# tir Tessellation In Rust. ![tessellations-minifb.png](https://github.com/dcrasch/tir/blob/master/tessellations-minifb.png?raw=true) ## Example ### Generate image ``` cargo run --example squarepng ``` The output in out.png is a tiling of a square. And plane.svg is the tiling of a square using the svg document format. ### Tessellations Pixels editor Tiling editor written in rust using pixels framework. Code: https://github.com/dcrasch/tir/tree/master/tir ### Web based editor Tiling editor written in rust using the web-sys wasm framework. Code: https://github.com/dcrasch/tir/tree/master/tir-web Live version: https://dcrasch.github.io/tir/ ## License This code is distributed under a GPL v3 style license, see the LICENSE file for complete information. ## Copyright Tessellation in Rust Copyright (c) 2022 David Rasch