalceIdOverflow hMarketplaces data are fullDInternalMathErrorXMath operations errorsTNotEnoughBalanceToBuyNot enough balance for the operationtCannotListNotSyncedSecretNFTsCannot list because the NFT secret is not synced.PCannotListRentedNFTs`Cannot list rented NFTs. Custom [dispatch errors]( of this pallet.  4pallet_assetstypes0AssetDetails Balance$AccountId8DepositBalance0owner$AccountIdissuer$AccountIdadmin$AccountIdfreezer$AccountIdsupplyBalancedeposit8DepositBalance,min_balanceBalance4is_sufficientbool accounts u32,sufficients u32$approvals u32$is_frozenbool 4pallet_assetstypes0AssetAccount Balance8DepositBalanceExtrabalanceBalance$is_frozenboolreason |ExistenceReasonextraExtra  4pallet_assetstypes 4pallet_assetspalletErrorTI<(BalanceLowAccount balance must be greater than or equal to the transfer amount.$NoAccountThe account to alter does not exist.0NoPermissionThe signing account has no permission to do the operation.UnknownxThe given asset ID is unknown.FrozentThe origin account is frozen.InUsexThe asset ID is already taken.(BadWitnesslInvalid witness data given.8MinBalanceZeroMinimum balance should be non-zero.(NoProvider YUnable to increment the consumer reference counters on the account. Either no providerMreference exists to allow a non-zero balance of a non-self-sufficient asset, or themaximum number of consumers has been reached.,BadMetadata \Invalid metadata given.(Unapproved No approval exists that would allow the transfer. WouldDie 5The source account would not survive the transfer and it needs to stay alive.4AlreadyExists The asset-account already exists.$NoDeposit The asset-account doesn't have an associated deposit.$WouldBurnThe operation would result in funds being burned. Custom [dispatch errors]( of this pallet. ! 8ternoa_auctiontypes,AuctionData$AccountId,BlockNumberBalanceTBidderListLengthLimit creator$AccountId,start_block,BlockNumber$end_block,BlockNumber,start_priceBalance0buy_it_pricebidders%BidderList8marketplace_id4MarketplaceId,is_extendedbool% 8ternoa_auctiontypes(BidderList $AccountIdBalanceTBidderListLengthLimitlist)BoundedVec<(AccountId, Balance), BidderListLengthLimit>)sp_corebounded,bounded_vec(BoundedVecTS Vec- 8ternoa_auctiontypes0DeadlineList,BlockNumberPParallelAuctionLimit1BoundedVec<(NFTId, BlockNumber), ParallelAuctionLimit>1sp_corebounded,bounded_vec(BoundedVecTxSVec5 8ternoa_auctionpalletErrorTDAuctionNotStartedOperation not allowed because the auction has not started yet.LAuctionDoesNotExistOperation not allowed because the auction does not exists.tAuctionDoesNotSupportBuyItNowBuy-It-Now option is not available.lAuctionCannotStartInThePastAuction start block cannot be lower than current block.AuctionCannotEndBeforeItHasStartedAuction end block cannot be lower than start block.`AuctionDurationIsTooLongAuction duration exceeds the maximum allowed duration.dAuctionDurationIsTooShortAuction duration is lower than the minimum allowed duration.`AuctionStartIsTooFarAwayAuction start block cannot be exceed the maximum allowed start delay.BuyItPriceCannotBeLessOrEqualThanStartPriceBuy-it-now price cannot be lower or equal tah the auction start price.renter$AccountIdrenteemDOption durationTDuration>Drenter_can_revokebool rent_fee@RentFee\renter_cancellation_fee`CancellationFee\rentee_cancellation_fee`CancellationFee= ,ternoa_renttypes4RentingQueues,BlockNumberLimit ,fixed_queueAdQueueHsubscription_queueAdQueueA ,ternoa_renttypesQueue,BlockNumberLimitEBoundedVec<(NFTId, BlockNumber), Limit>Esp_corebounded,bounded_vec(BoundedVecTxSVecI ,ternoa_rentpalletErrorT,NFTNotFoundHNFT was not found. Mortal63? Mortal64@ Mortal65A Mortal66B Mortal67C Mortal68D Mortal69E Mortal70F Mortal71G Mortal72H Mortal73I Mortal74J Mortal75K Mortal76L Mortal77M Mortal78N Mortal79O Mortal80P Mortal81Q Mortal82R Mortal83S Mortal84T Mortal85U Mortal86V Mortal87W Mortal88X Mortal89Y Mortal90Z Mortal91[ Mortal92\ Mortal93] Mortal94^ Mortal95_ Mortal96` Mortal97a Mortal98b Mortal99c$Mortal100d$Mortal101e$Mortal102f$Mortal103g$Mortal104h$Mortal105i$Mortal106j$Mortal107k$Mortal108l$Mortal109m$Mortal110n$Mortal111o$Mortal112p$Mortal113q$Mortal114r$Mortal115s$Mortal116t$Mortal117u$Mortal118v$Mortal119w$Mortal120x$Mortal121y$Mortal122z$Mortal123{$Mortal124|$Mortal125}$Mortal126~$Mortal127$Mortal128$Mortal129$Mortal130$Mortal131$Mortal132$Mortal133$Mortal134$Mortal135$Mortal136$Mortal137$Mortal138$Mortal139$Mortal140$Mortal141$Mortal142$Mortal143$Mortal144$Mortal145$Mortal146$Mortal147$Mortal148$Mortal149$Mortal150$Mortal151$Mortal152$Mortal153$Mortal154$Mortal155$Mortal156$Mortal157$Mortal158$Mortal159$Mortal160$Mortal161$Mortal162$Mortal163$Mortal164$Mortal165$Mortal166$Mortal167$Mortal168$Mortal169$Mortal170$Mortal171$Mortal172$Mortal173$Mortal174$Mortal175$Mortal176$Mortal177$Mortal178$Mortal179$Mortal180$Mortal181$Mortal182$Mortal183$Mortal184$Mortal185$Mortal186$Mortal187$Mortal188$Mortal189$Mortal190$Mortal191$Mortal192$Mortal193$Mortal194$Mortal195$Mortal196$Mortal197$Mortal198$Mortal199$Mortal200$Mortal201$Mortal202$Mortal203$Mortal204$Mortal205$Mortal206$Mortal207$Mortal208$Mortal209$Mortal210$Mortal211$Mortal212$Mortal213$Mortal214$Mortal215$Mortal216$Mortal217$Mortal218$Mortal219$Mortal220$Mortal221$Mortal222$Mortal223$Mortal224$Mortal225$Mortal226$Mortal227$Mortal228$Mortal229$Mortal230$Mortal231$Mortal232$Mortal233$Mortal234$Mortal235$Mortal236$Mortal237$Mortal238$Mortal239$Mortal240$Mortal241$Mortal242$Mortal243$Mortal244$Mortal245$Mortal246$Mortal247$Mortal248$Mortal249$Mortal250$Mortal251$Mortal252$Mortal253$Mortal254$Mortal255u0frame_system(extensions,check_nonce(CheckNonceT T::Indexy0frame_system(extensions0check_weight,CheckWeightT}hpallet_transaction_payment`ChargeTransactionPaymentT0BalanceOf` list.,EventTopics,(% Mapping between a topic (represented by T::Hash) and a vector of indexes of events in the `>` list.Q All topic vectors have deterministic storage locations depending on the topic. ThisE allows light-clients to leverage the changes trie storage tracking mechanism and in case of changes fetch the list of events of interest.M The value has the type `(T::BlockNumber, EventIndex)` because if we used only justM the `EventIndex` then in case if the topic has the same contents on the next block no notification will be triggered thus the event might be lost.HLastRuntimeUpgradeU Stores the `spec_version` and `spec_name` of when the last runtime upgrade happened.TUpgradedToU32RefCountM True if we have upgraded so that `type RefCount` is `u32`. False (default) if not.`UpgradedToTripleRefCount] True if we have upgraded so that AccountInfo contains three types of `RefCount`. FalseH (default) if not.8ExecutionPhase The execution phase of the block.P0BlockWeightsh m JB6 pXp= ףp >]B6 p p= ףp JRjt@B6 Block & extrinsics weights: base values and limits.,BlockLength 0<PP The maximum length of a block (in bytes).8BlockHashCount` U Maximum number of block number to block hash mappings to keep (oldest pruned first). DbWeight@@x}  The weight of runtime database operations the runtime can invoke.Versionmainnetmainnet ,jh`7|@:ҼЏ'?ELŬ^%#hzJO[?7ȻP<r) Get the chain's current version.(SS58Prefix)* The designated SS58 prefix of this chain.9 This replaces the "ss58Format" property declared in the chain spec. Reason is1 that the runtime should know about the prefix in order to make use of it asp an identifier of the chain.-$Scheduler$SchedulerAgenda1M Items to be executed, indexed by the block number that they should be executed on.Lookup0x Lookup from identity to the block number and index of the task.Et4MaximumWeight @ ntE The maximum weight that may be scheduled per block for any dispatchables of less priority than `schedule::HARD_DEADLINE`.PMaxScheduledPerBlock2 The maximum number of scheduled calls in the queue for a single block. Not strictly enforced, but used for weight estimation.}BabeBabe@(EpochIndex( T Current epoch index.,Authoritiesl Current epoch authorities.,GenesisSlota  The slot at which the first epoch actually started. This is 0 until the first block of the chain.,CurrentSlota T Current slot number.(Randomness( The epoch randomness for the *current* epoch., # Security This MUST NOT be used for gambling, as it can be influenced by a malicious validator in the short term. It MAY be used in many cryptographic protocols, however, so long as one remembers that this (like everything else on-chain) it is public. For example, it can be used where a number is needed that cannot have been chosen by an  adversary, for purposes such as public-coin zero-knowledge proofs.`PendingEpochConfigChangeia Pending epoch configuration change that will be applied when the next epoch is enacted.8NextRandomness\ Next epoch randomness., frame_system::Provider, AccountId, Self::AccountData> } ``` You can also store the balance of an account in the `System` pallet.( # Example4 ```nocompile impl pallet_balances::Config for Runtime {t type AccountStore = System } ```Q But this comes with tradeoffs, storing account balances in the system pallet storesm `frame_system` data alongside the account data contrary to storing account balances in the) `Balances` pallet, which uses a `StorageMap` to store balances data only.A NOTE: This is only used in the case that this pallet is used to store balances.Locks Any liquidity locks on some account balances.% NOTE: Should only be accessed when setting, changing and freeing a lock. Reserves Named reserves on some account balances.8StorageVersion | Storage version of the pallet. This is set to v2.0.0 for new networks.y HExistentialDeposit@O4 The minimum amount required to keep an account open. MaxLocks2 The maximum number of locks that should exist on an account. Not strictly enforced, but used for weight estimation.,MaxReserves2  The maximum number of named reserves that can exist on an account.HTransactionPaymentHTransactionPaymentDNextFeeMultiplier@d 8StorageVersion`OperationalFeeMultiplierTY A fee mulitplier for `Operational` extrinsics to compute "virtual tip" to boost their, `priority`M This value is multipled by the `final_fee` to obtain a "virtual tip" that is later added to a tip component in regular `priority` calculations.M It means that a `Normal` transaction can front-run a similarly-sized `Operational`A extrinsic (with no tip), by including a tip value greater than the virtual tip.< ```rust,ignore@ // For `Normal` let priority = priority_calc(tip);T // For `Operational` let virtual_tip = (inclusion_fee + tip) * OperationalFeeMultiplier; let priority = priority_calc(tip + virtual_tip); ```Q Note that since we use `final_fee` the multiplier applies also to the regular `tip`] sent with the transaction. So, not only does the transaction get a priority bump baseda on the `inclusion_fee`, but we also amplify the impact of tips applied to `Operational`8 transactions.(Authorship(Authorship Uncles UnclesAuthord Author of current block.0DidSetUncles Whether uncles were already set in this block.@UncleGenerations The number of blocks back we should accept uncles. This means that we will deal with uncle-parents that are `UncleGenerations + 1` before `now`. Offences Offences Reports,I The primary structure that holds all offence records keyed by report identifiers.XConcurrentReportsIndex) A vector of reports of the same kind that happened at the same time slot.HReportsByKindIndex0 Enumerates all reports of a kind along with the time they happened. All reports are sorted by the time of offence.I Note that the actual type of this mapping is `Vec`, this is because values ofi different types are not supported at the moment so we are doing the manual serialization.(Historical(HistoricalHHistoricalSessions] Mapping from historical session indices to session-data root hash and validator count.,StoredRangex The range of historical sessions we store. [first, last)SessionSession(Validators| The current set of validators.0CurrentIndexx Current index of the session.4QueuedChanged9 True if the underlying economic identities or weighting behind the validators has changed in the queued validator set.(QueuedKeys= The queued keys for the next session. When the next session begins, these keys will be used to determine the validator's session keys.HDisabledValidators Indices of disabled validators.= The vec is always kept sorted so that we can find whether a given validator is= disabled using binary search. It gets cleared when `on_session_ending` returnsd a new set of identities. NextKeys The next session keys for a validator. KeyOwner  The owner of a key. The key is the `KeyTypeId` + the encoded key.  GrandpaGrandpaState State of the current authority set.4PendingChange Pending change: (signaled at, scheduled change).(NextForced next block number where we can force a change.Stalledx `true` if we are currently stalled.0CurrentSetId( ] The number of changes (both in terms of keys and underlying economic responsibilities) in the "set" of Grandpa validators from genesis.0SetIdSession(Y A mapping from grandpa set ID to the index of the *most recent* session for which itsh members were responsible. TWOX-NOTE: `SetId` is not under user control.8MaxAuthorities\ Max Authorities in use ImOnline ImOnline8HeartbeatAfter, The block number after which it's ok to send heartbeats in the current$ session.% At the beginning of each session we set this to a value that should fall5 roughly in the middle of the session duration. The idea is to first wait for the validators to produce a block in the current session, so that the heartbeat later on will not be necessary.9 This value will only be used as a fallback if we fail to get a proper session- progress estimate from `NextSessionRotation`, as those estimates should be more accurate then the value we calculate for `HeartbeatAfter`.Keys! The current set of keys that may issue a heartbeat.HReceivedHeartbeatsx)= For each session index, we keep a mapping of `SessionIndex` and `AuthIndex` to `WrapperOpaque`.8AuthoredBlocks= For each session index, we keep a mapping of `ValidatorId` to the number of blocks authored by the given authority.@UnsignedPriority(  A configuration for base priority of unsigned transactions. This is exposed so that it can be tuned for particular runtime, when multiple pallets send unsigned transactions.A HAuthorityDiscoveryHAuthorityDiscoveryKeysE Keys of the current authority set. NextKeysE Keys of the next authority set. StakingStaking8ValidatorCount The ideal number of staking participants.TMinimumValidatorCountA Minimum number of staking participants before emergency conditions are imposed.4Invulnerables Y Any validators that may never be slashed or forcibly kicked. It's a Vec since they'reM easy to initialize and the performance hit is minimal (we expect no more than four invulnerables) and restricted to testnets.Bonded Map from all locked "stash" accounts to the controller account.@MinNominatorBond@! The minimum active bond to become and maintain the role of a nominator.@MinValidatorBond@! The minimum active bond to become and maintain the role of a validator.4MinCommission The minimum amount of commission that validators can set. If set to `0`, no limit exists.LedgerME Map from all (unlocked) "controller" accounts to the info regarding the staking.Payee Where the reward payment should be made. Keyed by stash.(ValidatorsE The map from (wannabe) validator stash key to the preferences of that validator.PCounterForValidatorsCounter for the related counted storage mapHMaxValidatorsCount 1 The maximum validator count before we stop allowing new validators to join. When this value is not set, no limits are enforced.(Nominatorsa@u The map from nominator stash key to their nomination preferences, namely the validators thatX they wish to support.9 Note that the keys of this storage map might become non-decodable in case them [`Config::MaxNominations`] configuration is decreased. In this rare case, these nominatorse are still existent in storage, their key is correct and retrievable (i.e. `contains_key`q indicates that they exist), but their value cannot be decoded. Therefore, the non-decodablem nominators will effectively not-exist, until they re-submit their preferences such that it is within the bounds of the newly set `Config::MaxNominations`.a This implies that `::iter_keys().count()` and `::iter().count()` might return differentm values for this map. Moreover, the main `::count()` is aligned with the former, namely thel number of keys that exist.m Lastly, if any of the nominators become non-decodable, they can be chilled immediately via [`Call::chill_other`] dispatchable by anyone.PCounterForNominatorsCounter for the related counted storage mapHMaxNominatorsCount 1 The maximum nominator count before we stop allowing new validators to join. When this value is not set, no limits are enforced.(CurrentEra\ The current era index.e This is the latest planned era, depending on how the Session pallet queues the validator set, it might be active or not.$ActiveErai The active era information, it holds index and start.Y The active era is the era being currently rewarded. Validator set of this era must be equal to [`SessionInterface::validators`].TErasStartSessionIndex1 The session index at which the era start for the last `HISTORY_DEPTH` eras.a Note: This tracks the starting session (i.e. session index when era start being active) for the eras in `[CurrentEra - HISTORY_DEPTH, CurrentEra]`.,ErasStakers= x Exposure of validator at era.a This is keyed first by the era index to allow bulk deletion and then the stash account. Is it removed after `HISTORY_DEPTH` eras.A If stakers hasn't been set or has been removed then empty exposure is returned.HErasStakersClipped= , Clipped Exposure of validator at era.Y This is similar to [`ErasStakers`] but number of nominators exposed is reduced to the `T::MaxNominatorRewardedPerValidator` biggest stakers. (Note: the field `total` and `own` of the exposure remains unchanged). This is used to limit the i/o cost for the nominator payout.] This is keyed fist by the era index to allow bulk deletion and then the stash account. Is it removed after `HISTORY_DEPTH` eras.A If stakers hasn't been set or has been removed then empty exposure is returned.HErasValidatorPrefs= Similar to `ErasStakers`, this holds the preferences of validators.a This is keyed first by the era index to allow bulk deletion and then the stash account. Is it removed after `HISTORY_DEPTH` eras.LErasValidatorReward  The total validator era payout for the last `HISTORY_DEPTH` eras.! Eras that haven't finished yet or has been removed doesn't have reward.@ErasRewardPointsq Rewards for the last `HISTORY_DEPTH` eras.% If reward hasn't been set or has been removed then 0 reward is returned.8ErasTotalStake@ The total amount staked for the last `HISTORY_DEPTH` eras. If total hasn't been set or has been removed then 0 stake is returned. ForceEraT Mode of era forcing.LSlashRewardFraction The percentage of the slash that is distributed to reporters. The rest of the slashed value is handled by the `Slash`.LCanceledSlashPayout@ The amount of currency given to reporters of a slash event which was canceled by extraordinary circumstances (e.g. governance).@UnappliedSlashes All unapplied slashes that are queued for later.(BondedEras% A mapping from still-bonded eras to the first session index of that era. Must contains information for eras for the range: `[active_era - bounding_duration; active_era]`LValidatorSlashInEra=E All slashing events on validators, mapped by era to the highest slash proportionp and slash value of the era.LNominatorSlashInEra=a All slashing events on nominators, mapped by era to the highest slash value of the era.4SlashingSpans Slashing spans for stash accounts.$SpanSlash}= Records information about the maximum slash of a stash within a slashing span, as well as how much reward has been paid out.TCurrentPlannedSession The last planned session scheduled by the session pallet.q This is basically in sync with the call to [`pallet_session::SessionManager::new_session`].LOffendingValidators$i Indices of validators that have offended in the active era and whether they are currently( disabled.i This value should be a superset of disabled validators since not all offences lead to theq validator being disabled (if there was no slash). This is needed to track the percentage ofI validators that have offended in the current era, ensuring a new era is forced ifu `OffendingValidatorsThreshold` is reached. The vec is always kept sorted so that we can findq whether a given validator has previously offended using binary search. It gets cleared when8 the era ends.8StorageVersion  True if network has been upgraded to this version.| Storage version of the pallet. This is set to v7.0.0 for new networks.8ChillThreshold Q The threshold for when users can start calling `chill_other` for other validators /Y nominators. The threshold is compared to the actual number of validators / nominators) (`CountFor*`) in the system compared to the configured max (`Max*Count`).8MaxNominations Maximum number of nominations per nominator.0HistoryDepthTP Number of eras to keep in history. Following information is kept for eras in `[current_era -  HistoryDepth, current_era]`: `ErasStakers`, `ErasStakersClipped`, `ErasValidatorPrefs`, `ErasValidatorReward`, `ErasRewardPoints`, `ErasTotalStake`, `ErasStartSessionIndex`, `StakingLedger.claimed_rewards`. Must be more than the number of eras delayed by session. I.e. active era must always be in history. I.e. `active_era > current_era - history_depth` must be guaranteed. If migrating an existing pallet from storage value to config value, this should be set to same value or greater as in storage. Note: `HistoryDepth` is used as the upper bound for the `BoundedVec` item `StakingLedger.claimed_rewards`. Setting this value lower than the existing value can lead to inconsistencies in the `StakingLedger` and will need to be handled properly in a migration. The test `reducing_history_depth_abrupt` shows this effect.8SessionsPerErap Number of sessions per era.` is bounded on this value. If you update this value during an election, you _must_ ensure thatM `SignedSubmissionIndices.len()` is less than or equal to the new value. Otherwise, attempts to submit new solutions may cause a runtime panic.Wvs!g3y>Fx[ VqD7m43^jgǥE2@ # Yi5PVYG$NgEQ秘M2[/mbX 2hʥQ8HpryIs@/158=:*G:6f- :y~#qK ܮz u+g# dOv 6 vs xe_+  Rſ qp ~we2i2\3B?z+`кb 7ld\kI&"A[$\#=[wyD 0J"nr$IJ&+)RJ+6e.Pm1 '47M6~W;Km?}FC}r`>G4$5Kԋ{zPн [UFxZ`8Sf#mms(>YvH{zBB(Fca*NP=J0Qᱱ8ۼ RxD8$Up5_5\5h]$k6xb~P!`RП}3f,XF'L3@W[Kw)q0-ZvZY+4@1t_X /lY@yR`u`})5`陦 Y~%uugL )2/ Rk Ubʣ˜V\@]1~9nQqJ$/p|V#@oiR9pFl@P$x3*DžLpթ댋IXӈ BT," Qp& ^r Ny* d# m8  W jd[`cvj w`=f;>-AXFۭEX\*!@ @}mF"ޥ[n$&"oc&)d>+{.,_g1c24?7GP;B*<< ?,$!/ CBԶ5GnפK"w>pP }}UcZL~T` bfIm*zps:x9{8aSrd1Hɳd阽;߯F ļX}ܠ8э7;0[pJ The list of thresholds separating the various bags.I Ids are separated into unsorted bags according to their score. This specifies thea thresholds separating the bags. An id's bag is the largest bag for which the id's score is less than or equal to its upper threshold.e When ids are iterated, higher bags are iterated completely before lower bags. This meansY that iteration is _semi-sorted_: ids of higher score tend to come before ids of lower- score, but peer ids within a particular bag are sorted in insertion order.h # Expressing the constantM This constant must be sorted in strictly increasing order. Duplicate items are not, permitted.A There is an implied upper limit of `Score::MAX`; that value does not need to be! specified within the bag. For any two threshold lists, if one ends with1 `Score::MAX`, the other one does not, and they are otherwise equal, the two| lists will behave identically.8 # CalculationU It is recommended to generate the set of thresholds in a geometric series, such thatA there exists some constant ratio such that `threshold[k + 1] == (threshold[k] * constant_ratio).max(threshold[k] + 1)` for all `k`.Y The helpers in the `/utils/frame/generate-bags` module can simplify this calculation., # ExamplesQ - If `BagThresholds::get().is_empty()`, then all ids are put into the same bag, and iteration is strictly in insertion order.a - If `BagThresholds::get().len() == 64`, and the thresholds are determined according to the procedure given above, then the constant ratio is equal to 2.e - If `BagThresholds::get().len() == 200`, and the thresholds are determined according toY the procedure given above, then the constant ratio is approximately equal to 1.248.a - If the threshold list begins `[1, 2, 3, ...]`, then an id with score 0 or 1 will fall into bag 0, an id with score 2 will fall into bag 1, etc.0 # Migrationa In the event that this list ever changes, a copy of the old bags list must be retained.] With that `List::migrate` can be called, which will perform the appropriate migration.CouncilCouncil$Proposals The hashes of the active proposals.(ProposalOf,A Actual proposal for a given hash, if it's current.Voting, Votes on a given proposal, if it is ongoing.4ProposalCountH Proposals so far.Members9 The current members of the collective. This is stored sorted (just by value).Primee The prime member that helps determine the default vote behavior in case of absentations.]@PhragmenElection@PhragmenElectionMembers t The current elected members. Invariant: Always sorted based on account id.$RunnersUp The current reserved runners-up.Y Invariant: Always sorted based on rank (worse to best). Upon removal of a member, the last (i.e. _best_) runner-up will be replaced.(Candidates Y The present candidate list. A current member or runner-up can never enter this vector and is always implicitly assumed to be a candidate.| Second element is the deposit. Invariant: Always sorted based on account id.8ElectionRoundsA The total number of vote rounds that have happened, excluding the upcoming one.Voting  Votes and locked stake of a particular voter. TWOX-NOTE: SAFE as `AccountId` is a crypto hash.i $ PalletId% phrelect Identifier for the elections-phragmen pallet's lock4CandidacyBond@d  How much should be locked up in order to submit one's candidacy.8VotingBondBase@  Base deposit associated with voting.U This should be sensibly high to economically ensure the pallet cannot be attacked by creating a gigantic number of votes.@VotingBondFactor@1 The amount of bond that need to be locked for each vote (32 bytes).8DesiredMembersp Number of members to elect.@DesiredRunnersUpx Number of runners_up to keep.0TermDuration Q How long each seat is kept. This defines the next block number at which an election] round will happen. If set to zero, no elections are ever triggered and the module willP be in passive mode.4MaxCandidates The maximum number of candidates in a phragmen election. Warning: The election happens onchain, and this value will determine the size of the election. When this limit is reached no more candidates are accepted in the election.$MaxVoters' The maximum number of voters to allow in a phragmen election. Warning: This impacts the size of the election which is run onchain. When the limit is reached the new voters are ignored.$Democracy$Democracy4