# Terra Rust CLI A command line helper for Terra-Rust most things need the same kind of arguments out of terra. So I put them in a library. # Help ? There is a [CLI](https://github.com/pfc-validator/terra-rust) that uses this, which may be helpful. We have also setup a [Discord](https://discord.gg/zKVWs4HhJD) channel to discuss this, and other PFC things If you think this was useful, feel free to delegate to the [PFC](https://station.terra.money/validator/terravaloper12g4nkvsjjnl0t7fvq3hdcw7y8dc9fq69nyeu9q) validator. It will help defray the costs. [PFC](https://twitter.com/PFC_Validator) - Terra/Luna is Pretty Freaking Cool right... feel free to drop me a line